Lee Jasper | Professional Race Baiter

9 01 2011

The ever charming and crooked Mr Jasper, a one time aide of Red Ken, a fulltime Race Peddler, is the pseudo-Marxist reject from the happy farm so many useful stooges are.  Smart enough to know never to answer any direct questions with direct answers, dumb enough to not see that he is nothing but a tool.

A reminder for all those who this despicable parasitic leech is.  When Ken Livingstone duped the deluded into voting him Mayor of London, (twice mind you, so you can understand my lament at my fellow Londoner), he set about promoting all those who helped him garner the block votes.

One thing the Left do well is play multiple tracks to various audiences, where in the end, if all the scripts were merged, it would be contradiction after contradiction and the only promise that would be consistent was ‘vote Ken, get Ken’.  Now this isn’t a rant about Red Ken, the twice divorced, newt-loving Marxist agitator, God no.  This is about his chum and appointee Mr Jasper who I have I had the recent displeasure of displeasing on twitter. The following I copied from The Professional Race Baiter’s twitter account but there is a heck of a lot more.  His moniker is; @LeeJasper

A professional race baiter by trade who tweets constituency about the lack of Black Influence from the overbearing White Oppression he suffers wherever he goes, from music in tube stations to the colour of the crowd.  Not surprising considering the massive chip on his shoulders, and boy is he willing to remind you.  With folks like Mr Jasper, it is not hard to comprehend why racial sentiments develop.

Before anything else, he is Black.  Working class is just laughable.  Anti-racist?  Possibly, although he sure doesn’t let that get in the way of his own bigotry

I explained to the foolish businessman that due to the owners pushing up daisies and the Royalty dues no longer collected, it was FREE.  It also happens to be soothing and promotes a calm atmosphere, perfect for an early morning train ride

Surrounded by his enablers, facilitators, and in general, fellow demented lefturds, he still isn’t happy at the ethnic count.  Mr Jasper began moaning about the lack of diversity in the multitude of Leftarded divisions  present at the #nutroots gathering

Back and forth the tweets went, with myself allegedly a little naughty, calling him a crook (SOURCE) with terrible judgement of character flaw (SOURCE) that is crooked itself.  Although in mitigation, anyone who has ever been paid a penny from the Race Relations Industry, be they black, brown or pink, will receive both barrels from me without mercy.  I detest any soul that would subvert my ancestral homeland, like any sane Kin would.

I was born in King’s College Hospital in 1981.  I have called four places home, all of them in Peckham.  I have worked in Southwark for a decade plus.  The total amount of time I have been away from the London area is roughly 20 months.  In all than time and in all my travels, I think I’ve seen and know more what the real Black working class look like.  And it has never included Jasper the parasitic socialist.

Who knows what dictator we’ll end up with.  And with tools like Jasper, we will.  For once law and order breaks down completely, you’ll watch the masses beg for protection.  Only consolation is that Jasper could probably be one of the first ‘disappearence’ black-op jobs.

Alas, I’m not a journalist and I haven’t the required hacking skills to investigate Mr Jasper’s public and business life so will resort to the Media.

Jasper’s Claim to Fame

Livingstone’s aide admits that £18,000 of City Hall money was improperly diverted to bail out private company

Daily Mail 28 January 2008

So another pseudo-Democrat who uses public money as if his own.  He was one of the company’s directors but ‘didn’t know about it’.  What was he directing then?  And if one bit of bad press wasn’t bad enough…

Whisky-drinking Livingstone faces fresh scandal as aide quits over five-star freebie trip to Africa

Daily Mail 23 January 2008

One of his aides takes the piss under his nose.  I can’t be too hard on him on this case.  The entire City Hall could do with a good scrub.  His lack of judgement shouldn’t come as a surprise considering his lack of financial acumen in his directorship.  Yet more recently Mr Gilligan gives him a little mention…

Ken Livingstone’s dog-whistle politics Telegraph January 5th, 2011

More of his friends seemingly receiving multi-million pound deals for ‘outreach’ work.  Would be comical if this was on TV, yet this is the workings of Government, no matter how small.  They take as much as they can from the public and give it to their friends.  Sure, in return we get a cuddly Labrador (read the article, you’ll be surprised what the right people in the right places can get you).


If Mr Jasper told me the sky was blue, I would have to check.  A professional race baiter, a crooked or incompetent (both are bad) businessman, and to top it all, recommended by Communspastic Red Ken!

What did Earth do to deserve his useless existence?  We weren’t that naughty surely, what about all those food parcels and technological leg-ups beginning with the wheel, iron working and agriculture, surely that should have counted for something?

To be totally honest, I don’t blame Mr Jasper for chasing the dream.  Afterall, if someone comes along and offers someone more suitable in a McJob an easy ride in a governmental position, can’t blame them for jumping at the chance.  It is only natural he abuses his position as a soundboard to encourage the advancement of his Kin.

Just like it is natural for every Anglo-Saxon and Celt soul to yearn the same for his Kin.  It is time we all sang from the same hymn sheet and remind the likes of Lee Jasper that he isn’t welcome.  I’ll be keeping an eye on Jasper the Stooge myself, locking horns with a fellow “working class hero” , I’m sure we’ll soon find something we can agree on.

Fingers crossed, soon after that step, we’ll agree a leaving date for him and his Marxist ideals.  Positively confident that Brother Mugabe would love to have a fine chap like Mr Jasper in Zim.


This is England.

Don’t let it become another Peckham

When do we say enough is enough?  When the population is 60% British55%?  Or do we say mission complete at 50%?

History is littered with warnings against such wishy-washy thinking.  Let us learn from others by understanding the reasoning for certain events.  The flashing red lights and sirens bellowing out the dangers can be seen in Lebanon to Sudan.  Even our open invitations to our fellow Europeans on the basis, come one, come all, is misguided, jeez, we could end up like Belgium.

I stand by what I tweeted to Race-Peddler.  The day the Anglo-Saxon and Celt is cleared from these lands, is the day the Earth crumbles into dust.  The World needs Britain, more than we need the World.

Our own worst enemy is ourselves Britons.  Only when we stop thinking of their feelings, will we see what is best for us.

Koran burning | Criminal offence I think not

28 09 2010

Burn a Koran and post the contents on a video sharing site, get arrested.  Butcher hundreds of thousands in wars of aggression, inviting the ‘enemy’ to claim asylum, bursting the damn hornet’s nest, get round the clock protection.

No wonder mental health problems arise when the world is run for the perversion of the few to the irritation of the many.

We are constantly reminded, especially when they’re burning our national flag, of how peace-loving those who follow the ways of Madhammered the murderous prophet.  Kane kicked the crap out of his brother (or was it the other way round?), Christ died on the cross to be resurrected (only to disappear again), then a few hundred years after all that feuding and self-sacrifice, Muslim’s First Holy Warrior wanders out of the desert to ‘convert’ Christian and Jewish lands into Islamic lands.

It isn’t rocket science to deduce what this conversion involved, considering that conversion by the sword was the most popular choice for tinpots at that time, be it for religious or political reasons.

So why the continual bullcrap proclaiming that everything to do with Islam is all peachy and rosy with white doves flapping around.  It isn’t and hasn’t been since it’s inception.  As I’ve stated before, Islam needs a reformation, a renaissance of her own making, if only to make them accept that tolerance is a two-way street.

Until then, why should we even bother trying to engage a mindset so besieged by prejudice?  For the love of oil?  For that warm feeling we get inside from patronising others?

White History Month | Government’s response

18 09 2010

Just received an email from Her Majesty’s Government regarding the petitioned White History Month malarky some British soul created a dozen moons ago.  Even then I knew the stooges would knock it back with a set-piece of bullcrap.

The Government vision is of a fair society where there are no barriers to participation or ambition based on race, colour or ethnicity. Only by giving everyone the opportunity to succeed can we build a better future for everybody in Britain.

The Government is not responsible for Black History month. This is, rather, a community led initiative which has developed since the mid-eighties, and individual organisations take part on a voluntary basis. Its benefits are that it raises awareness of the, often unknown, Black contribution to our shared history, for example, that Africans and Asians and their descendants have been living in Britain for the last 500 years and also made a major contribution in the Second World War. By focusing on what people have in common, as well as recognising the value of diversity, we can foster a shared sense of belonging and a shared sense of the future.

In schools, the existing National Curriculum programme of study for history requires pupils to be taught a substantial amount of British history. The Government is currently reviewing the national curriculum and has announced its intention to reduce the amount of central prescription in the way that schools teach their pupils. The Secretary of State for Education has expressed his intention to return to a more narrative approach to British History.

Let’s break that down:

“The Government vision is of a fair society where there are no barriers to participation or ambition based on race, colour or ethnicity. Only by giving everyone the opportunity to succeed can we build a better future for everybody in Britain.”

meansWe say, you do, it’s for your own good.

“The Government is not responsible for Black History month. This is, rather, a community led initiative which has developed since the mid-eighties, and individual organisations take part on a voluntary basis…”

means:  Don’t blame Us, blame those We enticed here.

“… Its benefits are that it raises awareness of the, often unknown, Black contribution to our shared history, for example, that Africans and Asians and their descendants have been living in Britain for the last 500 years and also made a major contribution in the Second World War. By focusing on what people have in common, as well as recognising the value of diversity, we can foster a shared sense of belonging and a shared sense of the future.”

means:  We support it in shaping the minds of future Britons.

“In schools, the existing National Curriculum programme of study for history requires pupils to be taught a substantial amount of British history. The Government is currently reviewing the national curriculum and has announced its intention to reduce the amount of central prescription in the way that schools teach their pupils. The Secretary of State for Education has expressed his intention to return to a more narrative approach to British History.”

means:  here’s a crumb to satisfy your cravings, and not a bite more.

If they couldn’t tell the truth that a month wouldn’t be long enough to chronicle the Anglo-Saxon and Celt tale, instead of the Government-sponsored waffle, a simple no would have sufficed.

BNP | Fulltime Anti-BNPers

16 05 2010

A campaign of hate directed at the British National Party in Barking, sanctioned by the Establishment, coordinated by Searchlight, promoted by the Mirror and performed by the deluded is the main reason why there was no political earthquake.

Since last June, when 1,000,000 Britons decided to use their democratic right and voted for Mr Griffin and Mr Brons in the EU elections, Searchlight’s chief Nick Lowles has organised the undemocratic use of subversion, indoctrination and incitement to hatred to oppose them.

So how did they do it?  From the dreaded Hope Not Hate blog hosted by the leftarded news-polluter, the Daily Mirror:

We have had brilliant support from pensioners, black and Asian voters, white voters, young voters, women and men. On Monday 385 people delivered 55,000 leaflets and even on polling day we had 175 people out knocking up the vote.

So saturating the area with anti-BNP literature for the run-up to the election and, with 175 people manning the polling booths, it’s no wonder the BNP polled so little.

Nick Griffin was belittled, vilified, treated like dog dirt and told he was a third-class citizen who wasn’t wanted in Britain.

Argumentum ad hominem it’s called, attacking the person instead of the argument and has worked throughout the centuries as people are too stupid or lazy to see the motive behind the comments.

The world is upside down.  That or there is definitely something in the water.

GE10 | BNP analysis

15 05 2010

It has been near enough two weeks since the result of the election and finally we are finding out how the Establishment fended off the Nationalist advance in Barking.

Thanks to the leftarded Guardian, find out it was not policy or personality that smashed the BNP in Barking but an Obama-style campaign of PR and intimidation coordinated by the Establishment’s agents.

The answer is a tale of determined activism by Griffin’s opponents, aided by the antics of his self-harming party. That activism began to develop a sharp focus two weeks after those Euro elections, when Lowles chaired a meeting of MPs, anti-BNP campaigners, church groups and trade unionists. He gave them a detailed breakdown of the BNP’s support. The message was stark.

“A decision was made to draw a line in the sand,” says one Labour party figure who was at the meeting. “The coming general election was going to be the defining moment. Everyone knew that if they won then, it would be almost impossible to remove them in the future.”

There was never a single anti-BNP campaign in Barking. There were meetings, events, leafleting initiatives run by Hope Not Hate – which coordinated much of the activity – and also by Labour and Unite Against Fascism. Hope Not Hate set up a base in derelict premises, and volunteers travelled across the country to prepare it for the coming battle; putting up a new ceiling, plumbing in toilets and setting up a print room. Some slept on the floors.

“The response was truly overwhelming,” says Lowles. “On one day of action, we had 541 people; on another, 385; and even on election day itself, 176 people came out to help get the vote out.” Many of the volunteers had not been involved in political activity before. “We had teenagers travelling up from Kent, old ladies from the other side of London turning out. It felt like a liberating experience for people who felt like we were doing something politically important.”

The Hope Not Hate campaign was supported by Joe Rospars, chief digital strategist for Barack Obama from 2007 until his inauguration, and his company Blue State Digital.

Rospars said it was the “best example” of a British organisation applying the lessons of the US presidential elections. “We are seeing a genuine community-based organisation, with people coming together around a common purpose,” he said.

Campaigners were able to identify the key groups least likely to vote for the BNP – women, pensioners and people from ethnic minorities. They built up an online volunteer force of 140,000 people, and Rospars advised on how to use them for maximum impact. In the month before election day, Lowles says more than 1,000 volunteers descended on Barking, delivering 350,000 specially tailored leaflets and newsletters.

At the same time, the Dagenham MP John Cruddas, and his neighbour who seemed most under threat, Barking MP Margaret Hodge, were fighting a parallel ground war against the BNP. Hodge escalated the effort she had begun some four years earlier to reconnect with voters Labour had lost to the BNP. Their rise in Barking had seen the then culture secretary heavily criticised by many inside her own party. For her, this election result represents a triumph for decency, and personal redemption.

“When Griffin announced in September that he would stand, that gave me a real scare,” Hodge says. “My husband had not long died, and I was still in grief. It was a tough period. I was quietly confident that I would win, but I really wanted to smash him. And I was really concerned about the prospects for the council.”

Hodge, with the help of volunteers from Unite Against Fascism, turned to the politics of shoe leather, knocking on doors and listening to people’s concerns. “‘What do you want to talk about?’ I would ask. It was up to them.”

Most talked about street cleaning, wheelie bins and antisocial behaviour, but inevitably many raised the BNP trump card of immigration. Even black residents raised the issue with Hodge. “I would say to them: ‘I can’t turn the clock back, but this is why the borough has changed, and we must make it work for all of us.’ Some people hated that. Some would understand. But they came to feel I was listening.”

Of  course the internal problems of the BNP didn’t help but the mobilisation and coordination between the Establishment and Vested Interests would put Robert Mugabe to shame.

And you still believe you live in a democratic country?

UK GE10 | No solution forthcoming

1 05 2010

We know the problem that mass immigration causes, it is the solution the deluded are waiting for.  For decades the public mood has been fed by the Media Mandarins and sadly, many are still waiting for a ‘trusted’ face to stand up and say the obvious.

So long as we remain under political jurisdiction of the Soviet-style European Union, we will always be seen as the dumping ground for the world’s humanity. The people make the country.  Change the people, change the country.

Saw the following and thought it would be worth highlighting.  It is people like YOU who vote BNP.  If there is no shame in supporting an International Socialist Organisation such as Labour or the staunch Corporatist Conservatives, there should be no shame in supporting the British National Party this election.  I still think it is shameful to vote Liberal Democrats though, a party full of sexual deviants and perverted policies should never be encouraged.

The great disconnect: After the economy, immigration is the issue that worries voters most. So why won’t our politicians even discuss it?

By Harriet Sergeant, Daily Mail.  Last updated at 11:21 AM on 1st May 2010

Ridiculous!’ spat Gordon Brown at Gillian Duffy’s comments on immigration in what he thought was the privacy of his car. So what is the truth? How great is the gulf between what politicians say and what really concerns the majority of people?

Having spent the past few weeks speaking to countless ordinary people, I can report that the gulf is very great indeed – something I call The Great Disconnect – and that, after the economy, immigration is THE issue that worries people most.

The People

This is not some random theory. It’s based on the experiences of real people. People like Dave, who I recently met in a cafe in Hastings, East Sussex.

Dave is 22, with cropped hair and a diamond stud in one ear. He yearns for a ‘decent job’ and a home for his girlfriend and baby daughter. Like over half of young white males from a poor background, Dave has trouble with reading. It means he is only qualified for a menial job.

Thirty years ago, he would have still got work in a factory, married his girlfriend, raised a family and contributed to society. Now, those factory jobs no longer exist and menial jobs are monopolised by skilled and hard-working Poles who have not suffered the handicap of a British state education.

This means that Dave, like one in five of young people, cannot get on that first step of the employment ladder.

He explains: ‘When the council advertised two dustmen jobs, there were 100 applications.’

The local job agencies told him he had no chance because he was English. They only took Poles on to their books. When Dave finally did manage to secure a job, he encountered another problem facing young people – our welfare system hands out more in benefits than can be earned on the minimum wage.

The Centre for Social Justice has pointed out that welfare claimants are no better off – and sometimes poorer – if they come off the dole and take up jobs paying anything less than £15,000 a year.

But who is going to offer Dave that kind of money? That’s why the financial adviser at Dave’s Job Centre actually told him not to take the job he had been offered.

‘I would have been £30 worse off,’ he says.

Dave described his despair at the prospect of a life on benefits. ‘I know men of 40 doing nothing but drink and drugs all day. I don’t blame them.’ He shook his head angrily. ‘I don’t want to be beat like that.’

Dave’s situation is far from unique. There are currently 5.9million people of working age claiming out-of-work benefits – costing £74.4billion a year in welfare payments.

The life of this young man has not been wrecked by disadvantage – but by government policy on immigration, education and welfare.

Nor does it end there. Because of immigration, the lack of jobs for the likes of Dave has a direct impact on the rising numbers of single mothers and thus the increase in child poverty – another burden for the taxpayer.

New research by Geoff Dench for the Centre For Policy Studies (CPS) describes the change in single motherhood.

Thirty years ago, a typical single mother was on her own because she had separated from her partner. Now, more than half say they have never lived with a man. And, once more, male joblessness – to which mass immigration has contributed – is at the heart of the issue.

‘I would love to get married,’ a single mother in Brixton told me during my own research.

‘But all the men I know are in prison or deal drugs. I don’t know one man with a job.’

Instead, she has married the State – she’s one of the millions dependant on welfare. The statistics tell their own story: 72 per cent of children of single mothers grow up in poverty.

Children of single mothers are more likely to run away from home, have behavioural problems, do less well at school, take to drugs and get involved in – and society picks up the bill.

This is why the electorate is right to be exercised by these issues.

They understand better than our political elite the relationship between immigration, male joblessness, child poverty and an exploding benefit bill.

It is only in this context that the full, devastating toll of the Labour government’s immigration policy is exposed. Instead of getting young men like Dave into work, the Government has done the opposite.

Under Labour, immigration has risen dramatically. In 2007, more than half a million migrants arrived in this country – more than one a minute.

According to the Office for National Statistics, of the 1.7 million new jobs created since 1997, 81 per cent have gone to foreign workers. These are extraordinary figures.

Behind them lie wrecked lives and a continuing cycle of disadvantage and child poverty.

As one exasperated man asked: ‘Why are we not training our young people to be as skilled and educated as the immigrants now taking their place?’ What a transformation to society if we did.

Why, then, is none of our political parties offering radical solutions? The answer is, they are fearful of being branded ‘bigots’ – just like Gillian Duffy recently was.

Yet the immigration crisis has nothing to do with class, colour or religious background. During one week of my research, a white chef, a black manicurist and an Iranian minicab driver all voiced fears to me about the new influx of immigrants.

Racism is so last century

What they fear is not so much the foreignness of these incomers, but his or her rights to share their welfare benefits – because they know that they are a limited resource.

They cannot – or rather, should not – be for everybody. After a year working in this country, certain EU migrants qualify for the full range of benefits enjoyed by a UK citizen.

Which is why an unemployed Pole explained to me that he is hardly likely to return home if he finds himself out of work. Not when benefits in Poland are half what they are in Britain.

Politicians treat the welfare state as if it is an elastic band, able to stretch to fit all newcomers. They have not appreciated a fact understood by the ordinary voter: this elastic band has a painful twang.

The Cost of Enrichment

One person’s gain is another’s loss. And this loss is being felt right across Britain’s overstretched public services.

For example, one school I visited used to boast an excellent initiative for its white working-class boys – the lowest achieving group in the country. The boys responded enthusiastically.

Even so, the scheme had to be scrapped. The number of immigrant children arriving in that school had shot up in two years from 0 per cent to 10 per cent of the school population.

Money and time spent on those local boys now had to go on language lessons for the new arrivals. Nor is this a unique case. The Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration has found that councils around the country are struggling to cope with a surge of applications to primary schools ‘as a direct result of mass immigration’.

Local authorities in parts of London, the West Midlands and south-west England were forced to install mobile classrooms and educate children in church halls last year because of the shortage of space.

One caller to a recent radio phone-in described the choice facing her daughter in their West London catchment area – one school where one-third of the pupils are refugees, one school where up to a quarter have learning difficulties and one school where Arabic is the first language.

There is an excellent Church of England school, but that is monopolised by middle-class families.

International Health Service

Then, there is the effect immigration has had on the NHS. Of course emergency treatment should be available to anyone in this country. But immigration has placed an intolerable pressure on healthcare.

First, it is the sheer numbers of people who have become entitled to treatment – not only those on work permits and student visas of more than six months, but their dependents, too.

Anyone – ranging from a grandmother, parent or spouse – that an immigrant student or worker can support is entitled to free healthcare. To make matters worse, a large number of immigrants come from countries where TB, hepatitis B and HIV are endemic.

They are contagious, life-threatening diseases. HIV and hepatitis B require expensive treatment for life.

A shocking 70 per cent of all cases of TB occur in immigrants, at an estimated cost to the NHS of £42million a year. And 95 per cent of all new cases of hepatitis B in this country came from abroad.

HIV, too, has become a disease that is affecting one part of the community far more than others.

As one doctor in a sexual health clinic remarked, ’95 per cent of our patients are now heterosexual and from Africa’.

Faced with this unprecedented demand on resources, doctors complained in a report to Parliament that all patients were waiting ‘unacceptably long’.

Yet the NHS makes little attempt to check if people are entitled to free healthcare, as I discovered when I spent a morning sitting with the A&E receptionist of an inner-city hospital.

Receptionists are supposed to ask every new patient if they have lived in the UK for more than 12 months. But few I witnessed bothered.

One official, whose job it is to try to recoup payment from those not entitled to free care, admitted: ‘Half of my receptionists feel uncomfortable asking where a patient has come from.’ I told him: ‘I bet, though, that they wouldn’t feel awkward standing at Gatwick Airport, for example, and handing £1,000 to every foreign visitor?’ ‘No, they would not!’

An A&E manager pointed out: ‘Relatives of families already living here fly over and use their uncle or cousin’s address to gain free NHS care. Some with chronic conditions come backwards and forwards on six-month visas for treatment. The abuse is blatant.’

A second A&E manager explained the consequences: ‘At the same time as so much money is being spent on treating foreigners, I can’t afford to take on more nurses or even an extra porter because there is not enough in the kitty. It’s a can of worms that no one wants to deal with.’

Indeed it is. But the problems caused by immigration do not stop with its effect on employment, schooling and healthcare.

Social Housing

Social housing is another area of tension. Like welfare payments, social housing is a scarce resource. The number of council homes has actually decreased from 4.4 million to 3.9million in the past ten years.

Over the same period, immigration has added three million to the population. Yet the Government has made no provision for this increase. The result is predictable. The waiting list for social housing has shot up in the six years to 2008 by 80 per cent.

By 2011, an estimated two million will be waiting for a council home. According to the pressure group MigrationWatch, the proportion of foreign-born people in social housing has increased by 54 per cent.

This is because qualification for social housing is based on need – and this is often judged by the size of families. Families with more children get higher priority – regardless of how long they’ve lived in the community. According to the Office for National Statistics, women born in Pakistan and now living in the UK have an average of 4.7 children.

Ethnic cleansing

Mothers born in the UK have on average just 1.6. This is the reason why social housing appears to favour recent immigrants. What all this has done to communities is clear from a report from the Young Foundation – a Left-leaning group who repeated a social study they had first conducted in Bethnal Green, East London, 50 years ago.

In 2006 they returned to the area and were taken aback by the changes. A social housing policy, introduced in the Seventies on the basis of ‘need’, had replaced the white working-class family structures with Bangladeshi families.

Instead of living close to their parents, white families had to move out to Essex, where social housing was available. I saw the effects of this government policy when I visited a primary school in the area.

On the wall hung school photos, past and present. There was one glaring difference.

All the children 50 years ago were white. All the children in the recent photo were not.

Where had the descendants of those white children gone, I wondered? In another country, one would presume some terrible ethnic cleansing had taken place. In the UK, it goes by another name – multiculturalism.

The Scapegoat and the Perpetrator

It is certainly not the immigrants themselves who are to blame – the majority have come here to work and are contributing to this country – it is the sheer numbers who have been allowed in thanks to New Labour’s border policy.

The Reason

What’s worse, as a Freedom of Information request recently uncovered, this policy was implemented in the hope that it would have a direct political benefit to Labour, since first-generation immigrants are more likely to vote with the Left.

In other words, Labour has put party interests above the very people it is meant to represent – the working-class voters, like Gillian Duffy, who were once the backbone of the Labour movement.

Yet not one of the party leaders has been prepared to raise immigration during the election campaign – and when the three party leaders tackled the issue during Thursday night’s TV debate, there was very little honesty.

Otherwise, all debate about this profoundly important issue has been stifled. In this political vacuum, radio phone-ins and online forums are one of the few outlets where open discussion on immigration is taking place.

Take the following contribution to a newspaper website discussion. ‘Why am I anxious about being English in England? Maybe it’s because I feel my culture no longer exists

‘It has been replaced by a concoction of foreign cultures, of which English is only a small part. Maybe it’s because it makes me feel my culture has no worth or place any more. Like it’s illegitimate. Someone has to do something.’

No doubt Gordon Brown would dismiss the author as a Right-wing bigot. In fact, it was left by a Guardian reader.

Plastic Politicians

The solution to our problems will not be forthcoming from the Perpetrators.  The Houses of Parliament is Operation HQ for the Detestables and so a clear out is needed of all the EU Stooge Parties.  An opposition cowered by baseless accusations of racism and xenophobia is either incompetent or complicit, either way, they are not fit for purpose.

Conservatives want Change.  Liberal Democrats want Change.  Labour think you’re all bigots for opposing Change.  Yet not one opposes the Eunification project, and until they do, the only Changes the EU Stooge Parties will allow will be EU approved ones.

Multiculturalism, Diversity and pacifism is the approved Change vigorously promoted by the European Commissioners.  Every bill, directive and treaty oozes with marxist-inspired politically-correct mumbo-jumbo that can exonerate or demonize on the basis of skin and thought.

I put my Nation first due to the simple fact that this is my home, not out of some false sense of superiority but because the demise of my beloved will mean an end to a large part of my heritage.  I do not fix up my neighbours home when my own is suffering the foolmanship of corrupted Parliamentarian tampering.  And I especially do not concern myself with the woes of the world when my own section of Earth is becoming smaller.

Patriotism and Nationalism are dirty words because the Internationalist Institutions who control Earth paint them so.

A thousand problems caused from Governmental Actions that will somehow justify more Governmental Intervention leading to more problems.

Isn’t life grand?

OBV | Black Britain Decided?

29 04 2010

From my previous posting regarding the supremacist organisation Operation Black Vote, have finally got some news of the event.

And just like the National Black Policeman’s Association and Operation Trident, this is another racist front organisation supposedly supporting Equality yet working towards the opposite and enforcing the need for Race Relations.

Parties woo black voters at rally

(UKPA) – 1 hour ago

Labour, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats attempted to woo black voters at a lively rally on Wednesday night.

Hundreds packed the Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, central London, for the Black Britain Decides event organised by Operation Black Vote.

The campaign group said the votes of black and ethnic minority people could have a “defining impact” on the outcome of the General Election.

Harriet Harman, Labour deputy leader, shadow chancellor George Osborne and Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman Vince Cable addressed the rally, while Tory leader David Cameron and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg both recorded messages which were broadcast in the hall.

Actor Kwame Kwei-Armah hosted the event, fielding questions from a vocal audience and using humour to keep control of the crowd.

The politicians were grilled on issues such as police use of stop and search powers and the DNA database, with those attending the event expressing concerns about disproportionate targeting of black people.

During the three-hour event they also spoke of their parties’ beliefs and pledges to make British society more equal and described personal experiences and motivations to bring home their message.

Asked what would be done to deal with a situation where a black man was five times more likely to be stopped by police than a white man, Ms Harman said: “I think that there is great concern, including in the Metropolitan Police, to make sure that there is not a sense of unfairness about the way stop and search is happening. I know there is a great deal of concern about that.”

She said it was important to balance the public’s desire to feel safe in the knowledge knives were not being carried on the streets with the need for fairness.

Kwei-Armah prompted cheers and applause when he ended the exchange by saying: “I think it’s very clear to Harriet and the Labour Party that people feel very strongly about the DNA database and it’s something, if you are elected, they would like to see reviewed.”

Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

And major kudos goes to Federica Cocco for covering the event and providing photos that can be found HERE.  Also provided the following blurb which I thought needed highlighting.

Harriet Harman, George Osborne and Vince Cable attended the Black Britain Decides rally organised by Operation Black Vote (OBV) in the Methodist Hall in Westminster. The rally was organised in partnership with Peace Alliance, church leaders, business leaders, activists and many other eminent members of the British community of black and ethnic minorities (BEM).

Up to 120 marginal seats could depend on the black vote, organisers say.

As prominent members of the three main parties spoke of their policies in favour of enhancing equality and justice, they faced tough and challenging questions from the audience, particularly on stop & search and on the national DNA database.

Okay for the Establishment to pander to the NuBritons to further the Internationalist Agenda yet evil for the Nationalists to oppose it on behalf of TruBritons.  Reminds me of High Street Banks, will bend over to gain your custom but once you’re in the vault, will move straight onto the next sucker.

The Western World hoovers up citizens like the Devil collects Souls.  Saints or Sinners, all are welcome to toil for the Internationalist Dream of Financial Salvation.

Some novel advice from myself regarding the ‘dissprotianate’ Stop & Search policy that so oppresses the yooth.  Tell your yewts to cease dressing and acting ‘Gangsta’, drop the South Central slang and STOP becoming one-man crime-waves.  Damn, not only do the Policeman get their own grouping but also the crooks!!!

Operation White Vote – for one day, we may just well regret it.

Camberwell and Peckham | PPC Jill Guevara

28 04 2010

Just for fun I thought I’d check out the Leftarded Armies of Doom hoping to capitalize on all those African commies and illegals residing in Peckham. Most of these Red Groups seek the destruction of borders and total North Korean-style socialism installed across the world.

Oddly, I share one sentiment with this Workers’ Saint and that is her hatred directed at Harperson.  Apart from that, I could never support an organisaton that sought to destroy my ancestral homeland.  Turkeys and Christmas comes to mind.

This post will shine enough light on the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty candidate to put me off.  Problem is, the promise of a guaranteed State financed job will be tempting to those with the voodoo village mentality.  Quite cool what you can dig up on facebook.

There are now less than two weeks to go until the General Election. Use that time positively by helping our socialist election campaign!

Jill Mountford, council worker, revolutionary socialist, feminist, class-struggle militant will be standing in the south London constituency of Camberwell and Peckham against New Labour minister and deputy leader Harriet Harman. Harman is a chemically pure Blairite apparatchik personally responsible for many of the government’s attacks on the working class (eg cutting single parent benefit, blocking abortion rights in Northern Ireland).

We have been building a socialist campaign in Camberwell and Peckham for about a year. Between now and the general election we will be stepping it up.

If you want to do something positive in this election, come and help us! Donate at least a couple of hours in the next two weeks to leafleting, canvassing and other ways of supporting Jill Mountford’s campaign.

The struggle goes on and I mean literally after reading these policies that have no chance in hell of working…

For a working-class voice in Parliament! For a workers’ MP on a worker’s wage!

In the next general election, socialist activist Jill Mountford will be standing against New Labour deputy leader and cabinet minister Harriet Harman in the south east London constituency of Camberwell and Peckham.

More than ever in the midst of wage cuts, job losses and repossessions, working-class people need MPs who will represent us and help us fight for their interests – not four or five more years of New Labour careerists serving the bosses and the rich in a way almost indistinguishable from the Tories.

Despite her claims to be a “democratic socialist” and “feminist”, Harman is a government loyalist with a truly appalling voting record.

In 1998, as Secretary of State for Social Security, she oversaw New Labour’s cut in single parent benefit, throwing thousands upon thousands of single parents deeper into poverty. She has not rebelled against the Government once, voting for student tuition fees, privatisation in the NHS and schools, the Iraq war and all the rest.

In 2008, this self-styled fighter for women’s rights oversaw the government’s use of Parliamentary procedures to prevent MPs from even voting on an amendment to extend abortion rights to women in Northern Ireland.

Harman’s combined salary is more than £100,000 a year. Perhaps unsurprisingly, she recently proposed to exempt MPs’ expenses from the Freedom of Information Act.

Jill Mountford has lived in south east London and worked as a community worker for almost twenty years. She has been active in the labour movement all that time. She was national organiser of the Welfare State Network, set up in the 1990s to demand that Labour rebuild public services and the welfare state, and is now an activist in the public sector union Unison.

Jill is a socialist and a feminist, and a member of the socialist group Workers’ Liberty. She is running in this election to rebuild political representation for working-class people; if elected, she will take only the average worker’s wage and donate the rest to labour movement and community campaigns.

She is standing to oppose the bosses’ attempts to make us pay for their economic crisis, supporting workers’ and working-class community struggles; to demand decent jobs, homes and public services for all; and to fight for a workers’ government, a government based on and accountable to the workers’ movement that serves the working class as the Tories and New Labour in office have served the bosses and the rich. She wants to see capitalism replaced with a socialist society run in the interests of people, not profit.

Now for her admirable yet mission impossible policies which will certainly appeal to large sections of voodoo people, especially as it has a global appeal with amnesty attached.  Blighty cannot even sort out Her own problems and Commie Red wants to rule the world.

Jill’s policies:

These are demands which the workers’ movement and left can fight for now, policies for working-class political representatives to put forward and a program for a workers’ government to put into practice.

(1) Jobs, homes and services for all

Create jobs for all by cutting work hours with no loss of pay, and creating millions of jobs in public services. Open the bosses’ books: nationalise companies which cut jobs, under workers’ control.

Stop and reverse cuts and privatisations. Restore the NHS. Nationalise the drug industry. No to Academies, a good local secular comprehensive school for every child. Free education from nursery to university.

Living student grants.

A crash programme of council house building and repairs.

(2) A decent income for all, attack poverty and inequality

No to wage cuts, for wages that rise at least in line with inflation. A minimum wage of two-thirds median male earnings (£9 an hour) without exceptions.

Shift the tax burden from workers to the rich and business, abolish tax for the least well off. Tax the rich!

Benefits should be enough to live on and rise in line with earnings or prices, whichever is higher. Oppose New Labour’s attacks on the unemployed, disabled and long-term sick.

For the right to retire at maximum 60 on a decent pension. Level up private sector pensions to the best public sector provision. Restore the link between the basic state pension and earnings now.

(3) Take over the banks

Nationalise all the banks and sack their bosses to create single, publicly-owned, democratically-controlled banking, pensions, and mortgage service.

(4) Workers’ rights

Scrap the Tory anti-union laws so workers can defend themselves. For legal rights to organise, to strike, to take solidarity action, and to picket. Full equal rights for part-time, temporary and agency workers. 100 percent support for workers’ struggles.

(5) Equality for all

Women’s rights: extend social provision instead of making cuts which put social burdens back on “caring” women. Trade union and political action for equal pay. Defend and extend abortion rights and provisions. For abortion on demand.

Fight homophobia and transphobia. For 100% legal equality for LGBT people.

Against fascism, racism and communalism. Unite workers – black and white; Muslim, Christian, all religions and none; migrant and British-born; “legal” and “illegal” – to fight for jobs, housing and services for all.

Fight for asylum and immigration rights – no one is illegal!

(6) Protect the environment

Achieve the necessary cuts in carbon emissions and create a million green jobs through a democratically-controlled programme of converting energy industries, transport, and housing.

For publicly-owned, expanded, integrated and free/cheap public transport. For massive public investment in renewable energy.

(7) International solidarity

British bosses are our enemies, workers in other countries are our allies. Unite with workers across Europe and the world; fight to level up wages, conditions, services and rights.

On the evidence, sending troops to Afghanistan does more harm than good; they should be withdrawn. Cut arms spending; scrap the Trident replacement.

(8) Fight for democracy

The expenses’ scandal shows that the democracy we have serves the bosses, not the working class. We need to fight for better, starting by putting all MPs on a worker’s wage, with properly-vetted expenses. Abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords.

Defend civil liberties and the right to protest. Measures to weaken the police as a bosses’ assault force, including local democratic accountability.

Still, this isn’t just a one-man band, for she has a group of canvassers who have merrily gotten feedback from the easily pleased public.

Daniel: I had a long conversation on a doorstep with a man who was a long-standing Labour voter who said he would never vote Labour again. He argued that the Labour Party had failed to support the working class and the poor.

He intended to vote Lib Dem. I am not sure if I persuaded him, but he was pro-union and he did not know the Lib Dems’ anti-union record in — for example — local government.

He bought a paper and maybe I will go back and have another discussion next week.

Edward: I had a discussion with a disabled woman who argued that increasing the minimum wage to £8.80 per hour (a demand displayed prominently on our election leaflets) would not benefit her directly, but the quality of care she received would improve if her carers were better paid.

We took a street cleaner leafletting with us — I am not sure he had ever done anything like this before. It was a good experience. We gave out several hundred leaflets outside Peckham mosque last Friday. We had lots of good discussions and sold seven copies of Solidarity.

Mark: It is now very easy to sell socialist newspapers, and noticeably easier on estates than in more middle class areas.

We have had small numbers of people at our public meetings, but the discussions that have taken place have been useful. There’s not much of a culture of attending meetings any more. But people do want to talk and we’ve had lots of debates and discussions on doorsteps.

A lot of working class people just simply don’t know how to engage. They feel disenfranchised because no mainstream political party articulates a view they share, and disgusted by politicians who they feel are rotten and corrupt.

It is sometimes hard to disagree. I had a long discussion with a woman worker who knew very well she was being exploited, but who couldn’t see the point of voting for a small socialist group (of course we won’t win the seat, or come anywhere near either) and thought her union was rubbish (it sounded as if it was).

I think part of the answer is to explain that the vote is not the main issue for us. What we’re doing is making socialist propaganda for the long-term. After the election, we’ll still be here. The more people we can convince now, organise now, the better we will be able to resist the cuts that are coming — no matter who wins.

Anita: I did a bit of canvassing this evening. I didn’t have a lot of time, so I only managed half a street — about 25 doorbells — and yet I found a man that reckons he’ll vote for any genuine socialist candidate.

It was interesting to hear what people thought. Most were undecided, though I think most of the indecision was about whether to bother voting at all. A few people said that whatever they did, they wouldn’t vote Tory.

I was struck again by what an excellent opportunity the election is to get into political conversations on the doorstep. Not everyone would spend time talking to me, but they were apologetic about that, they were generally very prepared to talk.

Overall, I think canvassing is really worthwhile doing, I think it’s actually part of the reason why standing in elections is a good thing for socialists to do.

Cath said she’d enjoyed canvassing during the campaign.

“I found it quite scary at first. People have such very different ways of expressing themselves, and so many different angles on the same important questions. To be able to reply coherently, and to break down some big ideas in to understandable chunks is a difficult skill.

“People can be quite eclectic too. People can acknowledge the need for workers to stick together, and still complain about work-shy single mums ‘getting flats easily’ or Eastern Europeans ‘robbing benefits’.

“A lot of the myths in circulation are simply that: myths. Eastern European migrants mostly can’t claim benefits, and no-one gets council flats easily — single mums, or anyone else. There are very few council flats! There’s a waiting list of many thousands!”

It is simply a matter of mathematics and common sense, something that seems to have gone walkies in Britain.  For the simple-minded, Britain’s landmass is small, world’s population is enormous, we cannot fit gallons of water in a litre and half bottle!  And encouraging immigrants to vote for the  destruction of Britain is criminal and insane.  We cannot trust our own politicians yet Socialists want to create more!

Isn’t Britain as the unique nation with a history and culture to match worth defending?  Is it really worth gambling the future of Her peoples for a fantasy world utopian ideal that would only end up serving the Political Class?  For the day we rid ourselves of Private Ownership is the day we become nothing more than property of the State.

Vote Jill, get the WHOLE DAMN WORLD!