Lee Jasper | Professional Race Baiter

9 01 2011

The ever charming and crooked Mr Jasper, a one time aide of Red Ken, a fulltime Race Peddler, is the pseudo-Marxist reject from the happy farm so many useful stooges are.  Smart enough to know never to answer any direct questions with direct answers, dumb enough to not see that he is nothing but a tool.

A reminder for all those who this despicable parasitic leech is.  When Ken Livingstone duped the deluded into voting him Mayor of London, (twice mind you, so you can understand my lament at my fellow Londoner), he set about promoting all those who helped him garner the block votes.

One thing the Left do well is play multiple tracks to various audiences, where in the end, if all the scripts were merged, it would be contradiction after contradiction and the only promise that would be consistent was ‘vote Ken, get Ken’.  Now this isn’t a rant about Red Ken, the twice divorced, newt-loving Marxist agitator, God no.  This is about his chum and appointee Mr Jasper who I have I had the recent displeasure of displeasing on twitter. The following I copied from The Professional Race Baiter’s twitter account but there is a heck of a lot more.  His moniker is; @LeeJasper

A professional race baiter by trade who tweets constituency about the lack of Black Influence from the overbearing White Oppression he suffers wherever he goes, from music in tube stations to the colour of the crowd.  Not surprising considering the massive chip on his shoulders, and boy is he willing to remind you.  With folks like Mr Jasper, it is not hard to comprehend why racial sentiments develop.

Before anything else, he is Black.  Working class is just laughable.  Anti-racist?  Possibly, although he sure doesn’t let that get in the way of his own bigotry

I explained to the foolish businessman that due to the owners pushing up daisies and the Royalty dues no longer collected, it was FREE.  It also happens to be soothing and promotes a calm atmosphere, perfect for an early morning train ride

Surrounded by his enablers, facilitators, and in general, fellow demented lefturds, he still isn’t happy at the ethnic count.  Mr Jasper began moaning about the lack of diversity in the multitude of Leftarded divisions  present at the #nutroots gathering

Back and forth the tweets went, with myself allegedly a little naughty, calling him a crook (SOURCE) with terrible judgement of character flaw (SOURCE) that is crooked itself.  Although in mitigation, anyone who has ever been paid a penny from the Race Relations Industry, be they black, brown or pink, will receive both barrels from me without mercy.  I detest any soul that would subvert my ancestral homeland, like any sane Kin would.

I was born in King’s College Hospital in 1981.  I have called four places home, all of them in Peckham.  I have worked in Southwark for a decade plus.  The total amount of time I have been away from the London area is roughly 20 months.  In all than time and in all my travels, I think I’ve seen and know more what the real Black working class look like.  And it has never included Jasper the parasitic socialist.

Who knows what dictator we’ll end up with.  And with tools like Jasper, we will.  For once law and order breaks down completely, you’ll watch the masses beg for protection.  Only consolation is that Jasper could probably be one of the first ‘disappearence’ black-op jobs.

Alas, I’m not a journalist and I haven’t the required hacking skills to investigate Mr Jasper’s public and business life so will resort to the Media.

Jasper’s Claim to Fame

Livingstone’s aide admits that £18,000 of City Hall money was improperly diverted to bail out private company

Daily Mail 28 January 2008

So another pseudo-Democrat who uses public money as if his own.  He was one of the company’s directors but ‘didn’t know about it’.  What was he directing then?  And if one bit of bad press wasn’t bad enough…

Whisky-drinking Livingstone faces fresh scandal as aide quits over five-star freebie trip to Africa

Daily Mail 23 January 2008

One of his aides takes the piss under his nose.  I can’t be too hard on him on this case.  The entire City Hall could do with a good scrub.  His lack of judgement shouldn’t come as a surprise considering his lack of financial acumen in his directorship.  Yet more recently Mr Gilligan gives him a little mention…

Ken Livingstone’s dog-whistle politics Telegraph January 5th, 2011

More of his friends seemingly receiving multi-million pound deals for ‘outreach’ work.  Would be comical if this was on TV, yet this is the workings of Government, no matter how small.  They take as much as they can from the public and give it to their friends.  Sure, in return we get a cuddly Labrador (read the article, you’ll be surprised what the right people in the right places can get you).


If Mr Jasper told me the sky was blue, I would have to check.  A professional race baiter, a crooked or incompetent (both are bad) businessman, and to top it all, recommended by Communspastic Red Ken!

What did Earth do to deserve his useless existence?  We weren’t that naughty surely, what about all those food parcels and technological leg-ups beginning with the wheel, iron working and agriculture, surely that should have counted for something?

To be totally honest, I don’t blame Mr Jasper for chasing the dream.  Afterall, if someone comes along and offers someone more suitable in a McJob an easy ride in a governmental position, can’t blame them for jumping at the chance.  It is only natural he abuses his position as a soundboard to encourage the advancement of his Kin.

Just like it is natural for every Anglo-Saxon and Celt soul to yearn the same for his Kin.  It is time we all sang from the same hymn sheet and remind the likes of Lee Jasper that he isn’t welcome.  I’ll be keeping an eye on Jasper the Stooge myself, locking horns with a fellow “working class hero” , I’m sure we’ll soon find something we can agree on.

Fingers crossed, soon after that step, we’ll agree a leaving date for him and his Marxist ideals.  Positively confident that Brother Mugabe would love to have a fine chap like Mr Jasper in Zim.


This is England.

Don’t let it become another Peckham

When do we say enough is enough?  When the population is 60% British55%?  Or do we say mission complete at 50%?

History is littered with warnings against such wishy-washy thinking.  Let us learn from others by understanding the reasoning for certain events.  The flashing red lights and sirens bellowing out the dangers can be seen in Lebanon to Sudan.  Even our open invitations to our fellow Europeans on the basis, come one, come all, is misguided, jeez, we could end up like Belgium.

I stand by what I tweeted to Race-Peddler.  The day the Anglo-Saxon and Celt is cleared from these lands, is the day the Earth crumbles into dust.  The World needs Britain, more than we need the World.

Our own worst enemy is ourselves Britons.  Only when we stop thinking of their feelings, will we see what is best for us.

OWG | Agenda 21 and Diet

22 10 2010

James Delingpole is oh so more eloquent than myself in the writings of rage, that I shall direct you to his piece in the Telegraph regarding the ideas thrown around about our collective, and that word is important, diets.  I won’t cut and paste it all but just highlight the third from bottom paragraph and one phrase in particular.

‘Let them eat vegetables’ says the Eton Grocer’s eco-fascist quango

Apart from being riddled with false assumptions – the main ones, of course, being that “Greenhouse Gases” need to be controlled in the first place; that their effect on “Climate Change” is anything to worry about; that any of this is any business of the Food Standards Agency anybloodyway – the document is really just a means of further advancing the cause of the Quangocracy, Big Government and the UN’s Agenda 21.

Now, just what is the UN’s Agenda 21?  Well, according to the following video, just another step towards One World Governance resulting in property rights suspended, collectivism imposed, and just a general corporatisation of the entire globe under one roof.  One glove fits all.  Or possibly one iron gauntlet to keep all in check.

The official plan can be read HERE, yet unsurprisingly, once more the authors deliberately skirt around the written bush, using all sorts of soundbites that no sane human could reject, yet what one says they are going to do and what they actually do, are two very different things.

1.4. The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries, in order to cover the incremental costs for the actions they have to undertake to deal with global environmental problems and to accelerate sustainable development. Financial resources are also required for strengthening the capacity of international institutions for the implementation of Agenda 21. An indicative order-of-magnitude assessment of costs is included in each of the programme areas. This assessment will need to be examined and refined by the relevant implementing agencies and organizations.


Redistribution of wealth which of course will be handled by a respected banker who of course wouldn’t dream of skimming some of the top…  whose ever heard of an untrustworthy public servent 1US??? 2UN??? 3UK???

2.4. Governments recognize that there is a new global effort to relate the elements of the international economic system and mankind’s need for a safe and stable natural environment. Therefore, it is the intent of Governments that consensus-building at the intersection of the environmental and trade and development areas will be ongoing in existing international forums, as well as in the domestic policy of each country.


Consensus-building usually means “We’re right, you’re wrong and if you step outta line, we’ll smack you one“, or worse, ‘blow you up‘ as if the below was an innocent mistake.  (warning, those with a nervous disposition should not view this as this is uncensored)

I could go on but it’s best if you skim through the whole thing yourself, and I say skim otherwise it’s like reading any governmental release, mind-numbingly protracted bullcrap that actually has the ability to make you vomit.  When something looks too good  to be true, it is usually bullcrap.  And after all them years finessing this art, the political masters and their puppets in the world do a splendid job of smoke and mirrors and top of the range bullcrap.

Even the best intentions can have the worst consequences.  And every time I hear the UN and various whores mention sustainability, I can’t help but picture euthanasia on tap.  Remember our business partners in the Chinese government’s approach towards over-population.  No problem with murdering an unborn soul to sustain their economy.  How long before the UN adopts this stance as a way to save the planet?  And why, in the age of equality restrict this barbaric and sadistic measure to those conceived yet not received?  Why not the over 50s?  Or the unemployed?  Or the disabled?  Or those on low incomes?  Or anyone else that doesn’t tag along?

Just like UN Peacekeepers raping their way across Africa to the dodgy dealings with Saddam and the Oil for Food programs, I wouldn’t trust this bunch of despots with my shed.  Bet the UN is just one giant horse-trading show in which each representative tries to outdo the others in vying for the UN’s cushy jobs. Oh yeah, we’re the horses.  And oh yeah, the Owners of this planet appoint the cushy jobs;  for economic power can buy political power, ad infinitum.

The root of all evil is the love of money…  money buys many things, yet most sought, is good old-fashioned control.  And it doesn’t matter how well-off you think you are, compared to Earth PLC’s stockholders, you’ve got sweet FA.

All’s fair in love and war.

World Cup | Bread and Circuses

8 05 2010

The Greeks had the Olympics, the Romans had the Colosseum while Vlad the Impaler prefered blood sport.  Harsh lessons can have outstanding results.  Through adversity comes strength.   Through pain comes tolerance.  To the athlete, the human body is a machine that can be engineered to perfection.  The right bone structure, the correct muscle make-up and the best genetics all matter.  Without any of those, the path to injury, and sometimes death, is never more than a few feet away.

Yet the world will soon bask in the greatest sporting innovation since the creation of sport.  A game that has inspired the world time and again to untie behind their team then scream foul when it all goes Pete Tong.  This summer will seen the Grandest Football Tournament played out in South Africa, an event that will be watched by billions, where every emotion is felt a million times at the same time across the globe.  The only time we are truly untied is when we’re gasping for air or in audio euphorics.  After three years of pick and mix matches, England’s St George will once again fly across the African continent to cheer on the Three Lions and I can’t wait.

But this isn’t going to be a roaring post where I predict that England score forty goals knocking ten barrels of crap out of every opponent before proudly lifting the FIFA World Cup Trophy, plenty of time ahead for that.  This is more of a practice run of critical thought of the blatant corruption needed to organise such large-scale international occasions and the rewards for those who pull it off.

Why sharks should not own sport

John Pilger, 22 Apr 2010

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger describes how the rich and powerful have taken over and distorted the people’s pleasure – sport, from Tiger Woods Inc to the World Cup, soon to begin in South Africa. Pilger looks at the way Fifa and multiple sponsors have invaded South Africa and ordinary South Africans have been pushed aside in the cause of profiteering.

As Tiger Woods returns to golf, not all his affairs are salacious headlines. In Dubai, the Tiger Woods Golf Course in Dubai is costing $100million to build. Dubai relies on cheap third world labour, as do certain consumer brands that have helped make Woods a billionaire. Nike workers in Thailand wrote to Woods, expressing their “utmost respect for your skill and perseverance as an athlete” but pointing out that they would need to work 72,000 years “to receive what you will earn from [your Nike] contract”.

The American sports writer, Dave Zirin, is one of the few to break media silence on the corporate distortion and corruption of sport. His forthcoming book Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love (Scribner) blows a long whistle on what money power has done to the people’s pleasure, its heroes like Woods and the communities it once served. He describes the impact of the Texan Tom Hicks’s half-ownership of Liverpool Football Club, which followed another rich and bored American Malcolm Glazer’s “leveraged takeover” of Manchester United in 2005. As a result, England’s most successful club (with Liverpool) is now 716.5 million pounds in debt.

How long has this been going on? In 1983, you could buy a ticket to a first division game for 75 pence. Today, the average at Old Trafford is around 34 pounds. Watch the latest crop of parents on morose queues to buy overpriced club strips and insignia, also made with cheap and often sweated labour, with the brand of a failed multinational emblazoned on it. Profiteering is now an incandescent presence across top-class sport. Sven-Goran Eriksson will trouser up to two million pounds for just three months’ work in Ivory Coast, where half the population has barely enough to survive. Australia’s finest, most boorish cricketers are collecting their bundles for a few months’ cavorting in the Indian franchises. The attitude is entitlement, the kind that less talented “celebrities” flaunt. It was in no way remarkable that in 2007-8 a number of the heirs to Don Bradman’s Invincibles achieved what was once nigh on impossible; they were disliked in their own country. Those high fives and air-punching fists have become salutes not to “everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards” (Bill Shankly), but to the voracious sponsor and the forensic camera.

Take for example FIFA, which has effectively taken charge of South Africa for the World Cup. Along with the International Olympic Committee, FIFA is sport’s Wall Street and Pentagon combined. They have this power because host politicians believe the “international prestige” of their visitation will bring economic and promotional benefits, especially to themselves. I was reminded of this watching a documentary by the South African director Craig Tanner, Fahrenheit 2010. His film is not opposed to the World Cup, but reveals how ordinary South Africans, whose game is football, have been shoved aside, dispossessed and further impoverished so that a giant TV façade can be erected in their country.

A new stadium near Nelspruit will host four World Cup matches over 10 days. Jimmy Mohlala, speaker of the local municipality, was gunned down in his home in January last year after whistle-blowing “irregularities” in the tenders. An entire school, which was in the way, has been removed into prefabricated, sweltering steel boxes on a desolate site with a road running through it. “When the World Cup is over,” said the writer Ashwin Desai, “it will become obvious that these stadiums are going to be empty shells, that our money has been used for what is really a pyramid scheme”.

A community of 20,000 people, the Joe Slovo Informal Settlement, is threatened with eviction from where they live near the main motorway between Cape Town and the city’s airport. They are deemed an “eyesore”. Street vendors will be arrested if they fail to comply with FIFA rules about trade and advertising and mention the words “World Cup”, even “2010”. FIFA will earn about two and quarter billion pounds from the TV rights, exceeding its income from the last two World Cups combined.

Incredibly, South Africa will get none of this. And this is country with up to 40 per cent unemployment, a male life expectancy of 49 and thousands of malnourished children. This truth about the “rainbow nation” is not what fans all over the world will see on their TV screens, although they may glimpse an unreported feature of modern South Africa, which is a vibrant, rolling resistance that has linked the World Cup to an economic apartheid that remains as divisive as ever. Indeed, another kind of World Cup for effective popular protest has long been won in the streets of South Africa’s townships.

In his chapter on Liverpool FC, Dave Zirin describes a similar resistance that also offers inspiration to those struggling to reclaim sport from the sharks. A fans’ organization, Share Liverpool FC, is aiming for 100,000 shareholders to buy back the club from Tom Hicks and his co-owner, George Gillett. Liverpool fans have also formed the Liverpool Supporters Union (LSU), which has had thousands in the streets calling for a boycott of the Bank of Scotland if it gives Hicks and Gillett any more credit. Remember how the boycott of Murdoch press succeeded in Liverpool following the Sun’s lies over the Hillsborough tragedy. “If we stand together and speak with one voice, regardless of language or accent,” says the LSU, “we can make a genuine difference to our football club, the city of Liverpool and indeed the wider footballing world.” On 17 April, Hicks and Gillett announced they were selling the club. Manchester United fans are mounting a similar, principled resistance in defence of the sport they love and which they believe rightly is theirs. We should support them.

Nothing is sacred no more.  Nothing.  The world is full of chancers who take the suckers for a ride.  And the biggest suckers I have ever witnessed are our own political elite.  I remember something about safety goggles and conkers.  Wonder who lobbied for that and why, every transaction I suppose.

Like the idea of Liverpool Supporters Union pooling resources to try to buy out the ownership.  If only something like this was possible for the Old Kent Road, although I think it’ll be a bit more than what Monopoly wanted for it.

Personally, I cannot wait for the World Cup due to my own selfish reasons of  enjoying a bit of escapism this summer.  Sun bringing out the girls, beer and smokes with the entertainment provided by international football, what more could a Sarf Londoner want?

Whether or not I’ll be paying extra for the privilege is another matter, for I plan to shop at the Black Market from now on.  I’m not financing this State if I can help it.  Of course, I will happily take from it.  I am an ancestral stockholder afterall.

EU | Carbon Crime

4 05 2010

No, John Prescott hasn’t had a curry and blown away half of Bradford.  Much more mundane than that sadly, it has come to light that the European Polizeiagents have arrested twenty-five alledged carbon credit fruadsters.

Another unintended consequence or another calculated effort for ever increasing financial transactions, either way, it’s going to cost a damn fortune for some poor soul, no matter which way it goes.

Anti-fraud investigators swoop on EU emissions traders

Leigh Phillips, EUObserver, 03.05.2010 @ 17:32 CET

Traders involved in Europe’s flagship climate change programme, the Emissions Trading System – some of whom work at Germany’s biggest banks and energy firms – were the focus of a series of raids and arrests by British and German prosecutors in part of a massive pan-European crackdown on CO2-credit VAT fraud.

A total of 25 people were arrested amid a blitz by authorities on hundreds of company offices in the two countries, including Deutsche Bank and energy firm RWE, in a case involving the theft of an estimated €180 miillion from government coffers.

On Friday (30 April), it was revealed that UK tax authorities had raided 81 different offices and homes earlier in the week, arresting 22 individuals – 13 in England and further eight in Scotland.

The swoop, which occurred two days earlier, involved roughly 450 staff from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.

German authorities simultaneously raided 230 premises, including the headquarters of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and the offices of RWE, one of the largest energy firms in Europe, according to the Bloomberg news agency.

Three individuals in Germany were arrested. Seven of the suspects were employees of Deutsche Bank, although none were among those taken into custody.

The operation, which targetted a total of 50 companies and some 150 suspects in Europe’s biggest economy, involved around a thousand investigators from Germany.

Authorities in eight other EU nations – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Portugal, as well as Norway, outside the bloc – were approached by Frankfurt prosecutors for their help in the investigation.

Computers, mobiles, memory sticks and business records were seized, as well as undisclosed sums of cash.

The criminal activity the raids focussed on relates to what is known as “carousel fraud.” Criminals establish themselves in one EU member state and open a trading account with the national carbon credit registry. They then buy carbon credits in a different country, which makes them exempt from VAT. These are then sold to buyers in the original country, but with VAT slapped on, although the VAT then just disappears along with the trader and the money never arrives in government coffers.

The raids come after Europol, the European criminal intelligence agency, last December issued a warning that ETS fraud had resulted in around €5 billion in lost revenues.

In announcing its investigations into the pan-European racket, the agency said that as much as 90 percent of the entire market volume on emissions exchanges was caused by fraudulent activity.

European Commission climate spokeswoman Maria Kokkonen told EUobserver that a new EU directive on reverse charges for emissions trading, which aims to close off this form of tax fraud, was implemented in February of this year specifically to deal with this problem.

Under the directive, EU member states may for a temporary period optionally apply a reverse charge to switch the responsibility of paying the government the VAT collected from the vendor to the customer.

Also in February, the EU toughened up the requirements for opening an account with national carbon registries.

“Carbon emissions fraud is a very serious problem and the commission is working closely with member states to combat this problem,” said Ms Kokkonen. “In fact, the response to this problem has been very swift since it first came to light last summer.”

“However, it should be underlined that this does not affect the overall functioning of the EU-ETS.”

Environmentalist critics of the ETS however said that such criminal activity is not the exception to the rule, but intrinsic to a carbon market.

“Carbon markets are highly susceptible to fraud, given their complexity and the fact that it is not always clear what is being traded,” said Oscar Reyes of Carbon Trade Watch.

“It’s good that the commission and tax authorities are clamping down, but it is unlikely that this will be the last case of carousel fraud, but also unlikely that it will be the last type of fraud involved in emissions trading.”

Scamming the scammers is never the right way to go so expect those accused to be heavily punished if found guilty.  Now, if only they had defruaded some poor Gran out of her life savings, they could expect a lenient sentence but going against the Finacial Cartels using their game, blimey, now that is asking for trouble.

Then again, if they’re smart enough to skim some of the top, surely they were smart enough to grease the right palms.  If not, I bet they’re now wishing they had.

Southwark | Useful link for upcoming election

3 05 2010

To be honest, I thought I’d be able to sift through all the info on my own and translate the process in simple underclass English.  Woe’e me, woe’e me though that there is so much crap out there, that I just cannot be bothered.

There are only so many promises and pledges one can read before he becomes a total cynic.  And that is no fun in a Bermondsey pub, or healthy for that matter if you’re moaning at everyone and everything.

So, if you live in the glorious and historic borough of Southwark, for all the local and national candidates standing in your locality, visit the following Official Council link for information before you cast your vote:

Local and general elections 2010

Once you have the name, with a little search on google, facebook, twitter and 123people, you should be able to acquire some background information.  If you can’t find them online, they don’t deserve your vote.

My own advice is simple.  Do not vote for the Establishment, even if it means spoiling your ballot with a lovely drawing of Gordon, Clegg and Cameron in compromising positions, for the smaller the mandate, the more just all-out revolution will be, heads on sticks ‘n’ all.

Joking (or fantasizing aside), if you can vote Nationalist, do so, for we need a Patriotic team to counter the agenda propagated by the Globalist Subversives currently infesting our Nation’s Institutions.  Failing that, vote for an independent candidate.

For if the Nationalists are truly as useless as the Establishment propagates, it won’t matter as it’ll just mean the EU will continue their takeover except at a slower pace.  And if your independent ends up corrupted, at least they won’t have an entire gang to help conceal it.

Family, Kinship and Ancestral Homeland.  Are they not worthy of protection?

Britain cannot continue to suffer under the protection of those who profit from our woes.

Vote the same, get the same so whatever you do, please don’t encourage the Houses of Swine class of the last sixty years!

OBV | Black Britain Decided?

29 04 2010

From my previous posting regarding the supremacist organisation Operation Black Vote, have finally got some news of the event.

And just like the National Black Policeman’s Association and Operation Trident, this is another racist front organisation supposedly supporting Equality yet working towards the opposite and enforcing the need for Race Relations.

Parties woo black voters at rally

(UKPA) – 1 hour ago

Labour, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats attempted to woo black voters at a lively rally on Wednesday night.

Hundreds packed the Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, central London, for the Black Britain Decides event organised by Operation Black Vote.

The campaign group said the votes of black and ethnic minority people could have a “defining impact” on the outcome of the General Election.

Harriet Harman, Labour deputy leader, shadow chancellor George Osborne and Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman Vince Cable addressed the rally, while Tory leader David Cameron and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg both recorded messages which were broadcast in the hall.

Actor Kwame Kwei-Armah hosted the event, fielding questions from a vocal audience and using humour to keep control of the crowd.

The politicians were grilled on issues such as police use of stop and search powers and the DNA database, with those attending the event expressing concerns about disproportionate targeting of black people.

During the three-hour event they also spoke of their parties’ beliefs and pledges to make British society more equal and described personal experiences and motivations to bring home their message.

Asked what would be done to deal with a situation where a black man was five times more likely to be stopped by police than a white man, Ms Harman said: “I think that there is great concern, including in the Metropolitan Police, to make sure that there is not a sense of unfairness about the way stop and search is happening. I know there is a great deal of concern about that.”

She said it was important to balance the public’s desire to feel safe in the knowledge knives were not being carried on the streets with the need for fairness.

Kwei-Armah prompted cheers and applause when he ended the exchange by saying: “I think it’s very clear to Harriet and the Labour Party that people feel very strongly about the DNA database and it’s something, if you are elected, they would like to see reviewed.”

Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

And major kudos goes to Federica Cocco for covering the event and providing photos that can be found HERE.  Also provided the following blurb which I thought needed highlighting.

Harriet Harman, George Osborne and Vince Cable attended the Black Britain Decides rally organised by Operation Black Vote (OBV) in the Methodist Hall in Westminster. The rally was organised in partnership with Peace Alliance, church leaders, business leaders, activists and many other eminent members of the British community of black and ethnic minorities (BEM).

Up to 120 marginal seats could depend on the black vote, organisers say.

As prominent members of the three main parties spoke of their policies in favour of enhancing equality and justice, they faced tough and challenging questions from the audience, particularly on stop & search and on the national DNA database.

Okay for the Establishment to pander to the NuBritons to further the Internationalist Agenda yet evil for the Nationalists to oppose it on behalf of TruBritons.  Reminds me of High Street Banks, will bend over to gain your custom but once you’re in the vault, will move straight onto the next sucker.

The Western World hoovers up citizens like the Devil collects Souls.  Saints or Sinners, all are welcome to toil for the Internationalist Dream of Financial Salvation.

Some novel advice from myself regarding the ‘dissprotianate’ Stop & Search policy that so oppresses the yooth.  Tell your yewts to cease dressing and acting ‘Gangsta’, drop the South Central slang and STOP becoming one-man crime-waves.  Damn, not only do the Policeman get their own grouping but also the crooks!!!

Operation White Vote – for one day, we may just well regret it.

Camberwell and Peckham | Harriet ‘Horrid’ Harperson

28 04 2010

I could work for the Sun.  Shit, I’d take a job on the sun if it meant getting away from the International Corporatist Cartels that own the majority of shares in Earth Plc.

Damn, Peckham Plc has been electing Dirty Harry since 1982!  All these years me and mine have suffered under the tyranny of Frankfurt School-inspired Superwitch Harperson’s social engineering with a sprinkle of gerrymandering to increase her dependents.  In 1997 they even gave her the fiefdom of Camberwell.

And to think she did it all on the back of the scroungers with Sure Start centres and plenty of ‘extras’, giving the red carpet treatment to newcomers and the planting of deluded supporters in council non-jobs.

Can’t think of any other way she could have gotten in without fellow Camberwell and Peckham Plc stockholders.

Back in the day when my family lived in Laburnum Close, my father had the pleasure of telling young Labour starlet Harry Harperson to “piss off”.  If she didn’t have two large coloured bodyguards standing beside the door, to think of all the agro we could have been spared.  An invite for a cup of arsenic, a couple of hours in the bathtub producing manageable packages, a quick drive along to the coast and then ‘feeding the fish’.  Saying that, we must be blacklisted for we haven’t had Labour knocking since.  Small blessings I suppose.

Once again, as it is election season thought I give the highlights of Peckham’s very own Feminazi in the hope of scaring 10 – 20 points of her majority, although I’d be happy to turn one Labour supporter away.

The one and only, Horrid Ms Harman, residing at an undisclosed address in Dulwich and West Norwood and was nominated by the following members of the public:

Seaton Martin

Squires Anthony J

Mills Victoria

Soanes Sharon

Situ Tayo A

Smith Althea

Thorncroft Dominic J

Mohamed Abdul

Ward Veronica M

Ahern Kevin V

Camberwell and Peckham UK Polling Report…

…and a sad indictment it is indeed.

Boundary changes: Previously undersized, Camberwell and Peckham gains parts of Faraday and Livesey wards from Southwark North and Bermondsey and South Camberwell and parts of Peckham Rye and The Lane wards from Dulwich and West Norwood.

Profile: Covers Peckham, Peckham Rye, Camberwell and Nunhead. This is one of the most poverty striken and deprived constituencies in the country. It has the highest proportion of afro-carribean residents of any constituency in the country and the highest proportion of social housing of any seat, with almost 6 in 10 homes rented from the council or a housing association.

Only Fools and Horses was never actually filmed in Peckham, but it continues to be the public`s perception of Peckham, and its reputation for desperate crime ridden sink estates was, in the past at least, not inaccurate. This is where Damilola Taylor was murdered in 2000 and, while the worst of the concrete estates (including the North Peckham Estate where Damilola Taylor died) have been demolished in recent years as part of massive regeneration projects, with more planned in coming years, the area continues to suffer from problems of high crime and gang violence.

This is one of Labour`s safest seats in the South of England and, while there is some gentrification in South Peckham, and pockets of Conservative support in the large Georgian houses in places like Camberwell Grove, there is presently no possibility of that dominance being challenged.

How Harriet Harman voted on key issues since 2001

  • Voted very strongly against an investigation into the Iraq war.
  • Voted very strongly for the hunting ban.
  • Voted very strongly for replacing Trident.
  • Voted strongly for equal gay rights.
  • Voted moderately for removing hereditary peers from the House of Lords.
  • Voted very strongly for a wholly elected House of Lords.
  • Voted strongly for introducing student top-up fees.
  • Voted moderately against laws to stop climate change.
  • Voted very strongly for allowing ministers to intervene in inquests.
  • Voted very strongly for introducing ID cards.
  • Voted moderately for a transparent Parliament.
  • Voted very strongly for introducing foundation hospitals.
  • Voted moderately for introducing a smoking ban.
  • Voted a mixture of for and against greater autonomy for schools.
  • Voted strongly for Labour’s anti-terrorism laws.
  • Voted very strongly for the Iraq war.

And the last set of recorded ‘sponsorship or financial or material support’ Harman helpers from 23rd April 2008:

  • Ken Follett, of Hertfordshire (personal donation). (Registered 20 April 2007)
  • Ken Follett, of Hertfordshire (personal donation). (Registered 11 June 2007)
  • Fiona Mctaggart MP (personal donation). (Registered 11 June 2007)
  • Vinod Popat, of West Hamilton (personal donation). (Registered 26 June 2007)
  • Michael V Sternberg, of London (personal donation). (Registered 28 June 2007)
  • Margaret Hodge MP (personal donation). (Registered 17 July 2007)
  • TGWU (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • UCATT (trade union) (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • Vera Baird MP (personal donation). (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • Stefanos Stefanou, of Hatfield (personal donation). (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • David Abrahams, businessman (through Janet Kidd, of Newcastle upon Tyne) (personal donation) (Registered 18 July 2007) (donation subsequently returned)
  • Nicky Gavron, of London (personal donation). (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • Baroness Ashton (personal donation). (Registered 25 July 2007)
  • Anthony Hayes, of Lancashire (personal donation). (Registered 5 September 2007)
  • Muslim Friends of Labour. (Registered 13 September 2007)
  • GMB (Registered 13 November 2007)

Information gleaned from TheyWorkForYou, UK Polling Report and YourNextMP.

Knowledge is power but I could sure do with some ignorance right now.

Vote Labour, get the EU.

Of course, Her Wickedness will be re-elected on the back of her base vote, which are single parents and hard-done by NuBritons.  God damn Labour’s gerrymandering ways.

East London | Islamic money law

20 04 2010

One law for all?  Like heck it is, if you’re an MP, any transgression becomes a technicality and if you’re part of a “minority” group, you can always blame “evil racists””.  Give an inch and they take a mile, doesn’t matter who, white or black, male or female, once the deluded see a free ride, it would be foolish of them not to jump on.

Fresh from the news that more money has been filtered into questionable Islamic sects residing in Tower Hamlets (further reading can be had HERE), a quick glance at the Tower Hamlets Community Credit Union Ltd reveals just how far the appeasement goes.

Now it seems the pseudo-religious political theory commonly referred to as ‘Islam’ is haggling to have Sharia Law on finance imposed on Blighty.

Islamic loans

Islamic finance is an ethical, indigenous and equitable mode of finance, which derives its principles from the and tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Shariah law (Islamic law), which is based on the Quran and Sunnah, governs Islamic finance.

Islamic Finance as a concept is based on themes of Community Banking, Ethical and Socially Responsible Investments and Affinity Marketing. These themes themselves are based on core ideas, which include individual responsibility, reliance on market mechanism, commitment to economic and social justice and mandatory care for the environment. In Islamic Finance Scholars say that everything is allowed except that which has been specifically forbidden. In essence the believing Muslims view of economics is based on Man’s obligation to organise his affairs in accordance to the will of God as his representative and vice regent on Earth. The goal is not equality but an avoidance of gross inequality along with an injunction that wealth should not become “a commodity between the rich among you”. Islamic Finance is firmly embedded in the commercial, real, value-producing economy.

The credit union is currently investigating the prospect of offering an Islamic type loan based on Shariah law. This has been successfully done by a few Credit Unions overseas and the option is to link this to the Islamic Saver account. At present the payment of a dividend on the saver plus account conforms to Islamic ideals since it is not an interest payment however although Credit Unions loans are not granted to make a profit but to service the operating cost and pay a return to members most Muslims are able to participate in the product. Notwithstanding a loan which incorporates the teachings and conform to traditions and law will be a valuable extension of our work and this is being aggressively considered.

Make what you will of the words, although even I admit the italic part is alluring.  Doesn’t explain the need for all the petro-dollars sought though.  And of course I am against unfair usury, who wouldn’t be, and am a firm believer that fiat money needs to be backed by something other than good faith.  But it will be a cold day in Hell before I swallow this blatant appeasement.

Consider the implications of allowing foreign based law in these lands.  It is bad enough with Law Society sponsored statutes and EU sanctioned directives without another special interest system to pander to.

Saying that, seeing as Blighty is the 24th State of Europe, surely these laws set precedence that can be used at a later date.  And seeing how ‘inclusive’ European Law proclaims to be, then if ever I am arrested on suspicion of sedition, I shall be incurring my God-given Common Law Rights, privileges granted by the Almighty that supercede any EU dictate.  I can even produce a book to prove it too.