IMF’s Strauss-Kahn | Ever closer union

19 11 2010

With a name that sounds like an electric guitar, Chief Strauss-Kahn of the world-renowned IMF has called on the leaders of European Nations to surrender what little autonomy they have left to the unelected Board of European Financiers so to avert future cash confidence crises.  Now remember that the IMF is an intergalactic organisation that can transfer, ahem, I mean transform Nation’s ailing economies into more productive industries so are not to be scoffed at.

Yet talk about twisting-arm politics.  Just so we’re clear, Dominique Strauss-Kahn said;

“The wheels of co-operation move too slowly. The centre must seize the initiative in all areas key to reaching the common destiny of the union, especially in financial, economic and social policy. Countries must be willing to cede more authority to the centre.”

Placing all our eggs in one basket, now isn’t there an old proverb regarding that???  Still, spiday’sThat would be a great leap forward… only we’re on the verge of the abyss” at least brought a sly smile to my mug.

No matter what democratic process you are subject to, the rule is the same.  Vote the same, get the same.

OWG | Agenda 21 and Diet

22 10 2010

James Delingpole is oh so more eloquent than myself in the writings of rage, that I shall direct you to his piece in the Telegraph regarding the ideas thrown around about our collective, and that word is important, diets.  I won’t cut and paste it all but just highlight the third from bottom paragraph and one phrase in particular.

‘Let them eat vegetables’ says the Eton Grocer’s eco-fascist quango

Apart from being riddled with false assumptions – the main ones, of course, being that “Greenhouse Gases” need to be controlled in the first place; that their effect on “Climate Change” is anything to worry about; that any of this is any business of the Food Standards Agency anybloodyway – the document is really just a means of further advancing the cause of the Quangocracy, Big Government and the UN’s Agenda 21.

Now, just what is the UN’s Agenda 21?  Well, according to the following video, just another step towards One World Governance resulting in property rights suspended, collectivism imposed, and just a general corporatisation of the entire globe under one roof.  One glove fits all.  Or possibly one iron gauntlet to keep all in check.

The official plan can be read HERE, yet unsurprisingly, once more the authors deliberately skirt around the written bush, using all sorts of soundbites that no sane human could reject, yet what one says they are going to do and what they actually do, are two very different things.

1.4. The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries, in order to cover the incremental costs for the actions they have to undertake to deal with global environmental problems and to accelerate sustainable development. Financial resources are also required for strengthening the capacity of international institutions for the implementation of Agenda 21. An indicative order-of-magnitude assessment of costs is included in each of the programme areas. This assessment will need to be examined and refined by the relevant implementing agencies and organizations.


Redistribution of wealth which of course will be handled by a respected banker who of course wouldn’t dream of skimming some of the top…  whose ever heard of an untrustworthy public servent 1US??? 2UN??? 3UK???

2.4. Governments recognize that there is a new global effort to relate the elements of the international economic system and mankind’s need for a safe and stable natural environment. Therefore, it is the intent of Governments that consensus-building at the intersection of the environmental and trade and development areas will be ongoing in existing international forums, as well as in the domestic policy of each country.


Consensus-building usually means “We’re right, you’re wrong and if you step outta line, we’ll smack you one“, or worse, ‘blow you up‘ as if the below was an innocent mistake.  (warning, those with a nervous disposition should not view this as this is uncensored)

I could go on but it’s best if you skim through the whole thing yourself, and I say skim otherwise it’s like reading any governmental release, mind-numbingly protracted bullcrap that actually has the ability to make you vomit.  When something looks too good  to be true, it is usually bullcrap.  And after all them years finessing this art, the political masters and their puppets in the world do a splendid job of smoke and mirrors and top of the range bullcrap.

Even the best intentions can have the worst consequences.  And every time I hear the UN and various whores mention sustainability, I can’t help but picture euthanasia on tap.  Remember our business partners in the Chinese government’s approach towards over-population.  No problem with murdering an unborn soul to sustain their economy.  How long before the UN adopts this stance as a way to save the planet?  And why, in the age of equality restrict this barbaric and sadistic measure to those conceived yet not received?  Why not the over 50s?  Or the unemployed?  Or the disabled?  Or those on low incomes?  Or anyone else that doesn’t tag along?

Just like UN Peacekeepers raping their way across Africa to the dodgy dealings with Saddam and the Oil for Food programs, I wouldn’t trust this bunch of despots with my shed.  Bet the UN is just one giant horse-trading show in which each representative tries to outdo the others in vying for the UN’s cushy jobs. Oh yeah, we’re the horses.  And oh yeah, the Owners of this planet appoint the cushy jobs;  for economic power can buy political power, ad infinitum.

The root of all evil is the love of money…  money buys many things, yet most sought, is good old-fashioned control.  And it doesn’t matter how well-off you think you are, compared to Earth PLC’s stockholders, you’ve got sweet FA.

All’s fair in love and war.

Bilderberg and the World | Some choice quotes

5 06 2010

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”David Rockerfeller, 1991.

With that in mind, consider this article from the Telegraph which begins with a satirical introduction:

I have just discovered that a shadowy cabal of global luminaries, including Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Prince Charles, Peter Mandelson, Lord Carrington, David Cameron, Queen Beatrix of Holland and the chairman of Barclays Bank, have been plotting to overthrow national governments and form a fascist one-world empire.

Going by the name of the Bilderberg Group, these puppet-masters made and broke the career of Margaret Thatcher, triggered the downfall of Slobodan Milosevic and, this year, are planning to bomb Iran.

Quite a big story, don’t you think? And yet no one here will take me seriously. Perhaps, as representatives of the capitalist media, they’re too busy planning world domination at Bilderberg’s annual conference, which is taking place this weekend at Hotel Dolce in Sitges, one of Spain’s most exclusive (and, incidentally, gayest) resorts. Watch our cryptic crossword for clues; the swallows are flying south for winter.

A fact:

Dan Brown aside, conspiracy theories don’t come much bigger than this. Here are some “facts” the establishment would have you believe. The Bilderberg Group (named after the Dutch hotel where they first met) was founded in 1954 by Denis Healey, Joseph Retinger, David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, with the aim of bringing together financiers, industrialists, politicians and opinion formers. Every year around 120 of them meet, by invitation of the steering committee, away from the intrusive eyes of the press. They network, eat, drink, play golf and go home again.

The propaganda and misinformation treatment:

“Bilderberg does not try to reach conclusions,” Viscount Davignon, the chairman, told the BBC in 2005. “It’s not that business contests the right of democratically elected leaders to lead.”

But he would say that, wouldn’t he? And where’s the fun in believing something perfectly logical when you can instead invent lurid theories that this covert liberal / Zionist / fascist (delete as appropriate) empire can trace its string-pulling roots back 800 years to the Venetian Black Nobility?

Part of the lure to conspiracy theorists is that the group wasn’t properly reported in the mainstream media until very recently. This was like a red rag to the bullish Jim Tucker, a former sports journalist on a Washington newspaper, who left his job in 1975 to investigate the Bilderberg Group.

He was able, he claimed, to write an “advance story” of Mrs Thatcher’s downfall. “She had attended one meeting of the Bilderbergs,” he recalled, “but she had nothing to say and she didn’t like it. The Bilderberg boys said they had to get rid of her and they replaced her with a trapeze artist [John Major’s father worked in a circus] from the same party.”

Jon Ronson, an investigative journalist whose books include The Men Who Stare At Goats and Them: Adventures with Extremists, spent a hilarious week with Tucker in 1999 in Portugal attempting to infiltrate a Bilderberg meeting. Tucker, who called a friend in the States every day to announce that he hadn’t been assassinated yet, led Ronson to an English expat journalist, also hot on the trail, who declared: “Maybe my head’s gone, but the Book of Revelation speaks of a one-world order, one financial order, a one-world religion. There’ll be a sense of disorder, of children not respecting their parents, and then a very powerful group will form. So it does all fit together.”

The reality, Ronson discovered, was a little less apocalyptic. After he’d returned home, Healey invited him round for a chat. “Bilderberg is the most useful international group I ever attended,” he told him. “The confidentiality enabled people to speak honestly without fear of repercussions.”

Other members of the group spoke to Ronson on condition of anonymity, furiously denying that they secretly ruled the world. In 2005 Viscount Davignon, a former European Commssioner, gave his interview to the BBC, pointing out that it was entirely natural for people of influence to speak to like-minded people. When George Osborne, now the Chancellor, went last year he registered it in the parliamentary register of members’ interests.

Putting out the stall:

None of this has stopped the loons, though. “Bilderberg has all the ingredients for the kind of shadowy conspiracy people like,” Ronson tells me.

This weekend around a hundred protesters and investigators have gathered in Sitges, creating something of a carnival atmosphere. Tucker is believed to be there. He has written a book, Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary: One Reporter’s 25-year Battle to Shine the Light on the World Shadow Government, the proceeds of which go towards his travel costs.

I can’t get hold of Tucker, but I do get through to Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which has sold 3.5 million copies worldwide (but wasn’t touched by a British publisher).

“How can you call me a conspiracy theorist?” he says. “I was invited to speak to the European Parliament earlier this week.”

I find a YouTube clip of his speech to that other shadowy organisation. Bilderberg’s goal, he claims, is “the creation of a global network of giant cartels, more powerful than any nation on Earth, destined to control the necessities of life of the rest of humanity, obviously from their vantage point, for our own good and in our benefit – the great unwashed as they call us.”

Other activists in Sitges this weekend include Trilever, a group calling for greater transparency, who are staking out positions in the surrounding hills, “avoiding the snipers”, while they try to spot this year’s attendees – thought to include Angela Merkel, Josef Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank, Richard Holbrooke, Barack Obama’s special envoy to Afghanistan, and Gustavo A Cisneros Rendiles, a Venezuelan media mogul.

An activist with another organisation, EcoXarxa Montseny, told a reporter: “It’s so frightening that people can’t even believe that it’s real. Some people theorise that they want to kill off half the world; others believe they’re directing the world’s finances. But we’re here to say it is real, it is happening.”

The muffled conclusion:

It is difficult to think of anything less real – or indeed less happening. The reality of these conferences appears to boil down to a group of willy-waggling old men comparing their security details and dreaming of past glories. Admittedly, they are efficient talent-spotters, inviting Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher and Bill Clinton before they were household names (and thereby fuelling further conspiracies). Bilderberg is also credited with helping to influence world opinion during the Falklands War when David Owen gave a barnstorming speech in favour of sanctions.

But surely it is beginning to lose some of its allure now that it is so widely known – a smaller, summer version of Davos. Can an organisation that invited Ed Balls in 2007 seriously be pulling the strings of world power? Last year the Finnish Prime Minister was so pleased to be invited that he put a press release on his website. It’s hardly Smersh, James Bond’s evil nemesis. Last summer’s conference was in Athens, and look what happened to Greece shortly afterwards.

As Viscount Davignon put it: “When people say this is a secret government of the world I say that if we were a secret government of the world, we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves.”

All in all, an excellent job to keep the plebs confused.  Have to hand it to the buggers, they sure do what they do well.  The ‘best trick the Devil ever pulled’ and all that.

BNP | No witch-burning tonight

25 05 2010

The Enemy of the State has been cleared by a panel of three of Thought-Crime, Hate-Crime with only a few reservations regarding his conduct.  Other than that, Mr Adam Walker is free to seek employment in the teaching field, bringing to an end the dubious political persecution of a British individual.

An ironic ‘Antifa‘ mong had this to say “It cannot be right that a teacher with such far-right views as Mr Walker is allowed to teach children in our schools – he must be stopped.”

Of course, safety in numbers for the anti-democratic mobs with the unions busing in ‘20 campaigners from UAF and teaching unions organised the protest yesterday after hearing the BNP would be there in support of Mr Walker.

So I take it is fine and dandy for fellow professioanl teachers in the leftarded unions to publically show their political hatred towards the BNP?

Further reading can be had at the following:

BNP teacher cleared of ‘racism’ – UK Press Association

Noisy rally outside teacher disciplinary hearing in Birmingham – Birmingham Mail

Adam Walker Case Thrown Out! – BNP Official Site

Now consider all the money wasted in pursuing Mr Walker.  There was no victim involved, a minor misdemeanor, probably worthy of a warning not to use school time or property.  That’s it.  Not this politically motivated persecution.  The people involved in pursuing this did so either out of pure spite at worst, for a ‘brownie point’ at best.

They didn’t consider the cost of replacing Mr Walker and they gave about as much thought to the disruption caused to the education of x amount of children.

Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination.  So much easier than education.

Labour | NuOpposition

24 05 2010

In the last week, we’ve had a couple of Labour apparatchiks claim that the Iraq War was a mistake, with OH writing what we’re all thinking, the public-moneyed millionaire champagne socialist Neil Kinnock is backing one of the Millipede brothers in the leadership race and now Andy Burnham confirms what we already knew, that Labour deliberately tried to “stifle debate on immigration“.

Looks like the worst government I have ever seen will be followed by the worst opposition.

ConDem | Big Society

19 05 2010

The EU Constitution was renamed the Lisbon Treaty and thus continued the Eunification project, and by all means, call me a cynic but I’ve got a feeling that the promised Big Society is just another rebranding exercise for the continuation of the Establishment’s Big Brother agenda.

The Big Society policies include:

  • Training a new generation of community organisers who will support the establishment of neighbourhood groups
  • Giving communities a greater say over their local planning system
  • Encouraging volunteering and involvement in social action, including launching a national Big Society Day
  • Piloting the National Citizen Service, which aims to give teenagers from different backgrounds the chance to take part in a two-month summer programme including community involvement
  • Supporting mutuals, co-operatives, charities and social enterprises to have greater involvement in the running of public services
  • Funds from dormant bank accounts being channelled to a Big Society Bank, which will provide finance for neighbourhood groups, charities and social enterprises
  • Increasing access to government-held data through a “new right to data” for citizens to ensure Government data is published. The police will be obliged to publish monthly crime statistics
  • Extending powers for local government and conducting a comprehensive review of local government finance to help remove restrictions that limit the work of local councils

Yet Mr Sam Leith from the Evening Standard has painted the various reasons that could lay behind PM Cameron’s Big Society:

The simple view is that he was just trying to find a way of laying the ghost of Mrs Thatcher to rest by using the word “society” somewhere in a sentence — and, flailing around for a qualifying adjective, he hit on “big”.

A second school of thought maintains that he had in mind the vision of a Burkean civic Conservatism, with “little platoons” of volunteers — or, in this case, big platoons — swarming over the country doing good works and squeaking “heave! heave!” like the mice in Bagpuss.

The third school of thought is that the “Big Society” is simply a nice way of explaining public-service cuts. If you say: “Sorry, no more bin men, fire engines, surgeons. We’re doomed” you risk spreading despondency, see?

So instead, you say: “We are reaching out, to you, the people of this great nation. And this is our invitation. Join us. We need people, in their communities, to collect the bins and take pride, once again, in making a better place for us all to live. We need people who, when they see their neighbour’s house on fire, don’t just dial 999 — but fill a tooth-mug with water and run towards the flames.

“We need people who don’t just sit around collecting their disability benefits and waiting for the NHS to do their kidney operation for them — we need people who will pick up the sharpest teaspoon they can find and get stuck in. And you will learn these vital skills at the free school’ that we invite you, the people of this great country, to start.”

I’m in no doubt that whatever the intended purpose, it will just be more of the same old State-sanctioned theft, just wrapped in a different bow.

BNP | Fulltime Anti-BNPers

16 05 2010

A campaign of hate directed at the British National Party in Barking, sanctioned by the Establishment, coordinated by Searchlight, promoted by the Mirror and performed by the deluded is the main reason why there was no political earthquake.

Since last June, when 1,000,000 Britons decided to use their democratic right and voted for Mr Griffin and Mr Brons in the EU elections, Searchlight’s chief Nick Lowles has organised the undemocratic use of subversion, indoctrination and incitement to hatred to oppose them.

So how did they do it?  From the dreaded Hope Not Hate blog hosted by the leftarded news-polluter, the Daily Mirror:

We have had brilliant support from pensioners, black and Asian voters, white voters, young voters, women and men. On Monday 385 people delivered 55,000 leaflets and even on polling day we had 175 people out knocking up the vote.

So saturating the area with anti-BNP literature for the run-up to the election and, with 175 people manning the polling booths, it’s no wonder the BNP polled so little.

Nick Griffin was belittled, vilified, treated like dog dirt and told he was a third-class citizen who wasn’t wanted in Britain.

Argumentum ad hominem it’s called, attacking the person instead of the argument and has worked throughout the centuries as people are too stupid or lazy to see the motive behind the comments.

The world is upside down.  That or there is definitely something in the water.

Equalities Minister | You’re all “male and pale”

15 05 2010

Milliseconds after her ministerial butt plonked upon her ministerial position, the mad (by association to the Lib Dems of course) madam Featherstone is making headlines, describing the new Coalition Cabinet as “male and pale”.

Personally, it’s getting very old this recurring habit of hateful remarks directed at Whitey incorporated.

New equalities minister Lib Dem Lynne Featherstone hits out at ‘male and pale’ party negotiators

By Tim Shipman, Daily Mail.  Last updated at 7:55 AM on 15th May 2010

A woman once voted the ‘most fanciable MP’ in Westminster was made equalities minister yesterday – and promptly attacked the lack of women in the new coalition Government.

Liberal Democrat Lynne Featherstone, 58, will follow in Harriet Harman’s footsteps to fight sexism and discrimination.

She wasted little time yesterday in attacking her own leaders, David Cameron and Nick Clegg, for failing to find room for more than four women in the Cabinet.

Mrs Featherstone said she was ‘very disappointed’ at the lack of women at the top and condemned as ‘male and pale’ the two negotiating teams that thrashed out the terms of the coalition deal.

She said that on being offered the job, she told the PM: ‘We must do better.’

Mrs Featherstone, a mother of two who divorced in 1996, said: ‘It absolutely matters that women are in politics and getting into positions where decisions are taken.’

She said a woman’s perspective was necessary because her previous experience working on London transport issues had shown men concentrate on ‘big macho projects like who’s got the biggest airport or the longest train, rather than looking at the journey to school’.

Mrs Featherstone called for female ‘role models’ – but she has not always been an advert for feminism herself.

Mrs Featherstone, a millionaire whose family owns the Ryness chain of electrical stores, attracted controversy when she once told women to enter politics because they could use their town hall allowances to pay for cleaners and babysitters.

She was embarrassed in 2006 when she put down Parliamentary questions about a date rape drug that had been invented as part of an email hoax.

And she raised eyebrows during the election campaign when she agreed to be filmed for an internet spoof singing along to a remake of the Bucks Fizz pop song Making Your Mind Up.

She has called for the abolition of the Sun newspaper’s topless Page 3 photoshoots.

Mr Cameron boosted the female head count yesterday by sending Maria Miller to the Department of Work and Pensions.

Nick Hurd, son of ex-Foreign Secretary Lord Hurd, became charities minister, Hugh Robertson is sports minister and Lib Dem MP David Heath will be deputy leader of the Commons.

But Mr Cameron alienated more of his former shadow ministers by giving posts to Lib Dems.

I want a meritocracy, not a token society made up of know-nothing every colour-of-the-fecking-rainbow party apparatchiks whose only purpose is to sprout the virtues of their Master’s mad cultural marxist social engineering project.

A derogatory remark against blacks, Asians or any other special group is met with the full force of the law, resulting in extra work for the Police and months of stress for the ‘suspect’.  The other side of the coin and it seems the Establishment can’t help themselves but demean me by the shade of my skin.  Sure the authors were directing their comments towards a certain group of monochrome privilege pricks, doesn’t mean I wish to replace them with a bunch of multicoloured useless tits.

And it sure as hell doesn’t limit the fallout for myself and others like me who sadly cannot afford the same level of protection that the BBC execs and Parliamentarians enjoy.

Had to moan about this before the footie otherwise I would be screwing all the way through the match.  Can’t have that, us Lion fans are world-famous for our friendly charming manners.