Straw Jack | Trees and Acorns

9 01 2011

Mr Straw is coming into some flack due to his utterance that Pakistanis see white infidels as easy-meat.  The Meeja are determined to muddy the waters and refuse to see the main fault.

It is the constant and willing collusion between those who proclaim themselves defenders of the truth.  The Government, the Police, the Media, even Charities were in on the act.

If they are willing to mislead us on these important issues, how on Earth can we even begin to trust them on the small issues.

Multiculturalism and the fragmentation of society into large semiautonomous groups have reverted Britain back to the tribal mentality that Pax Britannia had once stemmed.

Each new tribe has a new rulebook, each has their own outlook and it was inevitable that after being allowed to abuse British hospitality in other areas, it was only a matter of time before they pushed into other abominations.

When do we say enough?  Do we wait until we begin to experience what Congo does?  If that is too far from you, have a gander at Norway.  Should we wait until that then?

Jack Straw is from a family of  arseholes.  From his perverted brother to his dopey son, the man is a charlatan.  Slagging off the English one minute, slagging of the Joey’s next, the man has no loyalty except to his controllers.

And people vote for this shite?  They must have had a right old chuckle when they gave the plebs the vote.

Leftarded Fallout | They cannot make up their mind

9 01 2011

With the media circus that has flared up around the issue of certain sections of society preying on defenceless children, the Left do not know where to look.  As Rod Liddle points out…

A bizarre report on the Asian child abuse court case on the BBC last night, which spent most of its time attempting to exonerate the Pakistani community as a whole, including clips of Pakistanis saying “actually, we probably shouldn’t abuse kiddies” and a white child abuse campaigner saying hey, look, it’s not Pakistanis who are the problem, etc etc.

This was broadcasting as a form of crowd control; undiluted propaganda. The fact is that some Pakistani men think it perfectly ok to abuse white girls and there are still gangs out there right now doing so. When Nick Griffin mentioned this fact, many years ago, they tried to prosecute him. When Radio Five covered the story five years ago they were eviscerated for it.

The praise the Left give towards Wikileaks verges on Sainthood, yet God damn those who expose any non-approved fact.  The indignation they display to the public to counter distasteful information stresses the concept of Controlled Media.  All this fallout amongst them shows just how vain and contradictory their ideals are.  And so, they are lashing out at anyone who might try to make political capital out of it, be racist, even the beloved Stooge of Labour, Straw Jack!

Most telling though is the one man you’d think the Controlled Media would be trying to hose down would be Nick Griffin, currently lending a hand to Derek Adams campaign in Oldham.  Instead, we have his views regurgitated, twisted and manipulated by those apologists and appeasers.

A recap of what has so upset the meeja darlings from the spectrum I’ve found are running with; Former home secretary says gangs of Pakistani men see young white girls as ‘easy meat’ (Independent);  Jack Straw, the former home secretary, has sparked a fierce row over his claim that some British Pakistani men regard white girls as “easy meat” for sexual abuse (Telegraph);  Labour MP Vaz says it is wrong for former home secretary to stereotype entire community over sexual assault case (GulfNews)

This is where I despair at all the criminologists.  The majority of crime victims, no matter what the crime, be it robbery or rape, are usually chosen for their perceived weakness and wrongs.  And the ones doing the choosing are by a large, opportunistic degenerates whose only resemblance to bravery happens when in a gang (or getting the Police or Armed Services to do it).

However, with rape and other sexual offences, it doesn’t help if the Koran advocates treating non-believers as fair-game.  Nor does if help with the constant promoted degradation of women by the Satanic Gods in the Meeja Industry (From Hollywood to Fleet Street).

It would be wrong to isolate this as an immigrant problem, yet the biggest immigration problem is that whenever they have a problem, it’ll be oppressive to point it out.

See where I’m going.  The problem is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS in a MULTICULTURAL environment.

They keep going around and around in circles asking is this the result of one thing when it is a combination of many aided by Cultural Marxism disguised as Political Correctness.

(((Click image to enlarge)))

Never forget what Harriet supports!

Never forget what Hodge was head of!

The enemy is not outside the gates no more.  They were imported here by the Enemy to divide us, making it easier to destroy Our Heritage and replace it with a New World Perversion.

Just say NO!

Convict Chaytor | tip of the iceberg

8 01 2011

WARNING This is a long read.  If it takes you half as long to read as it did for me to write it, I can only apologise in advance.  To make up for it, see a showcase of the most offensive cartoon ever created HERE

A sentence of 18 months.  Meaning he’ll be out in 9 months.  Probably only spend 2 months in a naughty prison then the rest stuck to Ian Huntley.  Best we can hope for now is when he is released, he’ll need to get expensive reconstructive anal surgery.

I still feel he got off lightly.  All that pussyfooting around, bending the law, trying to surpass the law, then trying to blame it weather conditions, the constant moaning about the constant hounding from the cruel and mean public…  and he gets just 18 months porridge.

The ACPO‘d and Common Purpose‘d directed Filth Police had their arms twisted and looked for the least offensive thing they could charge the corrupted Chaytor with. That said, why only the few bent Parliamentarians???

Blighted in Blighty

The more I think about it, the more I feel we’ve been Royally shafted with a 30ft barge pole with extra splinters.  Hundreds of elected Members of Parliament were dirty.  Probably thousands more complicit partners in return for preferential government job agreements.

Cannot forget that seeing how probably thousands of journalists knew of this vast scam, they were either silenced by their Editors, and then remained silent due to the threat of losing jobs and leads, or worse, were criminally involved in the mess.

Also, for the love of God, the Telegraph were trying to boost their Sales Figures!  They weren’t doing that graft as a Public Service!  In all honesty, you would have a story as important to the public and as big as ExpenseGate would have spurred the Media Giants to pool their resources?  Rhetorical question there, of course they wouldn’t, another reason they are aptly sneered at as the Controlled Media.

Then there are the hundreds of thousands of willing workers, those who know what they do is immoral but, understandably, need to feed their families and can ill afford to ruin those promotion prospects.  They boss the lower level pit bosses and stewards.  These then coerce the one below them, ad infinitum to the lowest organism leaving nowt out.

Worse of all, they prepare the future generations to accept even more crap, sponsoring the indoctrination of our children with what once was called education.  Multiculturalism good, Nationalism bad, Hetro-sex, Gay-sex, jeez, no doubt they skirt around the issues of bondage and role-play, all the while highlighting you have rights (so long as it is Multiculturalism’ approved behaviour).  And if some spoil-sport comes along and reminds you about duties and responsibilities, remind the “faschistic stasi pig” of said rights.

Of course, financing it all takes more than our cattle taxes.  Needs lots of money and hard cold cash to monopolise national governments, unions, charities, religious and educational institutions.  That is where the Top-Collar Criminal Class come in, not the petty pimps or thugs that infest Blighty, nor any of those score-a-wrap dealers down the rubber dub.  The Drug Kings (usually Lords or ‘Special Military Men’, always State-sponsored), the Corporate Kings of the Circus, ahem, entertainment industry (Billionaires and Millionaires), and worse of all, the international Merchants who dabble in all and whose finest skill is trading Nations’ Peoples like pieces of meat.

If this isn’t a conspiracy, I truly do not what is.  Or is a conspiracy okay when several hundred thousand Secret Club members benefit from the misery of millions???  When has the dilution and Our Nation’s Blood at home due to a lack of political defence, preferring pandering tactics against an ever-increasing army of colonists justified???

For that matter, how can we continue to allow the waging of diversionary wars, at great cost to Our Nation’s Name and worse, wasting Our Nation’s Blood, ever be justified for personal financial benefit???  Or is fine and dandy for the Nation’s future prosperity to be abused to feather their own nests???

Where have all the Grand Saviours gone?  Do not we deserve Leaders who can Lead by example?

It isn’t the rotten apples in the barrel alone that is the cause of woe, oh if only so.  Unfortunately, the very source of these apples is a private orchard surrounding by a shark-infested moat, walls 20ft thick, interspersed with constantly manned machine-gun nests with additional anti-armour weaponry, along with a ring of steel with anti-air defences.  Yet over the impregnable perimeter is when the Corrupting Powers of Mankind tend to a twisted and perverted Tree, whose roots suck at the very essence of not only my beloved Britannic Islands and Her Peoples, but the whole World.

I might be paranoid, yet if you had the power to change the world to as you see fit, wouldn’t you?  If yes, then why not those who actually do possess the power.  It has been proven time and again that history is shaped by the few who were led the many.

From the pre-Biblical myths and tales to the modern ages, Man has surpassed himself, civilisations treading up the right path flourished, those that err tp the side, perished.  Some have been Good.  Some have been Bad.  Many were just fortunate.

That leaves it to us, the forunate, to promote the Good that is National Inclusion and reject the Bad that is Multicultural Sectarianism.  Otherwise, we will continue to repeat the Tower of Babylon fable.

I perhaps do propose one or two idealistic pipe dreams, but I’m in no doubt that most would be a pipe dream the Gods would bless.  No doubt that is what every well-meaning sod have thought, from the Divine Autocratic Rulers of old to the Gunboat and Subverted Masters that we suffer today.

To prelude this particular pipe dream, I’ll like to illustrate my point of Corrupted Officialdom by suggesting what should have happened.

ExpenseGate; a golden opportunity wasted

The moment the Telegraph had those files, the MET should have assigned an Anti-Fraud Squad to the Newspaper’s office and photocopied every file the reporters had.  Once done, an operation room should have been handed over to a lead Peace Officer who would then lead the investigation on the simple basis:

Even ONE discrepancy shown in the un-reducated receipts counts as CAUSE FOR ARREST.

The charge:  Corruption in a Public Office resulting in Treason against; and Theft from; every single man, woman, child and embryonic conception conceived at the time of the crime who love to call Britain home.

Now we all now that probably a baker’s dozen were Angels out of the bunch in the whole charade.  That would mean hundreds of arrests and the suspension of Parliament (which happens already every Christmas and Summer holiday Parliamentarians have so it wouldn’t be that bad).  Due to an instant ‘bringing in the Houses of Parliament into dispute’ card, they shall be stripped of their posts with the promise of instant reinstatement if validated.

With that in mind, there would be a need for a Special Task Force to do the job, and the Riot Officers of the infamous Territorial Forces would be a lovely and justifiable choice.  Not only footsoldiers are needed though, but experienced detectives and investigators, even if they have to be drafted in from the Armed Forces.  With the previous in place, all the accused can be arrested with and then transported to a convenient Holding Station for the investigating Team.

While this is happening, search warrants and confiscation orders can be issued against all the accused.  Homes and offices, even the boxroom one in the Commons most share with another, searched.  All items catalogue and marked confidential.  Bank accounts frozen and phone records collected, even lists of known associates should be compiled for later questioning.

I wouldn’t even mind the Police doing door to door knock and greet on the off-chance of finding someone with information regarding dirty Parliamentarians.  So long as they don’t enquire about the exotic smell, I’d be glad to put Harriet Harperson in the proverbial.  I’d even do a ‘politician’ and make up a fable of debauchery involving her and a Alsatian named Bojo.  What?  More believable than anything she has had to say the last twenty years.

Now, considering that trialing them separating through the court system would be too long-winded and expensive, instead, just one mass trial could be commissioned, where a mass examination of all the facts could be had in an open and recorded environment (again be done before, namely Nuremberg).

Of course, every single individual charged would be entitled to a fair hearing but it should be before a panel consisting either of, and, or, several unaligned judges (no Masons), a few high-ranking military officials, perhaps a few dozen constitutional experts as well as the cherry on the cake, a jury of their peers to decide the sincerity of the accused (oh, how we could have shown those filthy dogs real cruelty and meanness).

Those found GUILTY of hoodwinking the public should be punished accordingly.  If a serial crook, a stretch of the neck by hanging would suffice.  Those who just dabbled, a lesser charge could be life imprisonment, meaning natural life, no parole and definitely no compassionate leave possible.

Those found NOT GUILTY should be hanged just in case.  Nah, just kidding.  They shall receive a full reprieve and instantly be reinstalled in their previous post.

Now, this is by no means the end of the matter.  These are just the puppets us plebs get to argue about, the Democratic Tools of our Enemy, the hammers, the spanners and the screwdrivers.  If we just punish them, those reelected will be sponsored by the same cretins.  So each and every disgraced parliamentarian convicted should be given the chance of a reprieve.  Call it an Act of Retribution for their Sins against Man if you want to poetic about it.  But If they, given their inside knowledge of their Backers, name names and can point to areas of interest to the Task Force, the Guilty could not only keep their life, they could be granted the chance of parole.  All depends on success of course.

And considering the vast scale of such an operation, and the ever-present danger it is, a full-time Anti-Corruption Squad would be justified to carry on the campaign. Those found guilty of corrupting the officials will face the same fate.  They shall also be given the same option.  Even if we end up at Satan’s doorstep, we must never cease in ironing out those who would sacrifice us for their vision.  For too long the population has been led by the nose down the thorny broken path of introverted progressive word-twisting politics.

This isn’t an argument for an all-powerful State to have the green light, dealing out death indiscriminately to all and sundry.  Not at all, rather more of an appeal for a purer one, Holy you could say, a population on the path to advancement, where those who make a true contribution are rewarded to encourage the next.

Even those that have wronged however, those who have willingly and happily profit from Satanic hegemony and misery, I’d rather their repentance and spare the necks.  I truly seek the villains and the fools repentance, for only then can we all share in the glory of righteous salvation and soldier on defeating the real battles that face our way of life.

Back to Earth

Why is it, no matter how grand, how magnificent, how glorious Idealistic Institutions such as the State and all her apparatus, even the God damned Church, after so much evolution, loses all self-control and begins crumbling into corruption?  Is it the natural order of things.  We individuals begin life with so much potential yet every year, it ebbs away, all until it’s broken completely, then the slow shuffle to the inevitable exit.  Could it be the same for Institutions, just the shuffling along takes many times longer?  Like creator, like created?

All variables considered, the Bastards’ that Be, that’ll be the true owners of the Earth, according to their very legal paperwork, have the best hand possible.  They have their little drones and stooges in the nooks and crannies of every organisation.  Sometimes they finance both sides of the argument, possibly to hedge bets or possibly a counter-measure, keeping your audience looking elsewhere is an art in itself.

Never forget, it wasn’t only the past decade our parliamentarians have been scoffing their faces.  Ever since the unlawful enactment of surrounding British Sovereign Rights to a foreign power, the mass of Judas’ inspired political whores and traitors have regularly been paid off with their thirty pieces.

They just haven’t the decency to stop.

Dirty Harry | More women please

3 06 2010

The wicked witch of Peckham is at it again, proclaiming that she wants a 50/50 shadow cabinet.  So women, put down that washing, your country needs you!  No doubt a tenth needs to be from an ethnic background and I would say some would have to be gay but I’ve come to the conclusion that ALL parliamentarians are perverted to some extent.  How else could they continue to spit in our faces without so much as a whimper?

Anyhow, I somewhat feel dirty in agreeing with Miss Harman.  I hate Labour.  I’ve seen how their activists work, courting the downtrodden, helping with immigration claims, and worse of all, guiding the feeble-minded to the booths with specially designed logo-emblazed voting cards.

But considering that the best women Labour have produced have been herself, a total f**king disaster if ever there was one and Jackie Smith who shares the same description but a little less  in my eyes, which I simply put it down to distance.

Dianne Abbott is in the running and being the only woman and only ethnic minority MP to stand so far will put her in good stead.  And what a disaster she would be, if only I was a Labour member, I’d vote for her.  To see her lead Labour into the sewers would be Christmas, Eid and Hanukkah rolled into one.

Another visible mistress of the subversive Reds is Oona King.  This is another woman who has built a career out of being jew, black, mixed race, and oh shock horror, different from others.  “WHITE supremacy is so last century. These days it’s on-trend to be a mixed-race supremacist.

Either one of these would do.  And by God could they both do with the work.

Labour | Dirty Harry speaks to SLP

27 05 2010

The Wicked Witch of Camberwell and Peckham have graced the pages of the local South London Press newspaper, and sadly, the news is not good.  The ‘Champion of the little people’ has declared that she has no intention of entering the leadership race and worse than that, plans to stay on as Deputy Leader.

For the interview, click HERE.  Although, at least I’m not the only one peed off at Miss Harperson.

“Ms Harman mentioned in her parliamentary speech yesterday that the staff of Highshore School had asked ’whether they will be able to go ahead with their new rebuild’. What we actually asked was why she had not responded to our multiple requests for a visit during our campaign AGAINST the rebuild – we don’t want it, never have. Clearly she only visited us for her own political ends!”

Highshore, Peckham, London | Wednesday 26/May/2010

The Establishment | Told ya so

18 05 2010

The only reason the ‘orrible British National Party was kept out of the running was due to the Establishment colluding and conniving, pooling all resources into a well-oiled machine simply to keep the Nationalists out.

The Wicked Witch of Peckham, Harriet Harperson, on her first speech in Parliament as acting Labour Leader of the ‘Official’ Opposition confirms the unity of the Establishment:

“We all have our differences in this House but all of us are united in being very, very, pleased and relieved that there is nowhere on these green benches a member of the British National Party.”

Not bothered about losing the election, less fussed about the ConDem Coalition, just once again, implying that the elected Parliamentarians only job is to keep the Nationalists at bay.

Put simply, the State have openly encouraged and directed outright hatred towards anyone who opposed their social engineering agenda to such an extent, that the Lie has become Big enough to be believed.

Twenty million deluded turkeys voted for this shitefest.  Twenty poxy million!

With a stat like that, how can any sane Englishman, Welshman, Scotsman, Irishman, in fact, anyone on this planet with half a brain cell have hope in the future?

20,000,000 plus voted for thieves, cheats, liars, murderers, fraudsters, perverts and pimps.

Camberwell and Peckham | The Good (Analysis), the Bad (Result) and the Ugly (Conclusion)

7 05 2010

Seeing all those Labour dependents last night voting sank my heart.  People who do not work, should not be allowed vote.  People who were born in another country, should not be allowed vote.  People who cannot spell Britain, should not be allowed vote.

In fact, I would say that the electorate should have to pay a nominal fee to vote.  Not some outrageous amount but something like £2.50 – and for three reasons.  First to make sure that those taking part are willing to put their money where there mouth is.  The second, it would discourage organised voter fraud due to extra cost.  Lastly, it would need the presence of the Police on site due to financial concerns that would also deter fraud, intimidation and any other act that offends democracy.

Enough of the raving.  A reminder of the rotten boroughs of Camberwell and Peckham with the help of UKPollingReport:

Boundary changes: Previously undersized, Camberwell and Peckham gains parts of Faraday and Livesey wards from Southwark North and Bermondsey and South Camberwell and parts of Peckham Rye and The Lane wards from Dulwich and West Norwood.

Profile: Covers Peckham, Peckham Rye, Camberwell and Nunhead. This is one of the most poverty striken and deprived constituencies in the country. It has the highest proportion of afro-carribean residents of any constituency in the country and the highest proportion of social housing of any seat, with almost 6 in 10 homes rented from the council or a housing association.

Only Fools and Horses was never actually filmed in Peckham, but it continues to be the public`s perception of Peckham, and its reputation for desperate crime ridden sink estates was, in the past at least, not inaccurate. This is where Damilola Taylor was murdered in 2000 and, while the worst of the concrete estates (including the North Peckham Estate where Damilola Taylor died) have been demolished in recent years as part of massive regeneration projects, with more planned in coming years, the area continues to suffer from problems of high crime and gang violence.

This is one of Labour`s safest seats in the South of England and, while there is some gentrification in South Peckham, and pockets of Conservative support in the large Georgian houses in places like Camberwell Grove, there is presently no possibility of that dominance being challenged.

And it never hurst to remind all of the ethnicity in my borough according to the 2001 census:

  • Black African – 35.67%
  • White British – 25.73%
  • Black Caribbean – 15.45%
  • Other White – 4.58%
  • Other Black – 3.58%
  • Chinese – 3.51%
  • Other Asian – 2.14%
  • White Irish – 1.93%
  • Mixed White-Black Caribbean – 1.86%
  • Bangladeshi – 1.25%
  • Other Mixed – 1.17%
  • Mixed White-Black African – 1.08%
  • Indian – 0.69%
  • Other South Asian – 0.68%
  • Mixed White-South Asian – 0.35%
  • Pakistani – 0.33%

This year’s result is as follows:

Harriet Harman (Labour) – 27,619

Columba Blango (Lib Dem) – 10,432

Andy Stranack (Con) – 6,080

Jenny Jones (Green) – 1,361

Yohara Robby (Eng Dem) – 435

Joshua Ogunleye (WRP) – 211

Margaret Sharkey (SLP) – 184

Decima Francis (Ind) – 93

Steve Robbins (Ind) – 87

Patricia Knox (Ind) – 82

Jill Mountford (AWL) – 75

Maj: 17,187

Turnout: 59.3%

The conclusion is:

Seeing as the total votes for the lunatic socialists equaled that of the English Democrat, can only say that the once proud area of Southwark has a boil on it’s arse.  In other words:

If that is the plan, Peckham is doomed to become a shanty town so I’m outta here.

My family should have packed up years ago and left this rotten borough to the gerrymandering council, whose policy of pack em in and pack em high has meant tensions were bound to happen, no matter what the colour or creed.  Place has gone down hill ever since the Beeb based ‘Only Fools’ here.  I’m convinced the Beeboids gave that show to Nairobi TV to further encourage the Voodlisation of my beloved Peckham.

Thing is, I wouldn’t have minded the cultural enrichment if there was an overall economical benefit attached, but there wasn’t.  It has only been cost, cost and more cost, be it a financial burden or the accompanying social crap.  The only benefit I have seen are the ones picked up by the State’s dependents.

And we’re supposed to be thankful for the vibrant multicultural community that has replaced what was once English.  How is this multinational grouping of opposing teams suppose to work?

Camberwell and Peckham | Harry the Hypocrite

3 05 2010

Before I start, I’m all for stashing away as much untaxble disposable income from the prying eyes of Government for the simplest of reasons, I already pay £2,000 too much!  But alas, I’m not a lying cheating scumbag of a face trying to be reelected in Camberwell and Peckham.

‘Hypocrite’ Harman and her family’s inheritance tax dodge on £750,000 estate

By James Chapman and Colin Fernandez, Daily Mail.  Last updated at 1:46 PM on 3rd May 2010

Harriet Harman was accused of ‘hypocrisy’ yesterday for attacking Tory plans to cut inheritance tax although her own family exploited loopholes to shelter their fortune from the levy.

The Labour deputy leader was revealed to be one of the beneficiaries of a trust set up in her father’s will designed to reduce the amount of tax she would eventually pay on his estate.

Miss Harman has repeatedly railed against the Tory proposal to raise the inheritance threshold substantially, describing it as a ‘tax cut for the wealthiest estates’.

But documents show how her father attempted to use complex tax avoidance loopholes to protect some of his fortune from the Inland Revenue.

Harriet Harman’s family have exploited loopholes to shelter their fortune from the tax levy

John Bishop Harman, a surgeon who died in 1994, set up a trust designed to minimise the amount his children would pay in tax on his £750,000 estate.

He created a ‘nil-rate-band discretionary trust’, a structure used by wealthy families at that time.

It allows one spouse to transfer assets up to the value of the inheritance tax threshold to a trust when he or she dies, and name the chosen heirs as beneficiaries.

The remaining estate passed on to the surviving spouse is correspondingly smaller, limiting the tax liability to the children on their death and effectively doubling the inheritance tax threshold.

One expert said the family would have had to go ‘out of their way’ to draw up the then little-known arrangement.

The Conservatives claimed it undermined Miss Harman’s ‘class war’ attacks on their proposals to lift the inheritance tax burden.

Tory chairman Eric Pickles said: ‘Harriet Harman’s hypocrisy is breathtaking. You need to judge Labour not on what they say, but on what they do.’

Tax experts said that the rules changed in 2007, since when couples have been allowed to transfer their inheritance tax allowances  –  making trusts of the kind Mr Harman set up redundant.

Miss Harman’s mother Anna is still alive, aged 91, and would now be able to use her late husband’s tax allowance when making a will even if he had not set up the trust.

But had the inheritance been passed on before 2007, Miss Harman and her siblings would have benefited by thousands of pounds.

Mark Spragg, an expert in probate at Keystone Law, said of the trust scheme: ‘Not everybody would have known about it at the time. It wasn’t widely publicised by the Revenue.

This was something people thought up as a good idea. It was an avoidance scheme when it came out  –  it was obviously a bit of a tactic.’

John Bishop Harman was a member of the Royal College of Surgeons who lived and practised on Harley Street. His sister was married to the celebrated aristocrat, the Earl of Longford.

He died in May 1994 and left his estate to Anna, an heiress to a paper manufacturing firm, and his four children as beneficiaries of the trust fund. The children stand to benefit when their mother dies.

The house where Miss Harman grew up, 108 Harley Street, was sold in 1990, for an undisclosed amount. Similar properties sell today for upwards of £15million.

Dr Harman’s will shows he left £758,472 to his wife  –  which would have been the value of stocks, shares, and cash rather than any properties owned by the couple.

Miss Harman, who is tipped as a potential ‘caretaker’ leader for Labour if Gordon Brown quits after a defeat in Thursday’s general election, has attacked Tory plans for inheritance tax several times.

Under the current system, when someone dies the estate is liable for inheritance tax if the value is more than £325,000.

That £325,000 is now transferable between couples, even if they die in different years, so in practice a husband and wife would actually have a combined threshold of £650,000.

The Tories have pledged to increase this to £1million, or £2million if transferred between couples.

A spokesman for Labour’s deputy leader said: ‘Miss Harman’s father’s will was a matter for him. Her mother is still alive and her financial arrangements are private.’

A source close to Miss Harman said she had not benefited from any income drawn from the trust.

Once more, it isn’t that her father used a little-known and unpublicized legal loop-hole, it is the fact that here is a woman who screams communistic rhetoric of ‘eating the rich’ while blatantly protecting hers.  Doncha just love the Law Society are always able to find a loop-hole for the Masters but for us mere consumers, it is always by the book.