Straw Jack | Trees and Acorns

9 01 2011

Mr Straw is coming into some flack due to his utterance that Pakistanis see white infidels as easy-meat.  The Meeja are determined to muddy the waters and refuse to see the main fault.

It is the constant and willing collusion between those who proclaim themselves defenders of the truth.  The Government, the Police, the Media, even Charities were in on the act.

If they are willing to mislead us on these important issues, how on Earth can we even begin to trust them on the small issues.

Multiculturalism and the fragmentation of society into large semiautonomous groups have reverted Britain back to the tribal mentality that Pax Britannia had once stemmed.

Each new tribe has a new rulebook, each has their own outlook and it was inevitable that after being allowed to abuse British hospitality in other areas, it was only a matter of time before they pushed into other abominations.

When do we say enough?  Do we wait until we begin to experience what Congo does?  If that is too far from you, have a gander at Norway.  Should we wait until that then?

Jack Straw is from a family of  arseholes.  From his perverted brother to his dopey son, the man is a charlatan.  Slagging off the English one minute, slagging of the Joey’s next, the man has no loyalty except to his controllers.

And people vote for this shite?  They must have had a right old chuckle when they gave the plebs the vote.

UK Politics | House of Swine Refurb

14 03 2010

Painting themselves as the wonderful Labour Party fighting on behalf of the oppressed masses, the House of Lords has always been a sore point for them.  And whenever the Red Team  see something that is unattainable to the less-than-average John, Abdul or Wong, prepare to pull out all the stops to ‘fix it’.

Even better if the Red Team can score a few points past the Blue Team.  And considering that an election is round the corner, this can be construed as pure politicking on the part of the Red Team, especially due to the ease Jack Straw can withdraw from his duties as Justice Secretary to push the idea.

Say what you will about the ‘party-patronage’ and hereditary peers, replacing them with more politicians just seems wrong.  Trusting the current inhabitants of the Houses of Swine to ‘fix-it’, even more wrong.

Past examples of the Lordships’ of all Feck’ups (in no particular order) are:  Lord Mangledbum (disgraced but never forgotten).  Lord Ashcroft (Tory owner donor).  Baroness Uddin (crook who may get away with it).  Lord Paul (Labour donor).  Baroness Ashton (the EU foreign Affairs something-or-other).

Plans for abolition of House of Lords to be unveiled

Patrick Hennessy, Political Editor.  Published: 9:00PM GMT 13 Mar 2010

Plans to abolish the House of Lords and replace it with a 300-strong, wholly elected second chamber are to be unveiled by ministers in a key political move ahead of the general election.

Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, is this weekend consulting cabinet colleagues on a blueprint which would represent the biggest change to the way Britain is governed for several decades.

The proposals, which have been leaked to The Sunday Telegraph and which are expected to be announced soon, would sweep away centuries of tradition and set ministers on a collision course with the current 704-member House of Lords, which is resolutely opposed to having elected members.

Ministers are ready to announce their plans, which follow years of fruitless cross-party discussions and several votes in the House of Commons, in a bid to wrong-foot the Tories with polling day less than two months away.

Labour’s plan is to provoke elements inside the Conservative Party to object to the reforms – which would allow it to paint David Cameron as wedded to old ideas of privilege.

The plans would see all members of the new-look assembly being directly elected – ending the system of party patronage- with polling under some form of proportional representation system taking place at the same time as general elections.

One third of the new chamber would be elected on each occasion – with members serving three terms, up to 15 years, once elected in a similar system to the one in use to choose members of the US Senate.

Under the plans, ministers could only be appointed from peers who had been elected – bringing to an end the “GOATS” system which has seen Gordon Brown choosing as members of his government people from outside politics whom he has appointed peers.

In the event of death, members would be replaced without the need for by-elections under some sort of “best loser” system. Members would be paid a salary which has yet to be fixed – but it would almost certainly be less than the £64,766 currently paid to backbench MPs.

Ministers are expected to look at whether it would be possible to introduce any kind of artificial “balance” so that the reformed chamber includes a certain proportion of women and members of different faith groups.

The remaining 92 hereditary peers – the relic of a deal done under Tony Blair’s premiership in 1999 – would also be swept away under the proposed reforms.

Three years ago the Commons voted by a majority of 113 to reform the upper house to an all-elected chamber – but that move was blocked by the House of Lords itself, which voted for a fully appointed assembly.

David Cameron, who personally supports reform of the Lords, is however not thought to relish the idea of a full-scale battle over a big shake-up with Tory peers within months, or even years, of becoming prime minister should his party win power in the election, almost certainly to be held on 6 May.

Labour’s only significant change to the House of Lords since coming to power in 1997 was the removal of most hereditary peers in 1999.

Under a deal done between the government and Lord Cranborne, then the Tory leader in the Lords, a “rump” of 92 hereditaries was saved and still remains in the upper house, topping up its number with “by elections” on the death of a hereditary peer.

In 2003 the government proposed stripping the prime minister of the day of powers to decide how many peers were created, but the plans were put on hold.

The same year saw a series of votes in the Commons over whether various percentages of the Lords should be of elected members – including one proposal for an all-elected House – but all the proposals were defeated.

Problem with our democracy is the illusion that we, the electorate, actually matter.  With so many involved in the workings of the State, the base vote for the Establishment is more than suffice to keep them in.  This has happened ever since the common man gained the vote.

The Bastards that Be entrench their positions by financing, manipulating and blackmailing friend and foe alike, and for the most part, doing so successfully.

We do need our entire political structure tweaked yet the last people we should trust are those professional liars.  Best way to regain our Democracy is to vote AGAINST the Establishment, not with them.

Those who give away their freedoms for their luxuries, deserve neither.

The future will involve a lot of hard work no matter how you vote.  Best to keep it in-house at least.

Nat Rothschild 48%

12 02 2010

After a fellow compatriots tip of Jack Straw’s 12% Jewishness on the excellent, I spotted the daddy of powerbroker’s own ‘results’ and thought I just had to have them.

How Jewish is Nathaniel Rothschild?

October 30, 2008

Nathaniel is at the centre of a row involving George Osborne, whom he alleged requested illegal donations to the Conservative party.  But is this one of the Jewish Rothschilds?

For:  The Honourable Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, known as Nat, is the 35-year-old scion of wealthy Jewish banking family the Rothschilds.  His father, Jacob Rothschild, is the fourth Baron Rothschild, who follows the financial family’s charitable interests in Israel and is the chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the family foundation which gave the Knesset and the Supreme Court buildings to Israel.  Nat is director of the Rothschild Foundation, which aims to support and strengthen Jewish life in Europe.  He has been linked with Hollywood’s haimishe princess Natalie Portman, and says he would like to meet a nice Jewish girl.  Now, could this be the ultimate 100% man?

Against:  Oy, if only.  It’s not that bankers have suddenly become less-than-eligible son-in-law material.  It’s that Nat’s mother, the Canadian Serena Mary Dunn, is not Jewish.  Plus, educated at Eton, Nat went on at Oxford to become a member of the distinctly Waspish Bullingdon Club, famous for its drinking binges – and we’re not talking Palwin.  And far from being obviously neurotic, Mr Rothschild had a distinctly unstereotypical reputation as a playboy.  He also married Annabelle Neilson in Las Vegas, without the help of a rabbi.

Verdict:  His blood is too blue to be Jewish.

Nevermind Nat, still 48% more than me.

Justice Jack – “There’s no reason not to trust me”

11 11 2009

Seems even Stephen Carr cannot trust Our Justice Secretary with a scathing attack on the very integrity of the Strawman.  Okay, maybe not that bad but the brown stuff is piling for this crooked NuGov Cartel.

Simon Carr: Trust him, he’s the Justice Secretary … Oh, if only we could

“”There’s no reason not to trust me,” Jack Straw told the House of Commons. He wouldn’t dare say that in public.

He’s into the later stages of his Coroner’s Bill, the device by which he sought to introduce secret inquests to this country – proposals that were “parodied as secret inquests”, he said, in the midst of his half-hour of baffling waffle.

He has a problem, everyone seems to agree. Some intercept evidence cannot be revealed at inquests for fear of letting unsuitable jurors have material that could damage national security.

Remembering that there’s no reason not to trust the Justice Secretary, you might lean back on your heels and sympathise with him. It’s only prejudice that bounces you into an automatic disbelief. But then Bob Marshall-Andrews asked him how many cases this problem represented.


There is this problem in one case in the past five years.

Elfyn Llywd asked again why public interest immunity certificates couldn’t resolve his difficulty. He was told such certificates were only available if they wouldn’t lead to an injustice. Better, then, to do away with the jury altogether.

After all, the number of inquests it would apply to are vanishingly rare and there is absolutely no intention among the police, the Government, the Justice Secretary himself (he said) to widen the use of the secret inquest. And as we knew by then, there was no need not to trust the minister.

But why weren’t these safeguards and restrictions put into the Bill? We know that ministerial assurances at the despatch box aren’t worth the air they’re breathed into. But that was “very difficult”.

And his praise of “senior judges” caused Marshall-Andrews to become sarcastic: “He adulates the higher judiciary only when withdrawing jury trial” – normally he was criticising them for their unelected arrogance in thwarting the intentions of the Government.

Mark Durkan again roused the Irish in his voice (it always gives the place a good shock) to talk about “the real problem which is of grieving and aggrieved families”, those who will be bereaved by an official killing and won’t be allowed in to the inquest. He talked of the Prime Minister “off in Berlin celebrating the end of state control and state secrecy” – and didn’t the Justice Secretary feel “just a little uncomfortable” putting something like this through the House?

Truth be told, Jack did look uncomfortable, stammering and wandering through his case. “I’ve been up hill and down dale on this,” he said, but still he seemed to be in the wrong place with these “massive new powers” being handed to the executive.

“They are not massive new powers, and they would be used extremely sparingly,” the Justice Secretary said.

Oh, if only there were no reason not to trust him.

Now I’m no fan of Justice Jack, I think he has done more harm than good, feathered his own nest at our expense and now plans to go ahead with these private Courts.  And there has never been a truer sentence than the last line written by Mr Carr.  Again, this is another European inspired idea, where innoccence must be proven by the accused.

Labour really do hate us.  Lets return the favour.


Jack Straw Masonic U-turn

9 11 2009

Justice Jack has done it again, proving that he has the backbone of a jellyfish.  Some Masonic brothers in the Judiciary didn’t take too kindly having to tell the world of their membership to an exclusive club whose only purpose is mutual self-advancement of members so threatened Court action using “European Court of Human Rights in Grande Oriente d’Italia di Palazzo Guistiniani v Italy (no 1) and Grande Oriente d’Italia di Palazzo Guistiniani v Italy (no 2)” as a basis.

Thanks Masonic brothers for highlighting to all that European Court decisions take precedent over British ones.

Resource:  Jack Straw scraps rule saying judges must declare if they are masons

Many thanks to a friend for highlighting this story, she knows how much I hate Labour.


Calling all ethnics – You can now join the BNP

15 10 2009

BNP forced to end policy for ‘whites only’ membership

Absolutly fantastic!  Cannot wait till QT now.

Jack Straw:  The BNP are racist and fascist and don’t deserve free speech.

Nick Griffen:  Wasn’t it you Mr Straw that said the English weren’t worth saving?  Some could say that was racist.  Wasn’t it your Fascist Government’s EHRC that FORCED us to change OUR CONSTITUTION?

BNP will get more than 5m votes next election.  Thanks Liberals.  Elite you ain’t no more!

"Now now Sir, this is for your own good"

"Now now Sir, this is for your own good"