HMP Prison | 5-Star Accomadation?

2 09 2010

A rehash of a previous posting from the beginning of the year, although altered to hopefully spruce up the Nationalist spirit ahead of the legal challenge ahead.

With the slight prospect of Her Majesty’s Prisons accommodating a few more Patriots, thought it best for them to scope at the following Prison.

Okay, Prison is Prison but if you have to go, demand the best.  We ain’t China in that respects thankfully.

Sadly I cannot for the life of me find the name and location, but I’m sure the legal team will be more than capable of finding that out.

No matter what they do to the messenger, the message is crystal clear;

We are no longer a Nation built on the rule of law, we are just an EU province oppressed by it as evidence from this written answer received from the Eurocrats:

19 May 2010

Joint answer given by Ms Vassiliou on behalf of the Commission

Written questions : E-2055/10 , E-2056/10

The Commission intends neither to impose cultural models on Member States nor to dilute national identities. On the contrary, as laid down in the Treaty, the Union contributes to the flowering of the cultures of the Member States, while respecting their national and regional diversity. It is in this perspective that the European Commission was instrumental in the adoption of the Unesco Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in 2005. The Convention reaffirms the sovereign right of its parties to formulate and implement their cultural policies and to adopt measures to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions.

See how much room that leaves for interpretation?  Bet the lawyers drool over these multifaceted goals.

Lawfare | The wolves at the door

1 09 2010

The Top Dogs at the BNP should start taking law courses considering the amount of time they have to pay for a poxy defence.  And it must be a poxy defence for this should have been fought, and won, eons ago.  For the love of God, these are mickey-mouse laws that were brought in causing these mickey-mouse charges, and to top it all off, was instigated by a mickey-mouse quango.  Well, you see we’re already on a par with frikking Walt Disney!

Whether you disagree with the Nationalist ideals completely holding a deep belief that all cultures, creeds and people’s are equal in every shade and shape, the ongoing battle against the British National Party is an abuse of the Rule of Law.

Considering that it is quite alright for organisations to actively fight for one side of the argument, damn, even get taxpayer-financed, hence government-approved help, yet the opposing side of the argument is deemed inappropriate at best, persecuted at worst.

British Refugee Council, Operation Black Vote, Alcohol Concern and that anti-smoking one ASH.  All paid for out of your money who then prance around pretending they actually give a shit, or worse, doing a good job increasing the numbers of passport-seekers, racial gerrymandering, arguing for more taxation while one organisation is just waiting for the green light for a bonfire to end the smokers plight.

Yet if you dare say you wish to speak for the English, Scots, Irish and Welsh, you are to feel the full force of the law on you.

Click image to enlarge

Those facing the judge should proclaim their English Common Law Rights and state that this is an abuse of power.  The Almighty and All Powerful State trying to dictate the rules of an organisation.  First it was the membership that wanted changed, now they wish to change the wording of the constitution (sic)!  Where will it end?

Of course, I’m frothing at the mouth with what the lost of our once great system of Checks and Balances.  Sure it wasn’t perfect then but at least people rose up the ranks whereas now, it’s about bringing everything down to the lowest possible denominator.  Nowadays, our polichickens could get caught badgering a sheep and keep their job.  No standards whatsoever.

And if the Rich and Famous misbehave, given the herd mentality of people on the whole, is it any wonder our world is so contradictory?

My only experience of Johnny Law is running away from it so perhaps I am not the best person in the world to offer legal advice, although one golden rule is always seek a trial by jury.  Especially when faced with such bogus charges.

Surely a simple explanation the precedent this would set for EVERYONE would be enough to find you not guilty on all charges.

And play your cards right and it could open the door for a counter-claim against Her Majesty’s Government’s anti-British quango with the ironic name of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

If worse comes to the worse, can I suggest legging it and claiming EU-loony law immunity?

Also, if you haven’t yet, you have got to find out how much this has cost the EHRC.  Remember, it is the taxpayer’s creditcard being used.  Surely in these times of ‘tgihtening our belts’, spending X amount of £££ on a pointless persucution, mmm…

Good luck BNP and get back to winning hearts and minds (keeping em too would be nice too)

BNP | Inward Struggles

31 08 2010

The following is my own thoughts so feel free to take it with a healthy pinch of salt.

While Britain burns, the BNP decides to show everyone their dirty washing.  I won’t go into the details for I can’t even Adam and Eve the antics suggested.  All I will say on the bother is…

For all the progress made, it seems that the Leadership contest has turned into a One Man Show, members are resigning/expelled (depending on source) along with alleged scenes involving X-rated action.

The breakdown is probably due to a whole host of factors.  One could be that with the British National Party hierarchy wanting to become a Political Force, they have actually morphed into a mini-version of the opposing Main Political Parties, and what I mean by that, is never trusting their members.  Another could be those who believe they deserve more and have been overlooked, jealously is a bitch and I know that from personal experience.

I fear the only way forward for the British National Party is a complete reshape of the organisation.  And that is what it should be, an organisation, not some political pawn party available to the highest bidder.

Instead of trying to control a vast machine, organise it to be self-sufficient little cells independent of eachother.  Sure there is a chance of infiltration but so long as some form of ‘Standardisation’ is agreed, those that deviant can be looked upon as a cell instead of representing the whole body.

All forms of discriminatory behaviour should be kept to a minimum, white, black or martian, so long as the individual supports the central theme of British Nationalism, which is freedom from tyranny and a return to the checks and balances that once kept our power cartels in check.

Main reason I’ve never joined any political wing is the demand for obedience to certain individuals, be them money men or whips, thereby negating your very presence in every event.  Done with the best intentions but so easily corrupted when idols are promoted, for the message becomes secondary to the man, and whereas men are mortal, ideas can transcend mere time.

So, to my compatriots in the British National Party and also the many other Nationalist causes, yes, even the outright supremacy ones, refine the message, not the men.  This is not to say that the messengers are not important and should turn up in trrackies and trainers, but the message and not the man is more important.

Also, a little take on the current governmental quango-inspired witch trial threatened by Her Royal Majesty’s Equality and Human Rights Commission.  Considering that bankruptcy could be the result of this political persecution along with possible jail-time for the Chairman, this could provide the perfect opportunity for regrouping and catapulting the BNP into political stardom.  “How is that possible?” I hear you murmur.

Well, worse case scenario is that the EHRC wins the case outright, bankrupting the party and jailing Nick Griffin.

This means that a fresh new approach can be taken.  Nationalists then form the British Nationalist Party, a loose-fitting organisation with set principles of promoting UK Nationalist interests, such as leaving the EUSSR and an English Parliament to equalize the Home Nations to name but two.

Next, considering that locking up people for their political beliefs on the grounds of a mickey-mouse law is something the Communist Party of China are fond of, Mr Nick Griffin could become a living martyr.  Simply put, this would be a classic case of political persecution that could be appealed to the highest courts in the world, just imagine the bad publicity the British Government would receive over this.

Perhaps then there won’t be no need for a violent ANC/IRA inspired campaign of terror to ascertain Our Birthrights.