Straw Jack | Trees and Acorns

9 01 2011

Mr Straw is coming into some flack due to his utterance that Pakistanis see white infidels as easy-meat.  The Meeja are determined to muddy the waters and refuse to see the main fault.

It is the constant and willing collusion between those who proclaim themselves defenders of the truth.  The Government, the Police, the Media, even Charities were in on the act.

If they are willing to mislead us on these important issues, how on Earth can we even begin to trust them on the small issues.

Multiculturalism and the fragmentation of society into large semiautonomous groups have reverted Britain back to the tribal mentality that Pax Britannia had once stemmed.

Each new tribe has a new rulebook, each has their own outlook and it was inevitable that after being allowed to abuse British hospitality in other areas, it was only a matter of time before they pushed into other abominations.

When do we say enough?  Do we wait until we begin to experience what Congo does?  If that is too far from you, have a gander at Norway.  Should we wait until that then?

Jack Straw is from a family of  arseholes.  From his perverted brother to his dopey son, the man is a charlatan.  Slagging off the English one minute, slagging of the Joey’s next, the man has no loyalty except to his controllers.

And people vote for this shite?  They must have had a right old chuckle when they gave the plebs the vote.

Leftarded Fallout | They cannot make up their mind

9 01 2011

With the media circus that has flared up around the issue of certain sections of society preying on defenceless children, the Left do not know where to look.  As Rod Liddle points out…

A bizarre report on the Asian child abuse court case on the BBC last night, which spent most of its time attempting to exonerate the Pakistani community as a whole, including clips of Pakistanis saying “actually, we probably shouldn’t abuse kiddies” and a white child abuse campaigner saying hey, look, it’s not Pakistanis who are the problem, etc etc.

This was broadcasting as a form of crowd control; undiluted propaganda. The fact is that some Pakistani men think it perfectly ok to abuse white girls and there are still gangs out there right now doing so. When Nick Griffin mentioned this fact, many years ago, they tried to prosecute him. When Radio Five covered the story five years ago they were eviscerated for it.

The praise the Left give towards Wikileaks verges on Sainthood, yet God damn those who expose any non-approved fact.  The indignation they display to the public to counter distasteful information stresses the concept of Controlled Media.  All this fallout amongst them shows just how vain and contradictory their ideals are.  And so, they are lashing out at anyone who might try to make political capital out of it, be racist, even the beloved Stooge of Labour, Straw Jack!

Most telling though is the one man you’d think the Controlled Media would be trying to hose down would be Nick Griffin, currently lending a hand to Derek Adams campaign in Oldham.  Instead, we have his views regurgitated, twisted and manipulated by those apologists and appeasers.

A recap of what has so upset the meeja darlings from the spectrum I’ve found are running with; Former home secretary says gangs of Pakistani men see young white girls as ‘easy meat’ (Independent);  Jack Straw, the former home secretary, has sparked a fierce row over his claim that some British Pakistani men regard white girls as “easy meat” for sexual abuse (Telegraph);  Labour MP Vaz says it is wrong for former home secretary to stereotype entire community over sexual assault case (GulfNews)

This is where I despair at all the criminologists.  The majority of crime victims, no matter what the crime, be it robbery or rape, are usually chosen for their perceived weakness and wrongs.  And the ones doing the choosing are by a large, opportunistic degenerates whose only resemblance to bravery happens when in a gang (or getting the Police or Armed Services to do it).

However, with rape and other sexual offences, it doesn’t help if the Koran advocates treating non-believers as fair-game.  Nor does if help with the constant promoted degradation of women by the Satanic Gods in the Meeja Industry (From Hollywood to Fleet Street).

It would be wrong to isolate this as an immigrant problem, yet the biggest immigration problem is that whenever they have a problem, it’ll be oppressive to point it out.

See where I’m going.  The problem is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS in a MULTICULTURAL environment.

They keep going around and around in circles asking is this the result of one thing when it is a combination of many aided by Cultural Marxism disguised as Political Correctness.

(((Click image to enlarge)))

Never forget what Harriet supports!

Never forget what Hodge was head of!

The enemy is not outside the gates no more.  They were imported here by the Enemy to divide us, making it easier to destroy Our Heritage and replace it with a New World Perversion.

Just say NO!

Lawfare | Queer Laws and Consequences

7 12 2010

Isn’t it enough for queers to not have to go jail anymore???  Where will the equality stop???  Will the Pink Lobby not rest until everyone has had at least half a dozen perverted experiences???

From the Daily Wail comes a familiar tale.  State-recognised minority group offended by State-recognised majority group, offence is caused and so the offenders must pay.

Two queers book a hotel room.

On arrival, they are refused service due to their religious sensibilities.

Queers offended, call in the police and, presumably, want the couple arrested and persucuted for having the gall to offend them.

No crime was committed though and so it is referred to as a civil matter.

Not wanting the matter to rest, the queer couple decide they want recompense, and with the Equality and Human Rights Commission financing their bid, hence the Government with Our Purse, come hell or high water, will get it.

Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Bull’s legal team will be financed by the Christian Institute, an organisation that I’m sure wouldn’t be eligible for Government nor Lottery handouts, considering it supports Christians.

Lawfare, doncha you love it?  How lawyers and barristers slave away for years in the Law Society crafting complex documents which can be interpreted more ways than an Iraqi Koran, documents that are made law by Old Pals in that other institution, Parliament.

’This case is about liberty of conscience. This guesthouse is Mr and Mrs Bull’s own home.

‘They have rights too, and they should not be forced to act against their sincerely held religious beliefs under their own roof.

‘Their guesthouse is not the only one in Cornwall, there is plenty of room for diversity of opinion.

‘This Christian couple are being put on trial for their beliefs. Equality laws are being used as a sword rather than a shield.’

Mike Judge, Christian Institute


HMP Prison | 5-Star Accomadation?

2 09 2010

A rehash of a previous posting from the beginning of the year, although altered to hopefully spruce up the Nationalist spirit ahead of the legal challenge ahead.

With the slight prospect of Her Majesty’s Prisons accommodating a few more Patriots, thought it best for them to scope at the following Prison.

Okay, Prison is Prison but if you have to go, demand the best.  We ain’t China in that respects thankfully.

Sadly I cannot for the life of me find the name and location, but I’m sure the legal team will be more than capable of finding that out.

No matter what they do to the messenger, the message is crystal clear;

We are no longer a Nation built on the rule of law, we are just an EU province oppressed by it as evidence from this written answer received from the Eurocrats:

19 May 2010

Joint answer given by Ms Vassiliou on behalf of the Commission

Written questions : E-2055/10 , E-2056/10

The Commission intends neither to impose cultural models on Member States nor to dilute national identities. On the contrary, as laid down in the Treaty, the Union contributes to the flowering of the cultures of the Member States, while respecting their national and regional diversity. It is in this perspective that the European Commission was instrumental in the adoption of the Unesco Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in 2005. The Convention reaffirms the sovereign right of its parties to formulate and implement their cultural policies and to adopt measures to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions.

See how much room that leaves for interpretation?  Bet the lawyers drool over these multifaceted goals.

Lawfare | The wolves at the door

1 09 2010

The Top Dogs at the BNP should start taking law courses considering the amount of time they have to pay for a poxy defence.  And it must be a poxy defence for this should have been fought, and won, eons ago.  For the love of God, these are mickey-mouse laws that were brought in causing these mickey-mouse charges, and to top it all off, was instigated by a mickey-mouse quango.  Well, you see we’re already on a par with frikking Walt Disney!

Whether you disagree with the Nationalist ideals completely holding a deep belief that all cultures, creeds and people’s are equal in every shade and shape, the ongoing battle against the British National Party is an abuse of the Rule of Law.

Considering that it is quite alright for organisations to actively fight for one side of the argument, damn, even get taxpayer-financed, hence government-approved help, yet the opposing side of the argument is deemed inappropriate at best, persecuted at worst.

British Refugee Council, Operation Black Vote, Alcohol Concern and that anti-smoking one ASH.  All paid for out of your money who then prance around pretending they actually give a shit, or worse, doing a good job increasing the numbers of passport-seekers, racial gerrymandering, arguing for more taxation while one organisation is just waiting for the green light for a bonfire to end the smokers plight.

Yet if you dare say you wish to speak for the English, Scots, Irish and Welsh, you are to feel the full force of the law on you.

Click image to enlarge

Those facing the judge should proclaim their English Common Law Rights and state that this is an abuse of power.  The Almighty and All Powerful State trying to dictate the rules of an organisation.  First it was the membership that wanted changed, now they wish to change the wording of the constitution (sic)!  Where will it end?

Of course, I’m frothing at the mouth with what the lost of our once great system of Checks and Balances.  Sure it wasn’t perfect then but at least people rose up the ranks whereas now, it’s about bringing everything down to the lowest possible denominator.  Nowadays, our polichickens could get caught badgering a sheep and keep their job.  No standards whatsoever.

And if the Rich and Famous misbehave, given the herd mentality of people on the whole, is it any wonder our world is so contradictory?

My only experience of Johnny Law is running away from it so perhaps I am not the best person in the world to offer legal advice, although one golden rule is always seek a trial by jury.  Especially when faced with such bogus charges.

Surely a simple explanation the precedent this would set for EVERYONE would be enough to find you not guilty on all charges.

And play your cards right and it could open the door for a counter-claim against Her Majesty’s Government’s anti-British quango with the ironic name of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

If worse comes to the worse, can I suggest legging it and claiming EU-loony law immunity?

Also, if you haven’t yet, you have got to find out how much this has cost the EHRC.  Remember, it is the taxpayer’s creditcard being used.  Surely in these times of ‘tgihtening our belts’, spending X amount of £££ on a pointless persucution, mmm…

Good luck BNP and get back to winning hearts and minds (keeping em too would be nice too)

BNP | No witch-burning tonight

25 05 2010

The Enemy of the State has been cleared by a panel of three of Thought-Crime, Hate-Crime with only a few reservations regarding his conduct.  Other than that, Mr Adam Walker is free to seek employment in the teaching field, bringing to an end the dubious political persecution of a British individual.

An ironic ‘Antifa‘ mong had this to say “It cannot be right that a teacher with such far-right views as Mr Walker is allowed to teach children in our schools – he must be stopped.”

Of course, safety in numbers for the anti-democratic mobs with the unions busing in ‘20 campaigners from UAF and teaching unions organised the protest yesterday after hearing the BNP would be there in support of Mr Walker.

So I take it is fine and dandy for fellow professioanl teachers in the leftarded unions to publically show their political hatred towards the BNP?

Further reading can be had at the following:

BNP teacher cleared of ‘racism’ – UK Press Association

Noisy rally outside teacher disciplinary hearing in Birmingham – Birmingham Mail

Adam Walker Case Thrown Out! – BNP Official Site

Now consider all the money wasted in pursuing Mr Walker.  There was no victim involved, a minor misdemeanor, probably worthy of a warning not to use school time or property.  That’s it.  Not this politically motivated persecution.  The people involved in pursuing this did so either out of pure spite at worst, for a ‘brownie point’ at best.

They didn’t consider the cost of replacing Mr Walker and they gave about as much thought to the disruption caused to the education of x amount of children.

Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination.  So much easier than education.

BNP | The witch trial begins

24 05 2010

Lovely NUJ-styled headline from the Telegraph regarding Adam Walker’s hate-crime trial at the General Teaching Council’s very own kangaroo court.  BNP teacher ‘described immigrants as filth’ is a blatant misrepresentation of the individuals’ view on NuBritons more worthy of appearing in the leftarded Guardian or Mirror.

Onwards with the most important bits though:

Bradley Albuery, GTC presenting officer, alleged that the postings demonstrated views suggestive of both racial and religious intolerance.

In one posting, Mr Walker claimed the BNP had risen in popularity because “they are the only party who are making a stand and are prepared to protect the rights of citizens against the savage animals New Labour and Bliar (sic) are filling our communities with”.

In another posting on the same day, Mr Walker wrote: “By following recent media coverage of illegal animals and how they are allowed to stay here despite committing heinous crimes, I am, to say the very least, disgusted.”

Another posting claimed that some immigrants hated people who were white and had western values.


Mr Albuery said: “This case is not about the BNP or whether teachers should be members of that lawful party.

“This case is about the actions and behaviour of a registered teacher, using a school property on school premises in school time.”

The defence on the other hand paint a very different picture.

The teacher, who worked at Houghton Kepier for more than six years, resigned after his head teacher asked IT staff to investigate his use of the internet.

In a statement read to the hearing, Mr Walker said that he had not communicated his political thoughts and beliefs to staff or pupils at the school.

“I have always sought to bring out the best in my pupils,” he said.

“I have certainly never discriminated against an individual on grounds of race, faith or sexuality. Part of why I became a teacher is to help people overcome social disadvantage and reach their full potential.”

Commenting on the content of his postings, Mr Walker said he had been influenced by media coverage of a female PC shot dead by two illegal immigrants and the murder of British hostage Ken Bigley in Iraq.

“Looking back now I feel that I was unduly influenced by the hostile climate the media created,” he said. “This led me to express intemperate views which lacked complexity and balance.

“I should have taken more time to think about the possible offence my words might have caused and I think I could have expressed myself more carefully and positively.

“I have never condemned all immigrants or asylum seekers. My comments relate to those I perceive as coming to our country and committing criminal offences or otherwise behaving badly.

“In many cases, I cut and pasted views from a variety of sources in order to provoke debate and these were not attributed.”

Fine and dandy for the schools to stage mock shootings yet a teacher takes five minutes out of his day to surf the internet, the full force of the GTC Thought-Cops will descend upon them.

I’ll think I’ll let the kids at St Paul’s & St Micheal’s school sing us out:

Now here are schools actively encouraging the children into supporting Dianne Abbott, wannabe leader of the Labour Party.

One rule for them, another for us.  Some equality that is.

Rebranding Britain | Rt Rev James Jones

22 05 2010

With the ConDem coalition speeding along at a rattling rate,the Telegraph are pulling out the big guns.  Liverpool’s very own bishop the Rt Rev James Jones is no stranger to the geo-political world, even managing a pray for God’s help against Climate Change:

The Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Rev James Jones said, “I urge all Christians to pray for the earthing of Heaven on this day of prayer. Each day I make my own prayer with these words, ‘Holy Jesus, Son of Man, come in glory and renew the face of the earth’.”

Still, this is not about the climate, although I must say, the bishop really is an appeaser with the following apology offered to the pink community:

“I deeply regret this episode in our common life. I still believe it was unwise to try to take us to a place that evidently did not command the broad support of the Church of England but I am sorry for the way I opposed it and I am sorry too for adding to the pain and distress of Dr John and his partner.”

He called for Anglicans to “acknowledge the authoritative biblical examples of love between two people of the same gender most notably in the relationship of Jesus and his beloved [John] and David and Jonathan”.

Today’s post is about how the Rt Rev Jones perceives Blighty and the future action we should take.  If you decide to click the following link, the photo is very multicultural and sets the tone for the whole article.  Not once is poor whitey mentioned, not once.  Always us who have to make the extra effort, always us who have to please.  Argh!

Rebuilding Britain: six pillars to strengthen our society

Telegraph, published: 4:03PM BST 20 May 2010

Our culture has its foundations in historic Christian values. We must respect them as we negotiate our future, says the Rt Rev James Jones

Rebuilding Britain rests on the six pillars of family, freedom, friendship, faith, fairness and the future of the earth. These are the columns that need strengthening if the edifice of our society is to withstand the winds of change. They have their foundations in the historic Christian values of our society. We are in danger of cutting ourselves adrift. And, as Lord Hailsham once warned, “cut flowers never produce seed or fruit”.


The failure of public policy on the family is that it has focused mainly on child poverty, when the biggest problem facing children is not economic hardship but emotional deprivation. This blights children of all classes. Many children are growing up in Britain today deprived of emotional and moral nurture.

We have created an economic culture in which both parents feel forced to work outside the home. We need to restructure the tax and benefits system in favour of those parents who take responsibility for the nurture of their children. This is not about bribing people to get married. It’s a matter of justice. A household where two people are earning and where there are no dependants ought to be taxed differently from a household of three, four or five where there is only one income and one of the parents has chosen to work in the home to nurture the children.

There are still areas of material poverty in Britain today. Some children are being brought up in areas of consolidated poverty. The present strategy of Children’s Centres and Sure Start programmes is helping but not reaching the most needy parents. We must learn from countries that use “conditional cash transfers” that bring some of the most hard-to-reach into programmes that help them to become more responsible parents. Graham Greene wrote: “There’s always a moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” The doorkeeper should be the parent, not the teacher or the social worker.


From its genesis, Christianity has championed the right to freedom of speech as a fundamental value. This human right is now threatened under a welter of legislation. Governments have a duty to strike a balance between national security and personal freedom. As with a spirit level, they need to get the air bubble in the middle, but many feel that it is tilting away from freedom.

So while I applaud the intention of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act to protect good relationships between faith communities, I fear it does the opposite. It plays into the hands of zealous converts and zealous officials wanting to assert themselves on the diversity agenda. Religion should not be singled out and protected. It exercises huge power which can easily be abused in relation to women and children. Religion should not be beyond criticism or even ridicule.


Future world stability depends on good relationships between the faith communities at both local and international levels. It’s why I agreed to become patron of restoring the oldest Islamic Prayer Room in Britain, which is in Liverpool. Despite some key doctrinal differences between Islam and Christianity, I accepted the invitation to help turn it into a cultural centre for British Islam because the second great commandment is to love your neighbour as yourself. We need to cultivate friendship between the faith communities to create a peaceful Britain. We cannot turn back the clock. With the right political and religious leadership we can develop a tolerant plural society.

There is no contradiction between emphasising the rightful place of faith communities and affirming the established role of the Church of England. Looking locally, the bishop often acts as the convenor of all the faith communities; the parish church provides the cohesion in rural and urban areas abandoned by banks, post offices, schools and pubs; the Anglican bishops offer continuity to civic leadership as mayors and others come and go; the Church celebrates our common life in sorrow and in joy at local and national level. The Church of England is too modest about its achievements!


Some public bodies try to marginalise Christianity as just one religion in a plural society. This is to fly in the face of our history and constitution. It also ignores the wishes of faith communities whose leaders value the Church’s role as defender of faith in the public realm.

What is it that makes us essentially British? It is our landscape, language, literature, learning, laws and liberty. These and our monarchy are our heritage. The genius of any civilisation is the way its heritage adapts to new insights and cultural influences. We need to recognise how – from our landscape, stone-studded with 13,000 churches and cathedrals, to our literature, infused with biblical imagery – this heritage has been shaped by the Christian faith. To forget this, either wilfully or by default, will produce a cultural amnesia that leaves us without a compass as we negotiate the future.


From William Wilberforce to William Gladstone to Keir Hardie, a moral sense of justice is one of the Christian insights that has shaped our political landscape. As the nation deals with debt both personal and national, which has never been greater in our nation’s history, we all know that the future will be painful economically. Political theories of justice have in the past concentrated on how to divide up the wealth. Now the challenge will be how to share the pain fairly. I fear for our society if the brunt is felt disproportionately by the poor.

The future of the earth

There is an African proverb: “We have borrowed the present from our children”. Adam Smith warned against profligacy. The earth is not a limitless larder, so we need a renewed sense of stewardship to shape our policies and our lifestyles. We cannot rebuild Britain without realising that how we live and treat the earth is inevitably an international issue. Our future is inextricably linked with the destiny of the planet.

It was Lady Thatcher who said that we are all but tenants with a full repairing lease on the earth. Although politicians are advised not to “do God”, I believe that democracy is in safer hands when political leaders have a sense of dual accountability to the electorate below and to the Creator above.

The Rt Rev James Jones is Bishop of Liverpool.

Comes with some handy stats though, a little out of date but pleasantly surprised to be reminded of the Jedi following.

Who we are and how we live:

UK population 61m

Projected (2031) 71m

Number of UK population born abroad 6.8m (11.3%)

Household composition

1 adult : 3.6m

2 adults: 5.2m

3 or more adults: 2.1m

1 adult with children: 1.4m

2 adults, 1 child: 1.8m

2 adults, 2 children: 2.1m

2 adults, 3 or more children: 0.8m

3 or more adults with children: 1m

Retired: 6.5m

(figures for 2006-07)

UK religions

Christian: 37m

None: 7.2m

Muslim: 1.5m

Hindu: 552,000

Jedi Knight: 390,000

Sikh: 329,000

Jewish: 260,000

(2001 Census)

Church attendance

Regularly (at least once a fortnight):

Men 13% Women 13%

Never or practically never:

Men 63% Women 52%

Single mother families with dependent children 1971 7% 2007 20%

Household debt as proportion of income

1998 105%

2008 169%

The longer we let the situation fester, the worse the solution will be.  The very reason behind the doctrines of diversity and multiculturalism aided by the mass importation of peoples is a deliberate attempt to gerrymander the Western World into accepting a Penal State.  The Establishment will make us scream for safety and when we do, and we will, the freedom-loving State will oblige.

And the deluded still believe we can all unite and hold hands, all 192 various cultures and the umpteen subcultures that accompany them with the additional dreams and nightmares on the 93,000 sq miles of land England possess?

It isn’t rocket science for Christ’s sake.