BNP | No witch-burning tonight

25 05 2010

The Enemy of the State has been cleared by a panel of three of Thought-Crime, Hate-Crime with only a few reservations regarding his conduct.  Other than that, Mr Adam Walker is free to seek employment in the teaching field, bringing to an end the dubious political persecution of a British individual.

An ironic ‘Antifa‘ mong had this to say “It cannot be right that a teacher with such far-right views as Mr Walker is allowed to teach children in our schools – he must be stopped.”

Of course, safety in numbers for the anti-democratic mobs with the unions busing in ‘20 campaigners from UAF and teaching unions organised the protest yesterday after hearing the BNP would be there in support of Mr Walker.

So I take it is fine and dandy for fellow professioanl teachers in the leftarded unions to publically show their political hatred towards the BNP?

Further reading can be had at the following:

BNP teacher cleared of ‘racism’ – UK Press Association

Noisy rally outside teacher disciplinary hearing in Birmingham – Birmingham Mail

Adam Walker Case Thrown Out! – BNP Official Site

Now consider all the money wasted in pursuing Mr Walker.  There was no victim involved, a minor misdemeanor, probably worthy of a warning not to use school time or property.  That’s it.  Not this politically motivated persecution.  The people involved in pursuing this did so either out of pure spite at worst, for a ‘brownie point’ at best.

They didn’t consider the cost of replacing Mr Walker and they gave about as much thought to the disruption caused to the education of x amount of children.

Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination.  So much easier than education.