SHHREB slams Southwark

16 01 2010

Southwark has always attracted (and encouraged) the wrong characters and organisations.  With such a diverse crowd to please it can be a juggling act to satisfy one without offending the other so I truly understand the difficulties our local councillors face on a daily basis.  Yet time and again they show themselves to be out-of-touch with reality, incompetent or just too darn corrupt.

The Council ended the partnership with (thus funding) the Southwark Human Rights, Race and Equalities Bureau (SHRREB), who now accuse council of not “reporting on progress” trivia to divert attention from the scam it was (still is).  So many of those race relation industry watch-dog, voice-of-the-community, lovey-dovey touchy-feely feel-good groups, doubt Peckham will miss them.  These parasitic ‘groups’ just love to meddle in the private affairs of individuals, making them public issues of paramount concern that need indefinite funding for ‘promotions’ and ‘projects’ and ‘education’.


Oliver Pugh, Southwark News, 15 January 2010

(unedited) An axed race and equality watchdog has lashed out at its former paymaster Southwark Council, saying it has failed to deliver equal opportunity to the borough.

The allegations come just two weeks after it was accused of the very same failings by the council and given the chop.

Last week the ‘News’ reported the sacking of the community group, Southwark Human Rights, Race and Equalities Bureau (SHRREB), after a fourteen-year partnership with the council.

The authority said after “a number of years” of providing extra help, SHRREB had failed to deliver on its promises to promote racial equality and human rights.

But the new chairman of SHRREB, Colin Hunte, denied there had been longstanding problems and said the council had made a mistake.

“Unfortunately, for the past two years SHRREB has had organisational problems, but this did not stop us delivering a programme of work to fight racial discrimination, and promote human rights, and equality of opportunity in the borough.”

“It’s easy to pick on us as the council has done, but the new Council of Management of SHRREB will remain intact, regardless of funding, to keep a Race Equality and Human Rights watch on the council. We consider that the council is not delivering on equality of opportunity issues and feel an independent organisation, like SHRREB, must now subject them to pressure for change.”

He added: “Local people should know that Southwark Council is not reporting on equality progress, as it must by law. To continue to do nothing about equality and human rights locally would lead to community outrage.”

Southwark Council’s executive member for citizenship, equalities and communities, Cllr Adele Morris, said: “The council takes all its equalities and human rights duties seriously and will continue to promote good community relations. But SHRREB was not delivering the services communities need, so it was clear the time had come to draw the line and look for alternative ways to provide this vital service.

“I understand SHRREB is disappointed at this decision, but I am determined that Southwark Council will continue to have an equalities and human rights watchdog and I look forward to working with the various communities to achieve this as quickly as possible.”

With such lovely sounding words such as ‘Human’, ‘Rights’ and ‘Equality’, how could I be offended?  Once you see that they primary look after those who seek asylum here, I can.  Another diversity promoter.  How is importing more runaways ‘good’ in any sense of the word for community cohesion?  Have we not got enough diversity in Southwark yet?  My very own Peckham only contains 25% White British, isn’t this equal enough?  What about my tribes’ Human Rights as indigenous peoples?

At least the Native Americans got beads for their land, our Government coerce us stuck-at-home Britons to pay for the immigrant invasion!  SHHREB being just another front for Public money to ‘divesify’ Britain.

Just another reason for Operation White Vote.

If block-voting is condoned by the Three Stooges, thus continuing this diversification, surely they cannot oppose us Britons who object to such a transformation taking place, from doing the same?