Straw Jack | Trees and Acorns

9 01 2011

Mr Straw is coming into some flack due to his utterance that Pakistanis see white infidels as easy-meat.  The Meeja are determined to muddy the waters and refuse to see the main fault.

It is the constant and willing collusion between those who proclaim themselves defenders of the truth.  The Government, the Police, the Media, even Charities were in on the act.

If they are willing to mislead us on these important issues, how on Earth can we even begin to trust them on the small issues.

Multiculturalism and the fragmentation of society into large semiautonomous groups have reverted Britain back to the tribal mentality that Pax Britannia had once stemmed.

Each new tribe has a new rulebook, each has their own outlook and it was inevitable that after being allowed to abuse British hospitality in other areas, it was only a matter of time before they pushed into other abominations.

When do we say enough?  Do we wait until we begin to experience what Congo does?  If that is too far from you, have a gander at Norway.  Should we wait until that then?

Jack Straw is from a family of  arseholes.  From his perverted brother to his dopey son, the man is a charlatan.  Slagging off the English one minute, slagging of the Joey’s next, the man has no loyalty except to his controllers.

And people vote for this shite?  They must have had a right old chuckle when they gave the plebs the vote.

Leftarded Fallout | They cannot make up their mind

9 01 2011

With the media circus that has flared up around the issue of certain sections of society preying on defenceless children, the Left do not know where to look.  As Rod Liddle points out…

A bizarre report on the Asian child abuse court case on the BBC last night, which spent most of its time attempting to exonerate the Pakistani community as a whole, including clips of Pakistanis saying “actually, we probably shouldn’t abuse kiddies” and a white child abuse campaigner saying hey, look, it’s not Pakistanis who are the problem, etc etc.

This was broadcasting as a form of crowd control; undiluted propaganda. The fact is that some Pakistani men think it perfectly ok to abuse white girls and there are still gangs out there right now doing so. When Nick Griffin mentioned this fact, many years ago, they tried to prosecute him. When Radio Five covered the story five years ago they were eviscerated for it.

The praise the Left give towards Wikileaks verges on Sainthood, yet God damn those who expose any non-approved fact.  The indignation they display to the public to counter distasteful information stresses the concept of Controlled Media.  All this fallout amongst them shows just how vain and contradictory their ideals are.  And so, they are lashing out at anyone who might try to make political capital out of it, be racist, even the beloved Stooge of Labour, Straw Jack!

Most telling though is the one man you’d think the Controlled Media would be trying to hose down would be Nick Griffin, currently lending a hand to Derek Adams campaign in Oldham.  Instead, we have his views regurgitated, twisted and manipulated by those apologists and appeasers.

A recap of what has so upset the meeja darlings from the spectrum I’ve found are running with; Former home secretary says gangs of Pakistani men see young white girls as ‘easy meat’ (Independent);  Jack Straw, the former home secretary, has sparked a fierce row over his claim that some British Pakistani men regard white girls as “easy meat” for sexual abuse (Telegraph);  Labour MP Vaz says it is wrong for former home secretary to stereotype entire community over sexual assault case (GulfNews)

This is where I despair at all the criminologists.  The majority of crime victims, no matter what the crime, be it robbery or rape, are usually chosen for their perceived weakness and wrongs.  And the ones doing the choosing are by a large, opportunistic degenerates whose only resemblance to bravery happens when in a gang (or getting the Police or Armed Services to do it).

However, with rape and other sexual offences, it doesn’t help if the Koran advocates treating non-believers as fair-game.  Nor does if help with the constant promoted degradation of women by the Satanic Gods in the Meeja Industry (From Hollywood to Fleet Street).

It would be wrong to isolate this as an immigrant problem, yet the biggest immigration problem is that whenever they have a problem, it’ll be oppressive to point it out.

See where I’m going.  The problem is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS in a MULTICULTURAL environment.

They keep going around and around in circles asking is this the result of one thing when it is a combination of many aided by Cultural Marxism disguised as Political Correctness.

(((Click image to enlarge)))

Never forget what Harriet supports!

Never forget what Hodge was head of!

The enemy is not outside the gates no more.  They were imported here by the Enemy to divide us, making it easier to destroy Our Heritage and replace it with a New World Perversion.

Just say NO!

BNP | Battle of Barking

2 12 2010

An honest review from a commentator named Overlord of the ‘Battle of Barking‘ documentary by that recently aired on More4.  Found this in the comment section at the bottom of the drivel Benji Wilson sprouted.

I watched the battle for barking last night, and frankly it disgusted me.

The filmmaker obviously was trying to portray Hodge in the better light but honesty I think the BNP came off better.

It is true that they did come across as a bit thick and lonely, but they have genuiene grievances about what has been inflicted on this country. It seemed to me that most of the white people filmed seemed to support them. Hodge herself seemed to admit this, when she told her team to ask constituents whether they would go for BNP or Labour. If they admitted BNP, she said it was best to focus on other voters. Ignore the BNP voters.

Then the only campaigning we saw from Hodge was meeting ethnic groups either in their churches or mosques. Her grovelling in the mosque was sickening. She would talk to the odd white person on their doorstep, but the group diplomacy seemed to be reserved only for ethnics.The only time she met white people in any sort of a group was the multicultural street party in the photo above. And obviously there were lots of ethnics there too.

Some of the things she said to people about the BNP were very dodgy and bordered on lies or incitement. She told a group of Africans in church that the BNP would send every one of them home. She said something similar to a the mother and baby in the picture above. Then came a white man with an asian wife. There she did not say they would send her home but they would cause her trouble.

Then we saw groups of youths aggressively attacking the BNP with impunity. If not actually hitting them they would be shouting and swearing aggressively right in their faces. Calling them “white C###s”. Spitting at them again and again. Spitting is assault. Throwing fruit at them. A few punches were definitely thrown at the BNP too. Serious violence was only averted by the BNP constantly moving location. They were not free to stand where they chose. Much of this was in the build up to the fight that was reported in the news just before the election. That news report made out that the BNP were to blame. From the documentary it is clear that the youths were spitting at and goading them all day long.

To me the documentary showed that the establishment stoked a deliberate campaign of intimidation against the BNP. The BNP were demonized and dehumanized. Ethnic minorities were wound up with claims they would be deported, and it was made clear that the BNP were fair game for the youths. The BNP could not fight back as they would instantly be labelled thugs, and no doubt actually be arrested, unlike the youths.

The establishment media always make much of Griffin’s minders. They are used a proof of his thuggishness. However, as the documentary showed, if Griffin did not have security, he would likely be dead. And no doubt the police would miraculously have no leads on the suspects.

Some bloody democracy.

Too right, some bloody democracy.  All I saw was the State-sanctioned illegal actions of everyone BUT the BNP.  From the immigrant to the political whore named Hodge, I was sickened by the depths plunged by the Labour Party, although not surprised, and the Battle of Barking is a very appropriate title considering the amount of dirty tactics employed by the Red Machine.  From soliciting BIGGER donors to employing THIRD-PARTY GROUPS to denounce their opponents’ cause…  Labour’s campaign should be investigated by the Fruad Office.

Even worse is the official declaration (Kudos GV) of the “England doesn’t exist in the EU” malarkey.  We’re nothing but cattle, although don’t taste as good, can be milked all the same.

Another sore spot must e the Lord Nelson pub located in Brighton that will soon be opposite a Mosque due to the Somali influx, which will no doubt increase racial tension, yet do the council give a damn?  Do they fuck (source HERE).

And I wish I could leave you on a lighter note, except Brian Gerrish, the thorn in Common Purpose’s paw has loads (seen six so far) of speeches regarding that political Beast that can be found HERE.

Stay angry, one, it’s good for the heart rate, and two, it’ll keep you warm.  The more we’re nibbled at, the more difficult it will become to remain gentlemanly, and then the fireworks.  Just hope the riots wait til the summer cos I don’t fancy stepping out in this weather.

Damn, only good thing about snow is seeing the face of some of my newly arrived equatorial neighbours.  Damn, only good thing about my equatorial neighbours is their dress sense.  Come Sunday, it looks like a walking forest of bright-colored floral curtain-like wraparounds with contrasting heads poking out.  Jeez, some of ’em even smell of coconut, which is damn better than the usual BO encountered by supersized Africanoes, main reason I avoid public transport in the summer.

OWG | Agenda 21 and Diet

22 10 2010

James Delingpole is oh so more eloquent than myself in the writings of rage, that I shall direct you to his piece in the Telegraph regarding the ideas thrown around about our collective, and that word is important, diets.  I won’t cut and paste it all but just highlight the third from bottom paragraph and one phrase in particular.

‘Let them eat vegetables’ says the Eton Grocer’s eco-fascist quango

Apart from being riddled with false assumptions – the main ones, of course, being that “Greenhouse Gases” need to be controlled in the first place; that their effect on “Climate Change” is anything to worry about; that any of this is any business of the Food Standards Agency anybloodyway – the document is really just a means of further advancing the cause of the Quangocracy, Big Government and the UN’s Agenda 21.

Now, just what is the UN’s Agenda 21?  Well, according to the following video, just another step towards One World Governance resulting in property rights suspended, collectivism imposed, and just a general corporatisation of the entire globe under one roof.  One glove fits all.  Or possibly one iron gauntlet to keep all in check.

The official plan can be read HERE, yet unsurprisingly, once more the authors deliberately skirt around the written bush, using all sorts of soundbites that no sane human could reject, yet what one says they are going to do and what they actually do, are two very different things.

1.4. The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries, in order to cover the incremental costs for the actions they have to undertake to deal with global environmental problems and to accelerate sustainable development. Financial resources are also required for strengthening the capacity of international institutions for the implementation of Agenda 21. An indicative order-of-magnitude assessment of costs is included in each of the programme areas. This assessment will need to be examined and refined by the relevant implementing agencies and organizations.


Redistribution of wealth which of course will be handled by a respected banker who of course wouldn’t dream of skimming some of the top…  whose ever heard of an untrustworthy public servent 1US??? 2UN??? 3UK???

2.4. Governments recognize that there is a new global effort to relate the elements of the international economic system and mankind’s need for a safe and stable natural environment. Therefore, it is the intent of Governments that consensus-building at the intersection of the environmental and trade and development areas will be ongoing in existing international forums, as well as in the domestic policy of each country.


Consensus-building usually means “We’re right, you’re wrong and if you step outta line, we’ll smack you one“, or worse, ‘blow you up‘ as if the below was an innocent mistake.  (warning, those with a nervous disposition should not view this as this is uncensored)

I could go on but it’s best if you skim through the whole thing yourself, and I say skim otherwise it’s like reading any governmental release, mind-numbingly protracted bullcrap that actually has the ability to make you vomit.  When something looks too good  to be true, it is usually bullcrap.  And after all them years finessing this art, the political masters and their puppets in the world do a splendid job of smoke and mirrors and top of the range bullcrap.

Even the best intentions can have the worst consequences.  And every time I hear the UN and various whores mention sustainability, I can’t help but picture euthanasia on tap.  Remember our business partners in the Chinese government’s approach towards over-population.  No problem with murdering an unborn soul to sustain their economy.  How long before the UN adopts this stance as a way to save the planet?  And why, in the age of equality restrict this barbaric and sadistic measure to those conceived yet not received?  Why not the over 50s?  Or the unemployed?  Or the disabled?  Or those on low incomes?  Or anyone else that doesn’t tag along?

Just like UN Peacekeepers raping their way across Africa to the dodgy dealings with Saddam and the Oil for Food programs, I wouldn’t trust this bunch of despots with my shed.  Bet the UN is just one giant horse-trading show in which each representative tries to outdo the others in vying for the UN’s cushy jobs. Oh yeah, we’re the horses.  And oh yeah, the Owners of this planet appoint the cushy jobs;  for economic power can buy political power, ad infinitum.

The root of all evil is the love of money…  money buys many things, yet most sought, is good old-fashioned control.  And it doesn’t matter how well-off you think you are, compared to Earth PLC’s stockholders, you’ve got sweet FA.

All’s fair in love and war.

EU | One-way street political warfare

12 05 2010

With the Lisbon Treaty firmly in place with all the possibilities wanted by Eurocrats, the sweet-talking and reassurance of a team ethos has ended with Anglophobic reactions from the French once more.

I want OUT of the European Union.  Main reason I support Nationalism is that it keeps my tyrants local.

For the love of God, how much longer must we put up with the disdain shown towards us from our Parliamentarians in regards to the undemocratic Eunification Project?  And more importantly, how on earth can we throw our lot in with the Europeans?  This is a continent that contains tribes who, since naming of our isles the Pretanic Islands, have only ever sought to conquer Her.

The mind boggles, especially after reading that a French politician who is supposedly on of our ‘team’ once again plans to destabilise Her Auld Enemy with financial warfare.

Britain must fend for itself in event of crisis, French official warns

By Angela Monaghan, Economics Reporter.  Published: 12:20PM BST 11 May 2010

Britain should not rely on EU help in the event of a renewed financial crisis after refusing to sign up to the bulk of a €500bn (£429bn) rescue package for the eurozone, the head of the French financial markets watchdog said.

Jean-Pierre Jouyet said the UK would have to fend for itself if ongoing political uncertainty led to a meltdown in the financial markets.

“The English are very certainly going to be targeted given the political difficulties they have. Help yourself and heaven will help you. If you don’t want to show solidarity to the eurozone, then let’s see what happens to the United Kingdom,” he told Europe 1 radio.

Mr Jouyet, European affairs minister from 2007-2008, was clearly angered by the Chancellor Alistair Darling’s refusal to pledge funds in an attempt to protect the euro, by failing to agree to provide troubled eurozone countries with €440bn in loans or guarantees.

He said it was a clear sign of the divisions within the European Union. “There is not a two speed Europe but a three speed Europe. You have Europe of the euro, Europe of the countries that understand the euro…and you have the English,” he said.

However, Mr Darling did agree to contribute to a €60bn extension to an existing European Union facility to help those countries in particular difficulty.

The International Monetary Fund has agreed to provide a further €250bn.

The bail-out agreement boosted markets around the world on Monday, including the FTSE 100 which closed up 5pc – the biggest one-day jump since December 8, 2008.

Part of that gain was unwound on Tuesday morning, with the FTSE 100 down 1.8pc at 5291. The pound was down at around $1.48.

As political uncertainty rumbled on, with no new government in place, analysts at Morgan Stanley said investors should sell the pound, targeting $1.35. It said the prospect of a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition would hit sterling.

“We have decided to initiate a short pound-dollar position,” said Stephen Hull, global head of currency strategy. “This coalition would probably find it difficult to make the required tough spending cuts to the public deficit, risking a downgrade by the rating agencies in coming months.”

I agree with the Frenchman on one point though.  It is time we helped ourselves and cut all ties with those who seek to defraud us.

We could start by withholding the £15bn Alister Darling magicked out of thin air for the Euroloan to bail-out Greece, we have our own house to worry about.  Actually, we could withdraw from the Political Straight Jacket that is the European Union, once more resulting in a bountiful saving of billions.  After that, we could reinstate Britain’s coastal territories and fishing rights, goodbye landlocked Luxembourg’s fishing fleet.  And then finally, to seal off Europe completely in case of another plague, plug up the channel tunnel.

We’re friends with these people?

Once more, we need out of the Eurozone completely.  No referendum, just a complete political withdrawal.  I’ve seen how the EU hierarchy handle (more like blatantly interfere with) democratic referendums and from experiance.  Just as bad as our recent General Election that was a fitting tribute to South African politics.

I wouldn’t trust the Political Establishment to oversee a Pot Noodle’s progress in the microwave, let alone deMOCKracy.

EU | The New Law of the Land

12 03 2010

Losing a translator is the least of our worries if the Bastards that Be enact this dastardly agreement.  With the Eunification Project complete, the Commission is now busying itself ensuring their hold over the European peoples with the long arm of the law, us Britons included.

Once they have the power of ‘arrest’ and the legal right to extradite ‘EU citizens’ to wherever the ‘offence’ allegedly took place, it will only be a matter of time before we see ‘fit-ups’ resulting in modern-day gulags appearing in certain ‘out of the way’ lands.

Britons arrested abroad will lose the right to a translator

Bruno Waterfield in Brussels.  Published: 8:00PM GMT 12 Mar 2010

Britons arrested in Europe will not have the right to demand a full translation of the charges they are facing, under proposals supported by the government.

Britain has backed plans to “dilute” the rights of its citizens when extradited or caught up in criminal proceedings in other European countries.

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe has accused Britain, which represents one million European lawyers, is concerned because the right to translation has been limited to only “essential” documents – a “formula which is too vague and open to abuse”.

Under EU legislation, British courts must allow a European Arrest Warrant extradition to take place even if there are concerns about the standards of justice in the country that they are being sent to.

But in a letter, seen by The Daily Telegraph, Britain has joined a group of 13 other governments which are trying to dilute the legislation.

Britain has also supported a loophole that would allow a suspect to give up his rights without a lawyer present and without any written evidence, a move that could easily allow police officers to ignore the translation requirements altogether.

A British government spokesman denied the watered-down proposals fall below EU human rights standards. “It is only a proposal and negotiations are not yet over,” he said.

A new EU-Britain borders agreement that enters into force next month means that the number of people sent to face justice overseas will treble.

Under Schengen Information II rules anyone who has a European Arrest Warrant issued against them will be automatically taken into custody.

The British Establishment have schemed behind closed-doors making deals that sell our not only our sovereignty but our very freedoms.  Freedoms that took centuries to obtain, leading up to the year we gained the vote.  And ever since, the Establishment has been trying to undermine our God-given freedoms.

Nationalism saves Nations.  Internationalism enslaves them.

EU | Cruising for a bruising

7 03 2010

After the satirical suggestion that the Greeks forfeit their lands for their debt.  Germany’s Bild tabloid newspaper has decided to have a light-hearted pop too.  One thing for sure though, is I know the Greeks won’t see the funny side.

Could this be the cracks that will lead to fissures, or will the EU Machine manage to keep hold of ‘Her terrotories’?

Dear Mr Prime Minister,

If you read this print, you’ve entered a country completely different from yours. You’re in Germany.

  • Here, people work until they are 67. There is no longer a 14-month salary for civil servants.
  • Here, nobody needs to pay a €1,000 bribe to get a hospital bed in time.
  • And we don’t pay pensions for the General’s daughters who sadly can’t find husbands.
  • In this country, the petrol stations have cash registers, the taxi drivers give receipts and farmers don’t swindle EU subsidies with millions of olive trees that don’t exist.

Germany also has high debts – but we can meet them.

  • That’s because we get up reasonably early and work all day.  Because in good times we always spare a thought for the bad times.  Because we have good firms whose products are in demand around the world.

Dear Mr Prime Minister, today you are in the country that sends umpteen-thousand of tourists and money aplenty to Greece.

We want to be friends with the Greeks. That’s why since joining the euro, Germany has given your country €50bn.

For this reason, we are writing to you,


Bild Editorial

PS In case you want to write back, we have enclosed a stamped addressed envelope. Of course, we want to help you to save…

Cheeky but I had to laugh.  Like many Europeans, they are finally waking up to the nightmare of bureaucracy that is the European Union.  Give this another week and the EUSSR will pull another new law from the Lisbon Treaty hat.  But the cracks are showing, that is a good sign.

We have been ruled by fools and cowards since 1945.

Just glad my sense of humour is still intact.

EU | Missing minarets already

7 03 2010

Considering that Switzerland is a Sovereign Democratic Nation that is only an EU partner, surely this would mean the right for the EU to meddle in their internal affairs was minimal to say the least.  Or is this the joys of multiculturalism and multi-nationalism within our lands, that the ‘Muslim block vote’ the Leftarded Rulers need to destroy us are pressuring them?

Once again I will throw a couple of my own theories in there.

The Powers that Be who pronounce they are supporters of a ‘Liberal Secular Democracy’ are using the mass influx of those whose loyalties are questionable to either dilute National Pride in ones’ Homelands, thus taking away the emotional attachment that sometimes gets in the way of progressive policies.  Or a deliberate attempt to create a situation where Democracy could be suspended indefinitely and replaced with a Soviet-style politico.

Statement by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance on the ban of the construction of minarets in Switzerland

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) wishes to express its deep concern about the results of the Swiss popular initiative which approved the inclusion, in the Federal Constitution, of a new provision banning the construction of minarets.

In its report on Switzerland published on 15 September 2009, ECRI clearly regretted that “an initiative that infringes human rights can be put to vote”. ECRI added that it “very much hoped that it would be rejected”.

The figure of 57,5% in favour of the ban, and the fact that the Federal Council’s and other key Swiss stakeholders’ call to vote against went unheeded, are difficult to reconcile with the efforts made to combat prejudice and discrimination in the country over the last years. This vote will result in discrimination against Muslims and infringe their freedom of religion. As ECRI has warned in its report, this risks creating further stigmatisation and racist prejudice against persons belonging to the Muslim community.

ECRI calls on the Swiss authorities to study carefully the consequences of this vote and do their utmost to find solutions that are in keeping with international human rights law. In the meantime, ECRI emphasises the urgent need for the Swiss authorities to follow-up on its recommendation “to pursue their efforts and dialogue with Muslim representatives”.

The European Union doing what it does best.  Like they ‘coerced’ the Irish into voting yes to the dreaded Treaty (along with the usual vote-rigging so accustomed to our Educated Rulers), threatened the Polish President by urging his fellow parliamentarians to push for a vote of no confidence unless he signed the Treaty, and then further showed their darker side by nibbling away at the Czech President, they will now do the same to the Swiss people.

We no longer live in a Union, we live in an Empire, one that is hungry to secure its conquests.  Problem is, we don’t even know who our Emperor is.  We can guess until we’re blue in the face but we cannot know for sure.

How can we defeat a foe capable of capitulating entire nations with ‘coercsion’ when we do not even know who we are dealing with?