BNP | Inward Struggles

31 08 2010

The following is my own thoughts so feel free to take it with a healthy pinch of salt.

While Britain burns, the BNP decides to show everyone their dirty washing.  I won’t go into the details for I can’t even Adam and Eve the antics suggested.  All I will say on the bother is…

For all the progress made, it seems that the Leadership contest has turned into a One Man Show, members are resigning/expelled (depending on source) along with alleged scenes involving X-rated action.

The breakdown is probably due to a whole host of factors.  One could be that with the British National Party hierarchy wanting to become a Political Force, they have actually morphed into a mini-version of the opposing Main Political Parties, and what I mean by that, is never trusting their members.  Another could be those who believe they deserve more and have been overlooked, jealously is a bitch and I know that from personal experience.

I fear the only way forward for the British National Party is a complete reshape of the organisation.  And that is what it should be, an organisation, not some political pawn party available to the highest bidder.

Instead of trying to control a vast machine, organise it to be self-sufficient little cells independent of eachother.  Sure there is a chance of infiltration but so long as some form of ‘Standardisation’ is agreed, those that deviant can be looked upon as a cell instead of representing the whole body.

All forms of discriminatory behaviour should be kept to a minimum, white, black or martian, so long as the individual supports the central theme of British Nationalism, which is freedom from tyranny and a return to the checks and balances that once kept our power cartels in check.

Main reason I’ve never joined any political wing is the demand for obedience to certain individuals, be them money men or whips, thereby negating your very presence in every event.  Done with the best intentions but so easily corrupted when idols are promoted, for the message becomes secondary to the man, and whereas men are mortal, ideas can transcend mere time.

So, to my compatriots in the British National Party and also the many other Nationalist causes, yes, even the outright supremacy ones, refine the message, not the men.  This is not to say that the messengers are not important and should turn up in trrackies and trainers, but the message and not the man is more important.

Also, a little take on the current governmental quango-inspired witch trial threatened by Her Royal Majesty’s Equality and Human Rights Commission.  Considering that bankruptcy could be the result of this political persecution along with possible jail-time for the Chairman, this could provide the perfect opportunity for regrouping and catapulting the BNP into political stardom.  “How is that possible?” I hear you murmur.

Well, worse case scenario is that the EHRC wins the case outright, bankrupting the party and jailing Nick Griffin.

This means that a fresh new approach can be taken.  Nationalists then form the British Nationalist Party, a loose-fitting organisation with set principles of promoting UK Nationalist interests, such as leaving the EUSSR and an English Parliament to equalize the Home Nations to name but two.

Next, considering that locking up people for their political beliefs on the grounds of a mickey-mouse law is something the Communist Party of China are fond of, Mr Nick Griffin could become a living martyr.  Simply put, this would be a classic case of political persecution that could be appealed to the highest courts in the world, just imagine the bad publicity the British Government would receive over this.

Perhaps then there won’t be no need for a violent ANC/IRA inspired campaign of terror to ascertain Our Birthrights.



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