Straw Jack | Trees and Acorns

9 01 2011

Mr Straw is coming into some flack due to his utterance that Pakistanis see white infidels as easy-meat.  The Meeja are determined to muddy the waters and refuse to see the main fault.

It is the constant and willing collusion between those who proclaim themselves defenders of the truth.  The Government, the Police, the Media, even Charities were in on the act.

If they are willing to mislead us on these important issues, how on Earth can we even begin to trust them on the small issues.

Multiculturalism and the fragmentation of society into large semiautonomous groups have reverted Britain back to the tribal mentality that Pax Britannia had once stemmed.

Each new tribe has a new rulebook, each has their own outlook and it was inevitable that after being allowed to abuse British hospitality in other areas, it was only a matter of time before they pushed into other abominations.

When do we say enough?  Do we wait until we begin to experience what Congo does?  If that is too far from you, have a gander at Norway.  Should we wait until that then?

Jack Straw is from a family of  arseholes.  From his perverted brother to his dopey son, the man is a charlatan.  Slagging off the English one minute, slagging of the Joey’s next, the man has no loyalty except to his controllers.

And people vote for this shite?  They must have had a right old chuckle when they gave the plebs the vote.

Leftarded Fallout | They cannot make up their mind

9 01 2011

With the media circus that has flared up around the issue of certain sections of society preying on defenceless children, the Left do not know where to look.  As Rod Liddle points out…

A bizarre report on the Asian child abuse court case on the BBC last night, which spent most of its time attempting to exonerate the Pakistani community as a whole, including clips of Pakistanis saying “actually, we probably shouldn’t abuse kiddies” and a white child abuse campaigner saying hey, look, it’s not Pakistanis who are the problem, etc etc.

This was broadcasting as a form of crowd control; undiluted propaganda. The fact is that some Pakistani men think it perfectly ok to abuse white girls and there are still gangs out there right now doing so. When Nick Griffin mentioned this fact, many years ago, they tried to prosecute him. When Radio Five covered the story five years ago they were eviscerated for it.

The praise the Left give towards Wikileaks verges on Sainthood, yet God damn those who expose any non-approved fact.  The indignation they display to the public to counter distasteful information stresses the concept of Controlled Media.  All this fallout amongst them shows just how vain and contradictory their ideals are.  And so, they are lashing out at anyone who might try to make political capital out of it, be racist, even the beloved Stooge of Labour, Straw Jack!

Most telling though is the one man you’d think the Controlled Media would be trying to hose down would be Nick Griffin, currently lending a hand to Derek Adams campaign in Oldham.  Instead, we have his views regurgitated, twisted and manipulated by those apologists and appeasers.

A recap of what has so upset the meeja darlings from the spectrum I’ve found are running with; Former home secretary says gangs of Pakistani men see young white girls as ‘easy meat’ (Independent);  Jack Straw, the former home secretary, has sparked a fierce row over his claim that some British Pakistani men regard white girls as “easy meat” for sexual abuse (Telegraph);  Labour MP Vaz says it is wrong for former home secretary to stereotype entire community over sexual assault case (GulfNews)

This is where I despair at all the criminologists.  The majority of crime victims, no matter what the crime, be it robbery or rape, are usually chosen for their perceived weakness and wrongs.  And the ones doing the choosing are by a large, opportunistic degenerates whose only resemblance to bravery happens when in a gang (or getting the Police or Armed Services to do it).

However, with rape and other sexual offences, it doesn’t help if the Koran advocates treating non-believers as fair-game.  Nor does if help with the constant promoted degradation of women by the Satanic Gods in the Meeja Industry (From Hollywood to Fleet Street).

It would be wrong to isolate this as an immigrant problem, yet the biggest immigration problem is that whenever they have a problem, it’ll be oppressive to point it out.

See where I’m going.  The problem is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS in a MULTICULTURAL environment.

They keep going around and around in circles asking is this the result of one thing when it is a combination of many aided by Cultural Marxism disguised as Political Correctness.

(((Click image to enlarge)))

Never forget what Harriet supports!

Never forget what Hodge was head of!

The enemy is not outside the gates no more.  They were imported here by the Enemy to divide us, making it easier to destroy Our Heritage and replace it with a New World Perversion.

Just say NO!

DeMOCKracy | The GTC

2 06 2010

For those who don’t know, the soon-to-be extinct GTC stands for General Teaching Council, which sadly/gladly is being resigned to the dustbin by the new ConDem Coalition.  The reasons given are short and swift apart from a long rant about the failure of the organisation to nail Mr Adam Walker to the cross.

“…this government wants to trust professionals – not busybody and patronise them.

“But when professionals do dishonour the vocation of teaching, action needs to be taken.

“And when the GTCE was recently asked to rule on a BNP teacher who had posted poisonous filth on an extremist website they concluded that his description of immigrants as animals wasn’t racist so he couldn’t be struck off.

“We need new proposals to ensure that extremism has no place in our classrooms and the bodies that have failed to protect us in the past cannot be the answer in the future.”

For those that need reminding, why not visit the BBC and see a nice biased conclusion of events and possibly the hidden reason for the GTC’s coming demise.  With such a slanted worded introduction and a classic ending shows that the Beeb just cannot help themselves.  Absolutely loved how Auntie Beeb made a dash for the anti-democratic protestors at the end of the clip.

Conditioning the nation 100% dandruff-proof.  Only problem is the amount of bullcrap that accompanies it.

BNP | No witch-burning tonight

25 05 2010

The Enemy of the State has been cleared by a panel of three of Thought-Crime, Hate-Crime with only a few reservations regarding his conduct.  Other than that, Mr Adam Walker is free to seek employment in the teaching field, bringing to an end the dubious political persecution of a British individual.

An ironic ‘Antifa‘ mong had this to say “It cannot be right that a teacher with such far-right views as Mr Walker is allowed to teach children in our schools – he must be stopped.”

Of course, safety in numbers for the anti-democratic mobs with the unions busing in ‘20 campaigners from UAF and teaching unions organised the protest yesterday after hearing the BNP would be there in support of Mr Walker.

So I take it is fine and dandy for fellow professioanl teachers in the leftarded unions to publically show their political hatred towards the BNP?

Further reading can be had at the following:

BNP teacher cleared of ‘racism’ – UK Press Association

Noisy rally outside teacher disciplinary hearing in Birmingham – Birmingham Mail

Adam Walker Case Thrown Out! – BNP Official Site

Now consider all the money wasted in pursuing Mr Walker.  There was no victim involved, a minor misdemeanor, probably worthy of a warning not to use school time or property.  That’s it.  Not this politically motivated persecution.  The people involved in pursuing this did so either out of pure spite at worst, for a ‘brownie point’ at best.

They didn’t consider the cost of replacing Mr Walker and they gave about as much thought to the disruption caused to the education of x amount of children.

Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination.  So much easier than education.

BNP | The witch trial begins

24 05 2010

Lovely NUJ-styled headline from the Telegraph regarding Adam Walker’s hate-crime trial at the General Teaching Council’s very own kangaroo court.  BNP teacher ‘described immigrants as filth’ is a blatant misrepresentation of the individuals’ view on NuBritons more worthy of appearing in the leftarded Guardian or Mirror.

Onwards with the most important bits though:

Bradley Albuery, GTC presenting officer, alleged that the postings demonstrated views suggestive of both racial and religious intolerance.

In one posting, Mr Walker claimed the BNP had risen in popularity because “they are the only party who are making a stand and are prepared to protect the rights of citizens against the savage animals New Labour and Bliar (sic) are filling our communities with”.

In another posting on the same day, Mr Walker wrote: “By following recent media coverage of illegal animals and how they are allowed to stay here despite committing heinous crimes, I am, to say the very least, disgusted.”

Another posting claimed that some immigrants hated people who were white and had western values.


Mr Albuery said: “This case is not about the BNP or whether teachers should be members of that lawful party.

“This case is about the actions and behaviour of a registered teacher, using a school property on school premises in school time.”

The defence on the other hand paint a very different picture.

The teacher, who worked at Houghton Kepier for more than six years, resigned after his head teacher asked IT staff to investigate his use of the internet.

In a statement read to the hearing, Mr Walker said that he had not communicated his political thoughts and beliefs to staff or pupils at the school.

“I have always sought to bring out the best in my pupils,” he said.

“I have certainly never discriminated against an individual on grounds of race, faith or sexuality. Part of why I became a teacher is to help people overcome social disadvantage and reach their full potential.”

Commenting on the content of his postings, Mr Walker said he had been influenced by media coverage of a female PC shot dead by two illegal immigrants and the murder of British hostage Ken Bigley in Iraq.

“Looking back now I feel that I was unduly influenced by the hostile climate the media created,” he said. “This led me to express intemperate views which lacked complexity and balance.

“I should have taken more time to think about the possible offence my words might have caused and I think I could have expressed myself more carefully and positively.

“I have never condemned all immigrants or asylum seekers. My comments relate to those I perceive as coming to our country and committing criminal offences or otherwise behaving badly.

“In many cases, I cut and pasted views from a variety of sources in order to provoke debate and these were not attributed.”

Fine and dandy for the schools to stage mock shootings yet a teacher takes five minutes out of his day to surf the internet, the full force of the GTC Thought-Cops will descend upon them.

I’ll think I’ll let the kids at St Paul’s & St Micheal’s school sing us out:

Now here are schools actively encouraging the children into supporting Dianne Abbott, wannabe leader of the Labour Party.

One rule for them, another for us.  Some equality that is.

Labour | NuOpposition

24 05 2010

In the last week, we’ve had a couple of Labour apparatchiks claim that the Iraq War was a mistake, with OH writing what we’re all thinking, the public-moneyed millionaire champagne socialist Neil Kinnock is backing one of the Millipede brothers in the leadership race and now Andy Burnham confirms what we already knew, that Labour deliberately tried to “stifle debate on immigration“.

Looks like the worst government I have ever seen will be followed by the worst opposition.

Blighted | Selling your ass

23 05 2010

Once again the Government finds itself in shit creek and once again, look to balance the books by selling our rights.  This time, it is the right to travel.

Before the election there was talk regarding Rothschild’s plan to charge every Briton for the use of motorways, motorways that are already paid for by our collective taxes.

Vince Cable of the Condem Coalition has no “ideological opposition” towards this idea and so we shall probably see this in the next two years.

Well Mr Cable, I have.

If I wish to get to work, I have the choice of a 15min 381 bus ride or a 25min walk.  That is it.  Either I hand over my money to a Government sanctioned monopoly to spare me ten minutes of my life or I use my legs and get to ponder the inequalities of life.  And as I’m not keen on the body odour of fellow Africans in Peckham and am partial to a ponder, I walk.

Also Mr Cable, ever heard of ‘pass the buck’?  An American term that means whenever there is a problem, there is always someone else to blame.  This is a wider scale version of that.  Corporations put the prices up which Government pleads it is powerless to stop, yet said Government still more than willing to take their cut in VAT and Corporate Tax.

And the biggest gripe I have regarding this is the simple matter that selling our assets is not the way out of a hole.  Our collective wealth paid for those motorways and now, due to Government incompetence, our current Government is pursuing with a plan inspired by the money-making machine that is the Rothschild Dynasty now want us to pay for the privilege again.

The day mushroom clouds rise from Earth is the day I’ll be happy.  Reason being, we don’t deserve compassion or understanding, how the heck can we understand those who vote for their continual slavery?  It is you degenerates that voted for the Establishment who are the ones to blame.

I can’t blame the corrupt politicians cos twenty-million sods put them there.

I can’t blame the banking dynasties for it is in their nature to squeeze every penny.

I can’t blame NuBritons for they know no better and only seek a better life than the one they had before.

No, I blame each and every one of the twenty odd million who voted Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats.  I’d rather have lived under a Socialists Workers Government for at least they have principles.  The current scum that pass themselves off as honourable with the help of the deluded electorate have no morals, let alone principles.

Blighted | Condem Eunification

23 05 2010

There is a fiscal crisis on the European continent with many commentators expressing delight/concern at the prospect of the EU imploding.

This is an organisation that has managed to make trillions disappear into accounting blackholes of biblical proportions, an organisation where the trillions that didn’t vanish ended up in the bank accounts of a million and one workers, contractors, mistresses and landowners.

This is the European Parliament who asked the thoughts of the Dutch, French and Irish and when hearing the unwanted, conspire to continue the project regardless.  Even then, with the Irish Constitution being the well thought-out modern document it is insisting on a referendum on the ‘new’ treaty, proceeded to use tactics more suitable to Zimbabwe.

So instead of imploding, it is business as usual.  Another manufactured crisis to call for another manufactured solution.

In politics, nothing ever happens by accident.