Convict Chaytor | tip of the iceberg

8 01 2011

WARNING This is a long read.  If it takes you half as long to read as it did for me to write it, I can only apologise in advance.  To make up for it, see a showcase of the most offensive cartoon ever created HERE

A sentence of 18 months.  Meaning he’ll be out in 9 months.  Probably only spend 2 months in a naughty prison then the rest stuck to Ian Huntley.  Best we can hope for now is when he is released, he’ll need to get expensive reconstructive anal surgery.

I still feel he got off lightly.  All that pussyfooting around, bending the law, trying to surpass the law, then trying to blame it weather conditions, the constant moaning about the constant hounding from the cruel and mean public…  and he gets just 18 months porridge.

The ACPO‘d and Common Purpose‘d directed Filth Police had their arms twisted and looked for the least offensive thing they could charge the corrupted Chaytor with. That said, why only the few bent Parliamentarians???

Blighted in Blighty

The more I think about it, the more I feel we’ve been Royally shafted with a 30ft barge pole with extra splinters.  Hundreds of elected Members of Parliament were dirty.  Probably thousands more complicit partners in return for preferential government job agreements.

Cannot forget that seeing how probably thousands of journalists knew of this vast scam, they were either silenced by their Editors, and then remained silent due to the threat of losing jobs and leads, or worse, were criminally involved in the mess.

Also, for the love of God, the Telegraph were trying to boost their Sales Figures!  They weren’t doing that graft as a Public Service!  In all honesty, you would have a story as important to the public and as big as ExpenseGate would have spurred the Media Giants to pool their resources?  Rhetorical question there, of course they wouldn’t, another reason they are aptly sneered at as the Controlled Media.

Then there are the hundreds of thousands of willing workers, those who know what they do is immoral but, understandably, need to feed their families and can ill afford to ruin those promotion prospects.  They boss the lower level pit bosses and stewards.  These then coerce the one below them, ad infinitum to the lowest organism leaving nowt out.

Worse of all, they prepare the future generations to accept even more crap, sponsoring the indoctrination of our children with what once was called education.  Multiculturalism good, Nationalism bad, Hetro-sex, Gay-sex, jeez, no doubt they skirt around the issues of bondage and role-play, all the while highlighting you have rights (so long as it is Multiculturalism’ approved behaviour).  And if some spoil-sport comes along and reminds you about duties and responsibilities, remind the “faschistic stasi pig” of said rights.

Of course, financing it all takes more than our cattle taxes.  Needs lots of money and hard cold cash to monopolise national governments, unions, charities, religious and educational institutions.  That is where the Top-Collar Criminal Class come in, not the petty pimps or thugs that infest Blighty, nor any of those score-a-wrap dealers down the rubber dub.  The Drug Kings (usually Lords or ‘Special Military Men’, always State-sponsored), the Corporate Kings of the Circus, ahem, entertainment industry (Billionaires and Millionaires), and worse of all, the international Merchants who dabble in all and whose finest skill is trading Nations’ Peoples like pieces of meat.

If this isn’t a conspiracy, I truly do not what is.  Or is a conspiracy okay when several hundred thousand Secret Club members benefit from the misery of millions???  When has the dilution and Our Nation’s Blood at home due to a lack of political defence, preferring pandering tactics against an ever-increasing army of colonists justified???

For that matter, how can we continue to allow the waging of diversionary wars, at great cost to Our Nation’s Name and worse, wasting Our Nation’s Blood, ever be justified for personal financial benefit???  Or is fine and dandy for the Nation’s future prosperity to be abused to feather their own nests???

Where have all the Grand Saviours gone?  Do not we deserve Leaders who can Lead by example?

It isn’t the rotten apples in the barrel alone that is the cause of woe, oh if only so.  Unfortunately, the very source of these apples is a private orchard surrounding by a shark-infested moat, walls 20ft thick, interspersed with constantly manned machine-gun nests with additional anti-armour weaponry, along with a ring of steel with anti-air defences.  Yet over the impregnable perimeter is when the Corrupting Powers of Mankind tend to a twisted and perverted Tree, whose roots suck at the very essence of not only my beloved Britannic Islands and Her Peoples, but the whole World.

I might be paranoid, yet if you had the power to change the world to as you see fit, wouldn’t you?  If yes, then why not those who actually do possess the power.  It has been proven time and again that history is shaped by the few who were led the many.

From the pre-Biblical myths and tales to the modern ages, Man has surpassed himself, civilisations treading up the right path flourished, those that err tp the side, perished.  Some have been Good.  Some have been Bad.  Many were just fortunate.

That leaves it to us, the forunate, to promote the Good that is National Inclusion and reject the Bad that is Multicultural Sectarianism.  Otherwise, we will continue to repeat the Tower of Babylon fable.

I perhaps do propose one or two idealistic pipe dreams, but I’m in no doubt that most would be a pipe dream the Gods would bless.  No doubt that is what every well-meaning sod have thought, from the Divine Autocratic Rulers of old to the Gunboat and Subverted Masters that we suffer today.

To prelude this particular pipe dream, I’ll like to illustrate my point of Corrupted Officialdom by suggesting what should have happened.

ExpenseGate; a golden opportunity wasted

The moment the Telegraph had those files, the MET should have assigned an Anti-Fraud Squad to the Newspaper’s office and photocopied every file the reporters had.  Once done, an operation room should have been handed over to a lead Peace Officer who would then lead the investigation on the simple basis:

Even ONE discrepancy shown in the un-reducated receipts counts as CAUSE FOR ARREST.

The charge:  Corruption in a Public Office resulting in Treason against; and Theft from; every single man, woman, child and embryonic conception conceived at the time of the crime who love to call Britain home.

Now we all now that probably a baker’s dozen were Angels out of the bunch in the whole charade.  That would mean hundreds of arrests and the suspension of Parliament (which happens already every Christmas and Summer holiday Parliamentarians have so it wouldn’t be that bad).  Due to an instant ‘bringing in the Houses of Parliament into dispute’ card, they shall be stripped of their posts with the promise of instant reinstatement if validated.

With that in mind, there would be a need for a Special Task Force to do the job, and the Riot Officers of the infamous Territorial Forces would be a lovely and justifiable choice.  Not only footsoldiers are needed though, but experienced detectives and investigators, even if they have to be drafted in from the Armed Forces.  With the previous in place, all the accused can be arrested with and then transported to a convenient Holding Station for the investigating Team.

While this is happening, search warrants and confiscation orders can be issued against all the accused.  Homes and offices, even the boxroom one in the Commons most share with another, searched.  All items catalogue and marked confidential.  Bank accounts frozen and phone records collected, even lists of known associates should be compiled for later questioning.

I wouldn’t even mind the Police doing door to door knock and greet on the off-chance of finding someone with information regarding dirty Parliamentarians.  So long as they don’t enquire about the exotic smell, I’d be glad to put Harriet Harperson in the proverbial.  I’d even do a ‘politician’ and make up a fable of debauchery involving her and a Alsatian named Bojo.  What?  More believable than anything she has had to say the last twenty years.

Now, considering that trialing them separating through the court system would be too long-winded and expensive, instead, just one mass trial could be commissioned, where a mass examination of all the facts could be had in an open and recorded environment (again be done before, namely Nuremberg).

Of course, every single individual charged would be entitled to a fair hearing but it should be before a panel consisting either of, and, or, several unaligned judges (no Masons), a few high-ranking military officials, perhaps a few dozen constitutional experts as well as the cherry on the cake, a jury of their peers to decide the sincerity of the accused (oh, how we could have shown those filthy dogs real cruelty and meanness).

Those found GUILTY of hoodwinking the public should be punished accordingly.  If a serial crook, a stretch of the neck by hanging would suffice.  Those who just dabbled, a lesser charge could be life imprisonment, meaning natural life, no parole and definitely no compassionate leave possible.

Those found NOT GUILTY should be hanged just in case.  Nah, just kidding.  They shall receive a full reprieve and instantly be reinstalled in their previous post.

Now, this is by no means the end of the matter.  These are just the puppets us plebs get to argue about, the Democratic Tools of our Enemy, the hammers, the spanners and the screwdrivers.  If we just punish them, those reelected will be sponsored by the same cretins.  So each and every disgraced parliamentarian convicted should be given the chance of a reprieve.  Call it an Act of Retribution for their Sins against Man if you want to poetic about it.  But If they, given their inside knowledge of their Backers, name names and can point to areas of interest to the Task Force, the Guilty could not only keep their life, they could be granted the chance of parole.  All depends on success of course.

And considering the vast scale of such an operation, and the ever-present danger it is, a full-time Anti-Corruption Squad would be justified to carry on the campaign. Those found guilty of corrupting the officials will face the same fate.  They shall also be given the same option.  Even if we end up at Satan’s doorstep, we must never cease in ironing out those who would sacrifice us for their vision.  For too long the population has been led by the nose down the thorny broken path of introverted progressive word-twisting politics.

This isn’t an argument for an all-powerful State to have the green light, dealing out death indiscriminately to all and sundry.  Not at all, rather more of an appeal for a purer one, Holy you could say, a population on the path to advancement, where those who make a true contribution are rewarded to encourage the next.

Even those that have wronged however, those who have willingly and happily profit from Satanic hegemony and misery, I’d rather their repentance and spare the necks.  I truly seek the villains and the fools repentance, for only then can we all share in the glory of righteous salvation and soldier on defeating the real battles that face our way of life.

Back to Earth

Why is it, no matter how grand, how magnificent, how glorious Idealistic Institutions such as the State and all her apparatus, even the God damned Church, after so much evolution, loses all self-control and begins crumbling into corruption?  Is it the natural order of things.  We individuals begin life with so much potential yet every year, it ebbs away, all until it’s broken completely, then the slow shuffle to the inevitable exit.  Could it be the same for Institutions, just the shuffling along takes many times longer?  Like creator, like created?

All variables considered, the Bastards’ that Be, that’ll be the true owners of the Earth, according to their very legal paperwork, have the best hand possible.  They have their little drones and stooges in the nooks and crannies of every organisation.  Sometimes they finance both sides of the argument, possibly to hedge bets or possibly a counter-measure, keeping your audience looking elsewhere is an art in itself.

Never forget, it wasn’t only the past decade our parliamentarians have been scoffing their faces.  Ever since the unlawful enactment of surrounding British Sovereign Rights to a foreign power, the mass of Judas’ inspired political whores and traitors have regularly been paid off with their thirty pieces.

They just haven’t the decency to stop.

Ed West and Johnny Cruddas | A love story

6 12 2010

Miss West and Miss Cruddas share a romantic meal by the Thames at the world-renowned (and cheap compared to the Ritz) Harvey Nichols restaurant atop the London skyline, with fine own brand wines loosens the lips for a tantalising political broadside.  The result of this passionate affair is a quick person-promotion piece purporting to show Labour’s Old Skool MP John Cruddas as the second coming…  yet fails spectacularly.

The man who wants to save Labour’s soul

The Church fell out with Labour under Blair. Catholic MP Jon Cruddas speaks about why the people’s party lost its faith

Considering the above is in the little known Catholic Herald, Mr West sought to promote the article via his Telegraph blog, where after reading the following section, I could punch John on the nose;

“The far-Right party has always warned that Barking and Dagenham would end up with the same demographics as neighbouring Newham or Tower Hamlets.

Funnily enough, when I suggested this would happen to Cruddas, he replied simply: “I agree.” We were talking about the effects of people being driven out of inner London by housing benefits changes, but it’s hard to deny the biggest cause of this change will be Labour’s immigration policy.

Still, at least they won’t have to worry about the BNP in Barking and Dagenham for very long.”

Yeah, sure John and Ed, the benefit changes are to be blamed for the ever-increasing White Flight…  even though White Flight is 30 years older than the not-yet-implemented Benefit Reforms and was a reaction to mass importation of anything and everything alien moving next-door…   some people have their heads shoved so far up their own rear ends, I’m surprised they can’t smell the shite they proclaim.

And the last line from Mr West;  If the borough becomes another Tower Hamlets mini-Islamic Republic, of course he won’t, he’ll be swapped for a Muslim then parachuted into another Labour Donkey safe-zone.

The comment section is well worth the read if just to reassure yourself that you’re not the only one fuming at this fawning attempt.  In fact, I think I spent more time reading well-versed retorts than I did reading Ed’s bullcrapping articles.  And to think I used to look up to you Ed?  Whoring yourself out for a little extra coin…  times must be tough.

Kudos to a fellow patriot for the head’s up.

Ouch | Good comeback if ever I’ve heard one

3 12 2010

Kudos to Maid of Albion on this gem of a video, which shockingly shows a politician, albeit an Austrian one, giving both barrels to the Turkish State.  Of course, the poor Turks will hold this up for the lack of tolerance but Ewald Stadler hits the nail on the head and I salute him for it.  And the way he puts to shame his fellow MP (sadly, didn’t catch his name).

To see the video on YouTube and leave a comment, click HERE.

For a picture of the murdered archbishop Luigi Padovse, click HERE.

And once more, let us peer into the cultural ad religious differences between the West and Islam.

…The West has by now a long tradition of secular democracy, freedom and human rights. The Islamic world is still not conversant with such concepts. It has not even ushered in to democracy; and there is no concept of secular democracy or human right in this part of the world.

Europe has undergone a long struggle against the Pope and the Church to win its right to criticize. The religion as propagated by the Church, the freedom of its press and certain other fundamental rights. There was a time when the church did not tolerate any criticism or deviation from its theology which had the status of divine injunction. Deviationists were severely punished. Even by death or by burning them at stake. Religious persecution had assumed serious proportions.

Since the West had won the rights against the Church after great sacrifices, it is not prepared to give them at any cost, and considers them almost, as sacred as the religious injunctions. It was because of this that philosophers like Bertrand Russell wrote a book like Why I am not a Christian and ridiculed in this book many doctrines propounded by the Church. Several books and articles were written attacking even Christianity and continue to be written even today. Recently a book has been published which questions even existence of Christ. The author quotes several documents to prove that Christ never existed and what church preaches is mere mythology.

Whether such a state of affairs is desirable or not is a matter of values to which one subscribes. Today in the West, especially in Europe freedom, secularism and human rights have status of what religious doctrines had in the medieval age. And in democracy these rights have to be ensured without which democracy may lose its meaning. Now it can also take extreme forms e.g., right to ridicule, right to mock at authorities, and political cartoons often make a caricature on mock at the false claims of political authorities.

Political cartoons are frequently used to ridicule political leaders. Now the question is whether cartoons can be drawn to ridicule religious leaders or not, and if so, can one draw cartoons of founders of religions who are held in high esteem by their followers? It is of course a matter of ones perspective. Many would insist that it is sacrilegious to draw such cartoons and some would insist it is part of ones fundamental rights.

Salman Rushdi too insists on his right to ridicule religious authorities, and mocks at Gabriel and Prophet’s (PBUH) wives. The West defended him saying it is part of his human rights or fundamental rights. Western culture as it has developed over the last one century, promotes even sacrilege as part of ones rights as people in the West insist sacrilege is the ultimate right in democratic culture.

It was for this reason that the West defends persons like Salman Rushdi, or Danish cartoonist who mocked at the Prophet and showed bombs in his turban. When Muslims protested more papers in European countries published these cartoons in support of the right of the cartoonist. This led to even more protests in Islamic world. Similarly Taslima Nasreen is perceived as one who is persecuted by Muslims and she is projected as a brave woman who must be accorded warm reception to appreciate her courage and fortitude.

When Muslims protest, the Western media dub it as act of “fundamentalism” and “religious fanaticism” and condemn it as unbecoming behaviour of enemies of media freedom. The West emphasizes on individual rights, and ‘individual is at the centre of all rights’. There is no concept of collective rights in the Western culture. In democracy individual enjoys all the rights available in the constitution. Also, there is concept of separation of church and state which is quite central to secular democracy.

We would now throw light on what prevails in the Islamic world today and why there is such sense of confrontation between Western values and values prevalent in the Muslim world today. The West, instead of outright condemnation of these acts, must try to understand value system of the Islamic world. This value system is undoubtedly more feudal than democratic. Individual rights are subsumed in community rights. There is no concept of full-fledged human rights.

Religion is sacred and divine and above any criticism including all its social and cultural traditions. Love and respect for tradition are universal and beyond the pale of any criticism. Often vested interests exploit this situation to their advantage and put many practices not remotely religious, also beyond pale of criticism. Even governments, declaring themselves as Islamic, try to shun criticism.

Once you declare something as ‘Islamic’, it becomes so difficult to criticize it and all sorts of vested interests, particularly the rulers, pass off their mis-governance also as ‘Islamic’. Add, to these, low levels of secular education, and the picture becomes complete. There is hardly any awareness among Muslim population of the real issues. Also there is no open society and democratic governance.

As there is no democratic governance, there is no concept of human rights. Any such concept is limited to a few intellectuals who cannot air their views publicly. In one International conference in Morocco a couple of years ago, I met several Arab intellectuals who were highly critical of many traditional practices and autocratic governance in the Arab world. It gave me great pleasure…

I’ve copied what I think is the most interesting bit but perhaps for its proper context, the beginning and more from a ‘Islamic Intellect’ (stop sniggering, Arabs did invent the zero afterall), should click HERE.  Forewarning though, it is a long read and it is hosted by the Muslim Parliament of Britain’s (how inclusive) website, yet in general, it just goes to show that friction rather than cohesion is the only possibility when two ways of life collide.

BNP | Battle of Barking

2 12 2010

An honest review from a commentator named Overlord of the ‘Battle of Barking‘ documentary by that recently aired on More4.  Found this in the comment section at the bottom of the drivel Benji Wilson sprouted.

I watched the battle for barking last night, and frankly it disgusted me.

The filmmaker obviously was trying to portray Hodge in the better light but honesty I think the BNP came off better.

It is true that they did come across as a bit thick and lonely, but they have genuiene grievances about what has been inflicted on this country. It seemed to me that most of the white people filmed seemed to support them. Hodge herself seemed to admit this, when she told her team to ask constituents whether they would go for BNP or Labour. If they admitted BNP, she said it was best to focus on other voters. Ignore the BNP voters.

Then the only campaigning we saw from Hodge was meeting ethnic groups either in their churches or mosques. Her grovelling in the mosque was sickening. She would talk to the odd white person on their doorstep, but the group diplomacy seemed to be reserved only for ethnics.The only time she met white people in any sort of a group was the multicultural street party in the photo above. And obviously there were lots of ethnics there too.

Some of the things she said to people about the BNP were very dodgy and bordered on lies or incitement. She told a group of Africans in church that the BNP would send every one of them home. She said something similar to a the mother and baby in the picture above. Then came a white man with an asian wife. There she did not say they would send her home but they would cause her trouble.

Then we saw groups of youths aggressively attacking the BNP with impunity. If not actually hitting them they would be shouting and swearing aggressively right in their faces. Calling them “white C###s”. Spitting at them again and again. Spitting is assault. Throwing fruit at them. A few punches were definitely thrown at the BNP too. Serious violence was only averted by the BNP constantly moving location. They were not free to stand where they chose. Much of this was in the build up to the fight that was reported in the news just before the election. That news report made out that the BNP were to blame. From the documentary it is clear that the youths were spitting at and goading them all day long.

To me the documentary showed that the establishment stoked a deliberate campaign of intimidation against the BNP. The BNP were demonized and dehumanized. Ethnic minorities were wound up with claims they would be deported, and it was made clear that the BNP were fair game for the youths. The BNP could not fight back as they would instantly be labelled thugs, and no doubt actually be arrested, unlike the youths.

The establishment media always make much of Griffin’s minders. They are used a proof of his thuggishness. However, as the documentary showed, if Griffin did not have security, he would likely be dead. And no doubt the police would miraculously have no leads on the suspects.

Some bloody democracy.

Too right, some bloody democracy.  All I saw was the State-sanctioned illegal actions of everyone BUT the BNP.  From the immigrant to the political whore named Hodge, I was sickened by the depths plunged by the Labour Party, although not surprised, and the Battle of Barking is a very appropriate title considering the amount of dirty tactics employed by the Red Machine.  From soliciting BIGGER donors to employing THIRD-PARTY GROUPS to denounce their opponents’ cause…  Labour’s campaign should be investigated by the Fruad Office.

Even worse is the official declaration (Kudos GV) of the “England doesn’t exist in the EU” malarkey.  We’re nothing but cattle, although don’t taste as good, can be milked all the same.

Another sore spot must e the Lord Nelson pub located in Brighton that will soon be opposite a Mosque due to the Somali influx, which will no doubt increase racial tension, yet do the council give a damn?  Do they fuck (source HERE).

And I wish I could leave you on a lighter note, except Brian Gerrish, the thorn in Common Purpose’s paw has loads (seen six so far) of speeches regarding that political Beast that can be found HERE.

Stay angry, one, it’s good for the heart rate, and two, it’ll keep you warm.  The more we’re nibbled at, the more difficult it will become to remain gentlemanly, and then the fireworks.  Just hope the riots wait til the summer cos I don’t fancy stepping out in this weather.

Damn, only good thing about snow is seeing the face of some of my newly arrived equatorial neighbours.  Damn, only good thing about my equatorial neighbours is their dress sense.  Come Sunday, it looks like a walking forest of bright-colored floral curtain-like wraparounds with contrasting heads poking out.  Jeez, some of ’em even smell of coconut, which is damn better than the usual BO encountered by supersized Africanoes, main reason I avoid public transport in the summer.

ConDemnation | Foreign Aiding and Abetting

23 10 2010

Official line regarding the increase in foreign aid is Chairman Cameron along with his little pet Clegg, proclaims (and I paraphrase angst licensed);

We (as in the British Taxpayer) have a Moral Duty (treaty conditions enacted for the benefit of British Companies that may (or my not) hire British Workers) to help the world’s less fortunate (we’re giving them your livelihood).

The above is the United Nations, which should be renamed the Divided Nations considering the various voting blocs that call this building home.  This sponsored holding-hand band is staffed with the unelectables of their home nations and hosts some of the most disputed NGOs on Earth.  The list of scandals is extremely long as usual with these behemoth organisations.

The picture to the right is the Eurocratic headquarters of the Brussel’s Elite, which looks rather like the imagining of the Tower of Babel to the left.  Another talking shop which has the UN’s recognition as the One Stop Shop for European Relations.

Those in the above picture are not British Subjects or citizens (or British freemen of the land for that matter).  These are not the British Electorate and so the British Government have no Moral Duty whatsoever to use Our Credit Card supporting the above family.

A Government has a Moral Duty to protect Her People first and foremost.  If the nation can help nations along the way, great, but we should not be going out of our way and maxing out our credit for the benefit of our competitors.

Main benefices of the foreign aid will be Multinational Charities, dodgy staff, dodgy despots, political whores, admin, jolly outings, various military outfits and manufacturers, logistical multinational corporations, celebrities and actors and useful idiots, and oh, some illiterate voodoo doctor who believes in leprechaun’s.

Koran burning | Criminal offence I think not

28 09 2010

Burn a Koran and post the contents on a video sharing site, get arrested.  Butcher hundreds of thousands in wars of aggression, inviting the ‘enemy’ to claim asylum, bursting the damn hornet’s nest, get round the clock protection.

No wonder mental health problems arise when the world is run for the perversion of the few to the irritation of the many.

We are constantly reminded, especially when they’re burning our national flag, of how peace-loving those who follow the ways of Madhammered the murderous prophet.  Kane kicked the crap out of his brother (or was it the other way round?), Christ died on the cross to be resurrected (only to disappear again), then a few hundred years after all that feuding and self-sacrifice, Muslim’s First Holy Warrior wanders out of the desert to ‘convert’ Christian and Jewish lands into Islamic lands.

It isn’t rocket science to deduce what this conversion involved, considering that conversion by the sword was the most popular choice for tinpots at that time, be it for religious or political reasons.

So why the continual bullcrap proclaiming that everything to do with Islam is all peachy and rosy with white doves flapping around.  It isn’t and hasn’t been since it’s inception.  As I’ve stated before, Islam needs a reformation, a renaissance of her own making, if only to make them accept that tolerance is a two-way street.

Until then, why should we even bother trying to engage a mindset so besieged by prejudice?  For the love of oil?  For that warm feeling we get inside from patronising others?

Daily Mail | Sensationalist but WTF!?!

25 06 2010

How can you not sensationalize the following stories?  Hollywood wouldn’t dream of writing such scripts but convicted murderers getting payouts for a filling falling out, the ConDem making pensioners £70 worse per year, there goes the shortbread and finally, a copper’s son found guilty of half-inching £40million’s worth of jewellery in the Graff heist!  How can this not be self-sensationalism on a plate, a ready-meal version of a story with no need for artistic invention huh?

This is why I’m saddened that the Politics show clip of Dianne Abbott putting both feet in it brought to my attention by the London Patriot will not get the publicity it deserves.  Especially saddened as the Daily Mail could sensationalize it to the moon and back and bury Ms Abbott literally with the crap in a matter of days!  One can hope.

Over at the dull Telegraph is the update on Nadine Dorries’ affairs, which surprise surprise, is still suspect.  Again, one can hope she wasn’t joking about the suicidal tendencies.  Cheaper than financing her friends with public money to the tune of £51,000 over a 15-month period.

See the resentment brewing?  Products of our enviroment.  Seeing all the skullduggery and thievery taken place at the one place that should be the bastion of moral codes, you cannot be surprised at the hatred directed at our dithering polichickens who would sell Dover if it meant a few extra notes or votes.

Blighted | Work til you drop

24 06 2010

Another day and another radical plan from the ConDem Coalition to fix the nation’s finances is the upcoming proposal to make us all work til 70 along with making it compulsory to finance your own pension fund.

Shit, I always thought my National Insurance contributions, VAT and the general fleecing through taxation was supposed to supply those who get by on less than £13 per day with meagre sustenance in their twilight years, yet lo and behold, no, the Government wishes to further my employment slavery and take my money for the pleasure while giving even less in return.

Well, f**k you all you lying cheating c**ts!

Not so long ago, one political fuckwit named Gordon Brown robbed the pension pot of millions so you will have to forgive my profanity and opposition to such a scheme that will make me poorer in the long-run with a slight gamble that I actually last 70 years and get to collect a pension.  And considering the lack of foresight in political circles, I doubt that very much.

“People are living longer and healthier lives than ever, and the last thing we want is to lose their skills and experience from the workplace due to an arbitrary age limit.  Now is absolutely the right time to live up to our responsibility to reform our outdated pension system and to take action where the previous government failed to do so. If Britain is to have a stable, affordable pension system, people need to work longer, but we will reward their hard work with a decent state pension that will enable them to enjoy quality of life in their retirement.

“That is why we are issuing a call for evidence on moving the state pension age to 66, and thereafter plan to take a frank look at the relationship between state pension age and life expectancy.”Ian Duncan Smith (failed leader of the Conservative Party).

No we are not, most are living in absolute agony due to the fact that our entire land is overpopulated, over-polluted and over-fucking-priced.  Keep this up and most of the population will resort to taking a noose around the neck to swing underneath a tree.

Not me though, instead, I will help every lying cheating scumbag of a politician into a noose of their own.  For when you have nothing left to lose…