Straw Jack | Trees and Acorns

9 01 2011

Mr Straw is coming into some flack due to his utterance that Pakistanis see white infidels as easy-meat.  The Meeja are determined to muddy the waters and refuse to see the main fault.

It is the constant and willing collusion between those who proclaim themselves defenders of the truth.  The Government, the Police, the Media, even Charities were in on the act.

If they are willing to mislead us on these important issues, how on Earth can we even begin to trust them on the small issues.

Multiculturalism and the fragmentation of society into large semiautonomous groups have reverted Britain back to the tribal mentality that Pax Britannia had once stemmed.

Each new tribe has a new rulebook, each has their own outlook and it was inevitable that after being allowed to abuse British hospitality in other areas, it was only a matter of time before they pushed into other abominations.

When do we say enough?  Do we wait until we begin to experience what Congo does?  If that is too far from you, have a gander at Norway.  Should we wait until that then?

Jack Straw is from a family of  arseholes.  From his perverted brother to his dopey son, the man is a charlatan.  Slagging off the English one minute, slagging of the Joey’s next, the man has no loyalty except to his controllers.

And people vote for this shite?  They must have had a right old chuckle when they gave the plebs the vote.

BNP | Battle of Barking

2 12 2010

An honest review from a commentator named Overlord of the ‘Battle of Barking‘ documentary by that recently aired on More4.  Found this in the comment section at the bottom of the drivel Benji Wilson sprouted.

I watched the battle for barking last night, and frankly it disgusted me.

The filmmaker obviously was trying to portray Hodge in the better light but honesty I think the BNP came off better.

It is true that they did come across as a bit thick and lonely, but they have genuiene grievances about what has been inflicted on this country. It seemed to me that most of the white people filmed seemed to support them. Hodge herself seemed to admit this, when she told her team to ask constituents whether they would go for BNP or Labour. If they admitted BNP, she said it was best to focus on other voters. Ignore the BNP voters.

Then the only campaigning we saw from Hodge was meeting ethnic groups either in their churches or mosques. Her grovelling in the mosque was sickening. She would talk to the odd white person on their doorstep, but the group diplomacy seemed to be reserved only for ethnics.The only time she met white people in any sort of a group was the multicultural street party in the photo above. And obviously there were lots of ethnics there too.

Some of the things she said to people about the BNP were very dodgy and bordered on lies or incitement. She told a group of Africans in church that the BNP would send every one of them home. She said something similar to a the mother and baby in the picture above. Then came a white man with an asian wife. There she did not say they would send her home but they would cause her trouble.

Then we saw groups of youths aggressively attacking the BNP with impunity. If not actually hitting them they would be shouting and swearing aggressively right in their faces. Calling them “white C###s”. Spitting at them again and again. Spitting is assault. Throwing fruit at them. A few punches were definitely thrown at the BNP too. Serious violence was only averted by the BNP constantly moving location. They were not free to stand where they chose. Much of this was in the build up to the fight that was reported in the news just before the election. That news report made out that the BNP were to blame. From the documentary it is clear that the youths were spitting at and goading them all day long.

To me the documentary showed that the establishment stoked a deliberate campaign of intimidation against the BNP. The BNP were demonized and dehumanized. Ethnic minorities were wound up with claims they would be deported, and it was made clear that the BNP were fair game for the youths. The BNP could not fight back as they would instantly be labelled thugs, and no doubt actually be arrested, unlike the youths.

The establishment media always make much of Griffin’s minders. They are used a proof of his thuggishness. However, as the documentary showed, if Griffin did not have security, he would likely be dead. And no doubt the police would miraculously have no leads on the suspects.

Some bloody democracy.

Too right, some bloody democracy.  All I saw was the State-sanctioned illegal actions of everyone BUT the BNP.  From the immigrant to the political whore named Hodge, I was sickened by the depths plunged by the Labour Party, although not surprised, and the Battle of Barking is a very appropriate title considering the amount of dirty tactics employed by the Red Machine.  From soliciting BIGGER donors to employing THIRD-PARTY GROUPS to denounce their opponents’ cause…  Labour’s campaign should be investigated by the Fruad Office.

Even worse is the official declaration (Kudos GV) of the “England doesn’t exist in the EU” malarkey.  We’re nothing but cattle, although don’t taste as good, can be milked all the same.

Another sore spot must e the Lord Nelson pub located in Brighton that will soon be opposite a Mosque due to the Somali influx, which will no doubt increase racial tension, yet do the council give a damn?  Do they fuck (source HERE).

And I wish I could leave you on a lighter note, except Brian Gerrish, the thorn in Common Purpose’s paw has loads (seen six so far) of speeches regarding that political Beast that can be found HERE.

Stay angry, one, it’s good for the heart rate, and two, it’ll keep you warm.  The more we’re nibbled at, the more difficult it will become to remain gentlemanly, and then the fireworks.  Just hope the riots wait til the summer cos I don’t fancy stepping out in this weather.

Damn, only good thing about snow is seeing the face of some of my newly arrived equatorial neighbours.  Damn, only good thing about my equatorial neighbours is their dress sense.  Come Sunday, it looks like a walking forest of bright-colored floral curtain-like wraparounds with contrasting heads poking out.  Jeez, some of ’em even smell of coconut, which is damn better than the usual BO encountered by supersized Africanoes, main reason I avoid public transport in the summer.

ConDemnation | Foreign Aiding and Abetting

23 10 2010

Official line regarding the increase in foreign aid is Chairman Cameron along with his little pet Clegg, proclaims (and I paraphrase angst licensed);

We (as in the British Taxpayer) have a Moral Duty (treaty conditions enacted for the benefit of British Companies that may (or my not) hire British Workers) to help the world’s less fortunate (we’re giving them your livelihood).

The above is the United Nations, which should be renamed the Divided Nations considering the various voting blocs that call this building home.  This sponsored holding-hand band is staffed with the unelectables of their home nations and hosts some of the most disputed NGOs on Earth.  The list of scandals is extremely long as usual with these behemoth organisations.

The picture to the right is the Eurocratic headquarters of the Brussel’s Elite, which looks rather like the imagining of the Tower of Babel to the left.  Another talking shop which has the UN’s recognition as the One Stop Shop for European Relations.

Those in the above picture are not British Subjects or citizens (or British freemen of the land for that matter).  These are not the British Electorate and so the British Government have no Moral Duty whatsoever to use Our Credit Card supporting the above family.

A Government has a Moral Duty to protect Her People first and foremost.  If the nation can help nations along the way, great, but we should not be going out of our way and maxing out our credit for the benefit of our competitors.

Main benefices of the foreign aid will be Multinational Charities, dodgy staff, dodgy despots, political whores, admin, jolly outings, various military outfits and manufacturers, logistical multinational corporations, celebrities and actors and useful idiots, and oh, some illiterate voodoo doctor who believes in leprechaun’s.

Jury Power | Protecting the Innocent

13 08 2010

Was listening to LBC (some leftarded radio show) yesterday, and heard the interesting argument against the Government’s practice of dishing out half-sentences to those who admit their guilt at the soonest instance, as opposed to making those who protest their innocence, even when convicted, serve their full terms.

Can’t remember most of it but the conversation was that this is simply a money-saving  scheme.  Lawyer told, quite rightly, that no matter what the cost, confidence must be seen in HM Courts.  Shame it is perverted by crooked lawyers but alas, rather a thorough examination of the evidence than a quick heave-ho off they go routine.

So considering that the Justice System usually has the fate of only a handful of defendants at the most in each case, with our democratic institutions, why can’t a jury be selected and judge before Parliament passes laws that affects umpteen millions?

Could run a raffle system, or if a specialist law, invite those from specific fields, then raffling off the places.  I say raffle for the better chance of procuring a interest-free jury.  For if only 12 out of a hundred can be selected, that would minimise the chance of subversion.

Sure it isn’t foolproof, nothing truly is.  Yet the less accountable our Officials become, the more need for public oversight that isn’t financed by the behemoth we call Government.

ConDem Coalition Kids | Big Society BS

13 08 2010

With all the clap-trap regarding volunteering my time thus labour to ConDem’s ‘Big Society’ BS…

I wouldn’t do it if you paid me.

I don’t even like working for my money, you’d think any sod would working for nothing?  Sure there are those good-hearted souls that would care for a an injured plankton, and yes, even those wanting to remain in “working gear”, but there are a shitload more who won’t get out of bed for less than a tenner an hour.  And the ConDem Kids think that the youth will leave Mummy (come on, Daddy left years ago) lying in bed till noon while they’re sweeping the streets as part of National Service?


In Defence | Social Housing

11 08 2010

Everyone likes to bash the Social Housing provided by the Council, some are against the very idea of it, others don’t like the dampness caused by idiotic neighbours who don’t know that washing machines not only take water in but also dishes it out.  Personally, I grew up as a Council tenant and once, I would have said I was proud and hopeful of carrying on the tradition.

For two reasons.

Firstly, to pay money to the Local Council instead of some private landlord has the benefit of being public knowledge.  At least I can be outraged when I find out that Southwark Council are renting offices on Tooley Street owned by HSBC to the tune of £5m per year.  Haven’t even mentioned the fact the lease is for five years.  £25m for offices.  Now, if I was paying it to some private landlord, how would I know if he was blowing all my cash on coke and whores?  Sure it might not be my business what he does with his money but him having a good time doesn’t keep ‘my’ area nice, does it?

Secondly, it’s cheaper and safer dealing with an accountable Council than it is with a wandering landlord.  If Southwark Council wish to force their way into my home, they need to get a Court to issue a warrant, no easy feat unless Old Bill are involved.  Yet all our private landlord needs to do is wait till we go work and use his/her spare key.

Now why I used to be proud and hopeful.

The pride once felt for the community spirit died when my community died.  Employment worries and the enrichment process took its toll.  Both aided and abetted by a system of alienation supported and enforced by my very own Government.

And how can I, as a White Male Briton (WMB), ever compete with some pregnant African Zulu princess with a sob story full of oppression and despair for a chance at having my own gaff?  I can’t.  Unless I go to drastic lengths like jail or the loonybin, and no Council house would be worth that.  Well, perhaps the one those Somalis got but that isn’t a guarantee.  So that is my lack of hope explained.

Personally, I just think this is a British ‘Government’, which remember, is the Country for the time being, wanting to shake off more of Her responsibilities.  “Passing the buck” is the American term for it.  Now before you try to sink my battleship, it is the duty of a nation’s government to address the needs of Her inhabitants.  Basic needs first and foremost, food, water and shelter.  That is it.

Now of course, with the willy-washing brigade of do-gooders getting involved, flatscreen TVs and iCrap has been thrown into the mix, leaving a stale taste for those who perceives themselves holding the bill.  But to deny the poorest Britons, most where they are not through a lack of trying but a lack of podium positions available, access to affordable and clean housing is exactly the reason for Council Housing.

Hundred odd years ago, Londoners especially, lived in the most squalid conditions known to man.  Chorea, pox and other nasties infested the overcrowded rooms that made a home then.  These conditions shocked many good souls, motivating people like Lord Peabody to throw his weight behind a social housing project, with the simple goal of improving the standard of living of their fellow kin.

Before that and the reason for the shocking housing conditions provided was the great influx into the cities.  Once again, this was down to the Landed Gentry transporting their pleb workers from the mlls and fields in their country estates to their toxic factories into borough council built estates.  More economical to keep the work, thus workforce, in one place.

Jumping back to today, our kin having been sidelined by the British piss-takers along with those needier NuBritons who wash up on our shores, the resentment against subsidised housing has probably grown sufficiently enough that soon all Britons, even the newer ones will suffer.  Of course with more and more machines and more and more cheap turd worlders, there is less and less need ungrateful natives to man the posts.

Alas, once the Government wipes Her hands clean of housing, do you honestly think that the ‘private sector’ will give a hoot about ‘affordable housing’, ‘community’ or even continuing local improvements?  More bloody likely we have a return to Oliver Twist!

Still pessimistic, still got a toothache, still hard grafting at work… etc etc

I’m back | sort of

2 08 2010

I will soon be redundant.  August 31st to be precise.  Now before anyone jumps to wild accusations of moi being the downfall of my (sic) beloved company, I am being made redundant due to the fact that I don’t fancy moving ‘op north.  Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t anything against Yorkshire pud, it’s just that it took me long enough to understand the patios of Peckham and surrounding manors, can’t go through all that palaver again.

Good thing though is with my redundancy comes a nice pay-packet, not enough to start my own nuclear programme for peaceful purposes but enough to get me started on my own dreams.  Of course, moi being the “I’m so good, I make Jesus, Muhammad and Buddha look bad” kinda bloke, would never dream of wasting my windfall on something as sinister and radioactive as nukes, instead looking towards investing my dough in the marketplace.  Will say no more as I don’t want any competition or, touch wood, jinx the whole shebang.

The worse thing about my impending doom is the fact that after putting so much effort into organising out my workplace, I now have the displeasure of removing it brick by brick, and yes, it is the hardest, dirtiest and most backbreaking task I have had to do in my five year’s service there.  Hence my chest infection a while back and the resulting fatigue from all things political.

Damn, even thinking about the ConDem coalition’s Big Society bollox knackers me out.  I mean, for the love of God, the Bastards that Be just throw our money to the competition, import more competition, export more weapons and ‘security experts’, funneling billions here, taking millions there, each and every transaction meaning some vested interest is taking a slice…  phooo…  then the Bastards that Be expect us to submit to not only more of the same but to a specified contract!?

Sod that and the rest of the political drivel Bambi Cameron has spoken along his global arse-kissing (with a hint of arse-kicking) tour!

For all the bad the British Empire did, it did a damn bit better than the Italians, Spanish, Ottomans and French!  We have nothing to apologise for due to the simple explanation that England, and then later by default Britain faced two choices;  Expand or Die.  If our lands had rested on Her laurels, we would have been subjugated by our garlic-eating cousins.  Or worst, the Irish!

So not only should Britons feel proud that we stood free, the rest of Earth should be thankful it was the British ethos that cultivated most of the world, I shudder to think of the detestation a French dominated planet would be.  Sure Français is a beautiful spoken langauge but it’s no good for real life situations.  And the food?  Any nation that eats snails can sod off, urgh!

And most importantly you pale deluded fools who apologise for what great-great-great-great-great-great granddad was most probably forced to do to some ‘enemy’ by some foreign King:  What’s done is done and all the hand wringing in the world won’t change that.

That is my rant over.  Time for some pixellated murder on the game Peckham aspires to be, GTA4.  And to keep Her Majesty’s Finest on their toes, I like to call it ‘practice for when I go public‘ – only teasing, remember “I’m so good, I make Jesus, Muhammad and Buddha look bad”.  Do love the sound of Molotovs’ popping on the street, that crisp smell of burning petrol, the heat from the flames…  can get extremely realistic here in Peckham.

Blighting Con UK | More political faux pas

26 06 2010

More from the Daily Wail and again, a story that needed no touching up.  These are the people twenty-odd million Britons put their faith in.  Phuck you very much.

Claiming ten-grand here, ten-grand there like there’s no tomorrow.  The UK plebs have swapped one set of cheating buggers for a different set of cheating buggers.

Worst of all, this is the stuff they publish.  No doubt the subsidized food and booze comes in handy, along with the governmental blue badge to take-the-piss selling our souls to the dodgiest bidder.

You’d think they’d concentrate on the perks they could get away with.  Instead, they see the pies sitting on the sills and can’t help themselves.

Every penny our employees waste, is a penny taken away from our funds.  Funds that finance the NHS for the unfortunate, the Police for our protection, the Courts for our Justice and our Army for our defence.

A government should consist of Patriots and Patriots alone.  They should also be over the age of 60 and have life experience in the real world, no more junior Eurocrats or PR spivs.  Then again, what better training for the world of political bullcrapping than Eunification promotion and marketing toiletries.

Our current puppets are total muppets.  Pants down, hands in the till and not a peep about a Repel Bill to undo the useless.  Either they’re too greedy so use Parliament to feather their own nest, which is bad enough, but then you get them doing all nasty things while espousing the other.  That is called hypocrisy.

The idioticracy of the British Isles amazes me.  David Attenborough should do a special on our compatriots in our Blighted Lands, for most share the animalistic intelligence of snails.