Ed West and Johnny Cruddas | A love story

6 12 2010

Miss West and Miss Cruddas share a romantic meal by the Thames at the world-renowned (and cheap compared to the Ritz) Harvey Nichols restaurant atop the London skyline, with fine own brand wines loosens the lips for a tantalising political broadside.  The result of this passionate affair is a quick person-promotion piece purporting to show Labour’s Old Skool MP John Cruddas as the second coming…  yet fails spectacularly.

The man who wants to save Labour’s soul

The Church fell out with Labour under Blair. Catholic MP Jon Cruddas speaks about why the people’s party lost its faith

Considering the above is in the little known Catholic Herald, Mr West sought to promote the article via his Telegraph blog, where after reading the following section, I could punch John on the nose;

“The far-Right party has always warned that Barking and Dagenham would end up with the same demographics as neighbouring Newham or Tower Hamlets.

Funnily enough, when I suggested this would happen to Cruddas, he replied simply: “I agree.” We were talking about the effects of people being driven out of inner London by housing benefits changes, but it’s hard to deny the biggest cause of this change will be Labour’s immigration policy.

Still, at least they won’t have to worry about the BNP in Barking and Dagenham for very long.”

Yeah, sure John and Ed, the benefit changes are to be blamed for the ever-increasing White Flight…  even though White Flight is 30 years older than the not-yet-implemented Benefit Reforms and was a reaction to mass importation of anything and everything alien moving next-door…   some people have their heads shoved so far up their own rear ends, I’m surprised they can’t smell the shite they proclaim.

And the last line from Mr West;  If the borough becomes another Tower Hamlets mini-Islamic Republic, of course he won’t, he’ll be swapped for a Muslim then parachuted into another Labour Donkey safe-zone.

The comment section is well worth the read if just to reassure yourself that you’re not the only one fuming at this fawning attempt.  In fact, I think I spent more time reading well-versed retorts than I did reading Ed’s bullcrapping articles.  And to think I used to look up to you Ed?  Whoring yourself out for a little extra coin…  times must be tough.

Kudos to a fellow patriot for the head’s up.

White History Month | Government’s response

18 09 2010

Just received an email from Her Majesty’s Government regarding the petitioned White History Month malarky some British soul created a dozen moons ago.  Even then I knew the stooges would knock it back with a set-piece of bullcrap.

The Government vision is of a fair society where there are no barriers to participation or ambition based on race, colour or ethnicity. Only by giving everyone the opportunity to succeed can we build a better future for everybody in Britain.

The Government is not responsible for Black History month. This is, rather, a community led initiative which has developed since the mid-eighties, and individual organisations take part on a voluntary basis. Its benefits are that it raises awareness of the, often unknown, Black contribution to our shared history, for example, that Africans and Asians and their descendants have been living in Britain for the last 500 years and also made a major contribution in the Second World War. By focusing on what people have in common, as well as recognising the value of diversity, we can foster a shared sense of belonging and a shared sense of the future.

In schools, the existing National Curriculum programme of study for history requires pupils to be taught a substantial amount of British history. The Government is currently reviewing the national curriculum and has announced its intention to reduce the amount of central prescription in the way that schools teach their pupils. The Secretary of State for Education has expressed his intention to return to a more narrative approach to British History.

Let’s break that down:

“The Government vision is of a fair society where there are no barriers to participation or ambition based on race, colour or ethnicity. Only by giving everyone the opportunity to succeed can we build a better future for everybody in Britain.”

meansWe say, you do, it’s for your own good.

“The Government is not responsible for Black History month. This is, rather, a community led initiative which has developed since the mid-eighties, and individual organisations take part on a voluntary basis…”

means:  Don’t blame Us, blame those We enticed here.

“… Its benefits are that it raises awareness of the, often unknown, Black contribution to our shared history, for example, that Africans and Asians and their descendants have been living in Britain for the last 500 years and also made a major contribution in the Second World War. By focusing on what people have in common, as well as recognising the value of diversity, we can foster a shared sense of belonging and a shared sense of the future.”

means:  We support it in shaping the minds of future Britons.

“In schools, the existing National Curriculum programme of study for history requires pupils to be taught a substantial amount of British history. The Government is currently reviewing the national curriculum and has announced its intention to reduce the amount of central prescription in the way that schools teach their pupils. The Secretary of State for Education has expressed his intention to return to a more narrative approach to British History.”

means:  here’s a crumb to satisfy your cravings, and not a bite more.

If they couldn’t tell the truth that a month wouldn’t be long enough to chronicle the Anglo-Saxon and Celt tale, instead of the Government-sponsored waffle, a simple no would have sufficed.

Labour | What a frikking joke they are

1 09 2010

A double dose of stupidity comes courtesy of the Daily Mirror group’s pathetic interview with the Labour leader candidates.  This reminds me of a primary school project I did 19 years ago when my class was given the task of ‘writing’ for the local newspaper.  Actually, the questions we sent the then Prime Minister John Major was ten times better than James Lyons’ attempt at ‘news’ gathering, as it at least attempted to find out the man behind the power.

Honestly, the following report should have been made for CBBC’s Newsround ffs, it’s so juvenile.

Labour leadership candidates’ secret lives:  Stolen kisses, tattoos and super powers

Q1:  If your life were made into a movie, what would be the title?

Andy Burnham: The Outsider

David Miliband: Die Hard (Labour)

Diane Abbott: Great Expectations

Ed Miliband: If it were left to you, probably Cain and Abel but I prefer Field of Dreams

Ed Balls: It would be a remake of Great Balls of Fire

Q2:  Tell us a secret, please

Ab: My wife was on blind date (while she was going out with me) and went out with someone who ended up working for the Tories

Dm: I have the Labour Party rose tattooed at the base of my back

Da: If I told you a secret it wouldn’t be a secret any more

Em: I’ve got an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Boston Red Sox

Eb: My guilty karaoke pleasure is Endless Love. I do Diana Ross

Q3:  What’s the worst lie you’ve told?

Ab: Of course we can win the league (to my son every year)

Dm: I once told Mirror readers that I have the Labour Party rose tattooed at the base of my back

Da: I try not to tell lies. As Tony Blair discovered, the truth always comes out in the end

Em: This probably isn’t the worst but a bad one recently was denying to Justine my partner I’d been feeding Daniel, who is only 14 months, with ice cream

Eb: Hello, I’m Father Christmas

Q4:  Tell us a joke

Ab: What’s the fastest cake in the world? Scone

Dm: Nick Clegg

Da: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side

Em: Uma Thurman told this one in Pulp Fiction: Three tomatoes are walking down the street, Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato, and Baby tomato. Baby Tomato starts lagging behind. Papa Tomato gets really angry, goes back and squishes him. Says, “Ketchup!”

Q5:  Would you sleep with anyone for a million pounds?

Ab: No

Dm: Of course – my wife Louise (though I don’t have to pay her)

Da: No

Em: Only Justine. No one else comes close

Eb: Certainly not with Robert Redford

Q6:  Describe the ConDems in three words

Ab: A Tory government.

Dm: Bad for Britain

Da: Bad. For. Britain

Em: In my sights

Eb: Heartless and wrongheaded

Q7:  Last CD you bought?

Ab: The Places Between: Best of Doves

Dm: My wife Louise is a professional musician so chooses the music

Da: A Michael Jackson compilation when I heard he’d died

Em: I haven’t bought any music for ages but I’m a big fan of the band Hard-Fi.

Eb: A compilation called 100 Songs To Do Housework To. I recommend it (the CD, not the housework)

Q8:  Who shot JR?

Ab: Kirstin Shepard

Dm: Wasn’t it all just a dream?

Da: I think it was Sue Ellen, his wife

Em: Kristin of course

Eb: I am just hoping Bobby comes out of the shower again and it never happened and Dallas is back on TV

Q9:  Favourite TV show?

Ab: The Royle Family

Dm: It used to be Friday Night with Jonathan Ross

Da: The West Wing

Em: Desperate Housewives.

Eb: X Factor and Strictly on a Saturday night, thanks to Sky Plus

Q10:  What would be your last supper?

Ab: A plate of scouse

Dm: Fish and chips from Coleman’s in South Shields

Da: Chicken, rice and peas

Em: Chinese, just like Cliff Barnes in Dallas

Eb: I do the cooking at home but Yvette is persuaded to make her risotto on special occasions

Q11:  What’s your greatest extravagance?

Ab: A good summer holiday for the kids to make up for my time spent away from home

Dm: Family holidays

Da: Books

Em: Spoiling my son Daniel

Eb: My drum kit

Q12:  How much does a pint of milk, a loaf of bread and a tin of baked beans add up to?

AB: £1.93

Dm: About £1.90

Da: Around £2

Em: I reckon 45p, about 80p and about 60p – so £1.85? Depends on whether you go for fancy bread or not.

Eb: At Asda, Castleford, where I do the weekly shop, it’s about £2

Q13:  Which four people, real or fictional, would you most like to go down the pub with?

Ab: Dixie Dean, Nye Bevan, Tony Soprano and Cheryl Cole

Dm: Four of my friends to relax and have fun

Da: The panellists on BBC Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time because I’d be able to ask them everything I’ve ever wanted to know about my home garden

Em: Rachel Weisz, Bobby Kennedy, Alex Higgins and my brother

Eb: Elvis, Holly Golightly, Peter Kay, Yvette

Q14:  What would you do if you weren’t an MP?

Ab: A journalist or teaching, like my brothers

Dm: A teacher

Da: Be a novelist

Em: An actor – but I don’t think I have the talent

Eb: Take weekends off

Q15:  What car do you drive?

Ab: T reg Golf

Dm: Elderly Toyota Corolla Verso

Da: I don’t drive

Em: Ford Focus

Eb: Ford Mondeo estate

Q16:  Who was your first kiss with – and where?

Ab: Family holiday in Silverdale in 1981. Better not say her name as her kids go to karate with mine

Dm: A gent should never kiss and tell

Da: I was living in Harrow at the time and sadly I cannot remember his name

Em: Not telling

Eb: A girl called Dawn in her grandma’s garden

Q17:  What do your enemies call you?

Ab: Bitter Blue

Dm: The front-runner

Da: Since I decided to run for the leadership they’ve been completely speechless

Em: You’d have to ask them

Eb: Mr Balls (or variants on that theme)

Q18:  What is your biggest fault?

Ab: I’m afraid I’m well known as the late Mr Burnham

Dm: Cutting timings too tight and missing trains

Da: Too truthful

Em: I’m too demanding of myself and others around me

Eb: Always late

Q19:  What would be your super power?

Ab: Becoming invisible. Very handy in politics as well as at home when the jobs need doing

Dm: Travelling at the speed of light so I can be home quicker and have a lot more time with my family

Da: The ability to see through walls

Em: To extend or stretch time. There is never enough of it

Eb: To be in two places at once like Doctor Manhattan

Q20:  Most embarrassing moment?

Ab: When my pitch-invading past was revealed

Dm: Going to a meeting at the UN with a woman called Angelina Jolie and not realising until I got there it was the Angelina Jolie. It then dawned on me why every man in the office wanted to come as well

Da: When my wig came off in a crowded Tube train

Em: It has to be turning up at my school disco in my parents’ car, in ridiculous clothes

Eb: At my first big speech to a City dinner when a group of bankers thought I was the waiter and asked me to fetch the chef for them

Q21:  If you were a prizefighter, what would be your performing name?

Ab: Bash’em Burnham

Dm: David “Red Menace” Miliband

Da: If I was a prizefighter I would be Rocky. They counted him out but he went on to win. He was the people’s champion

Em: I’d like to think it would be the Changemaker

Eb: The Morley & Outwood Mauler

Q22:  If you could be a fly on a wall, whose wall?

Ab: England dressing room after the Algeria game

Dm: Arsenal’s dressing room for a Wenger pre-match pep talk

Da: Hollywood actor Denzel Washington

Em: The Oval Office of the White House when JFK was President.

Eb: Gordon Ramsay’s kitchen. Does he swear at himself?

Q23:  Biggest regret?

Ab: Getting on that rope swing with Ed Balls

Dm: Taking that banana for a walk instead of eating it

Da: That I never learnt to play the piano

Em: Not spending more time with my family

Eb: I had a trial for Wolves when I was 10 – but I didn’t score and didn’t make the cut

Are these suppose to be the best and brightest of the Labour Party?  If so, I’m pissing myself laughing!  As for the Mirror, a prime example of a waste of a paper.

Camberwell and Peckham | The Good (Analysis), the Bad (Result) and the Ugly (Conclusion)

7 05 2010

Seeing all those Labour dependents last night voting sank my heart.  People who do not work, should not be allowed vote.  People who were born in another country, should not be allowed vote.  People who cannot spell Britain, should not be allowed vote.

In fact, I would say that the electorate should have to pay a nominal fee to vote.  Not some outrageous amount but something like £2.50 – and for three reasons.  First to make sure that those taking part are willing to put their money where there mouth is.  The second, it would discourage organised voter fraud due to extra cost.  Lastly, it would need the presence of the Police on site due to financial concerns that would also deter fraud, intimidation and any other act that offends democracy.

Enough of the raving.  A reminder of the rotten boroughs of Camberwell and Peckham with the help of UKPollingReport:

Boundary changes: Previously undersized, Camberwell and Peckham gains parts of Faraday and Livesey wards from Southwark North and Bermondsey and South Camberwell and parts of Peckham Rye and The Lane wards from Dulwich and West Norwood.

Profile: Covers Peckham, Peckham Rye, Camberwell and Nunhead. This is one of the most poverty striken and deprived constituencies in the country. It has the highest proportion of afro-carribean residents of any constituency in the country and the highest proportion of social housing of any seat, with almost 6 in 10 homes rented from the council or a housing association.

Only Fools and Horses was never actually filmed in Peckham, but it continues to be the public`s perception of Peckham, and its reputation for desperate crime ridden sink estates was, in the past at least, not inaccurate. This is where Damilola Taylor was murdered in 2000 and, while the worst of the concrete estates (including the North Peckham Estate where Damilola Taylor died) have been demolished in recent years as part of massive regeneration projects, with more planned in coming years, the area continues to suffer from problems of high crime and gang violence.

This is one of Labour`s safest seats in the South of England and, while there is some gentrification in South Peckham, and pockets of Conservative support in the large Georgian houses in places like Camberwell Grove, there is presently no possibility of that dominance being challenged.

And it never hurst to remind all of the ethnicity in my borough according to the 2001 census:

  • Black African – 35.67%
  • White British – 25.73%
  • Black Caribbean – 15.45%
  • Other White – 4.58%
  • Other Black – 3.58%
  • Chinese – 3.51%
  • Other Asian – 2.14%
  • White Irish – 1.93%
  • Mixed White-Black Caribbean – 1.86%
  • Bangladeshi – 1.25%
  • Other Mixed – 1.17%
  • Mixed White-Black African – 1.08%
  • Indian – 0.69%
  • Other South Asian – 0.68%
  • Mixed White-South Asian – 0.35%
  • Pakistani – 0.33%

This year’s result is as follows:

Harriet Harman (Labour) – 27,619

Columba Blango (Lib Dem) – 10,432

Andy Stranack (Con) – 6,080

Jenny Jones (Green) – 1,361

Yohara Robby (Eng Dem) – 435

Joshua Ogunleye (WRP) – 211

Margaret Sharkey (SLP) – 184

Decima Francis (Ind) – 93

Steve Robbins (Ind) – 87

Patricia Knox (Ind) – 82

Jill Mountford (AWL) – 75

Maj: 17,187

Turnout: 59.3%

The conclusion is:

Seeing as the total votes for the lunatic socialists equaled that of the English Democrat, can only say that the once proud area of Southwark has a boil on it’s arse.  In other words:

If that is the plan, Peckham is doomed to become a shanty town so I’m outta here.

My family should have packed up years ago and left this rotten borough to the gerrymandering council, whose policy of pack em in and pack em high has meant tensions were bound to happen, no matter what the colour or creed.  Place has gone down hill ever since the Beeb based ‘Only Fools’ here.  I’m convinced the Beeboids gave that show to Nairobi TV to further encourage the Voodlisation of my beloved Peckham.

Thing is, I wouldn’t have minded the cultural enrichment if there was an overall economical benefit attached, but there wasn’t.  It has only been cost, cost and more cost, be it a financial burden or the accompanying social crap.  The only benefit I have seen are the ones picked up by the State’s dependents.

And we’re supposed to be thankful for the vibrant multicultural community that has replaced what was once English.  How is this multinational grouping of opposing teams suppose to work?

Sovietic Labour | Commie Colour Scheme

2 05 2010

I’m  a sucker for looking into things too much and seeing ‘orrible coincidences.  One being the reason that Piers Morgan is eligible for employment after his car-crash CV.  This is the man who was head of the Mirror News-Polluter when they printed untrue stories of prisoner abuse, endangering the lives of many just for a scoop.  He once posed nude for God’s sake!  He is a fuitcake of the highest order.

Another is the symbols used by our Political Puppeteers’ to entice the voter.

Take Labour’s party propaganda posters.  Mundane with the simplest of messages proclaiming nothing but intention.

Yet those colours.

So familiar to their roots that it does deserve a mention.

Now, if only the below was official, maybe I could see myself in a red cap.Talk about pinning your colours on the wall, the Labour Party are still using Commie colour schemes.  Wonder if Dulux has a selection.

Camberwell and Peckham | Harriet ‘Horrid’ Harperson

28 04 2010

I could work for the Sun.  Shit, I’d take a job on the sun if it meant getting away from the International Corporatist Cartels that own the majority of shares in Earth Plc.

Damn, Peckham Plc has been electing Dirty Harry since 1982!  All these years me and mine have suffered under the tyranny of Frankfurt School-inspired Superwitch Harperson’s social engineering with a sprinkle of gerrymandering to increase her dependents.  In 1997 they even gave her the fiefdom of Camberwell.

And to think she did it all on the back of the scroungers with Sure Start centres and plenty of ‘extras’, giving the red carpet treatment to newcomers and the planting of deluded supporters in council non-jobs.

Can’t think of any other way she could have gotten in without fellow Camberwell and Peckham Plc stockholders.

Back in the day when my family lived in Laburnum Close, my father had the pleasure of telling young Labour starlet Harry Harperson to “piss off”.  If she didn’t have two large coloured bodyguards standing beside the door, to think of all the agro we could have been spared.  An invite for a cup of arsenic, a couple of hours in the bathtub producing manageable packages, a quick drive along to the coast and then ‘feeding the fish’.  Saying that, we must be blacklisted for we haven’t had Labour knocking since.  Small blessings I suppose.

Once again, as it is election season thought I give the highlights of Peckham’s very own Feminazi in the hope of scaring 10 – 20 points of her majority, although I’d be happy to turn one Labour supporter away.

The one and only, Horrid Ms Harman, residing at an undisclosed address in Dulwich and West Norwood and was nominated by the following members of the public:

Seaton Martin

Squires Anthony J

Mills Victoria

Soanes Sharon

Situ Tayo A

Smith Althea

Thorncroft Dominic J

Mohamed Abdul

Ward Veronica M

Ahern Kevin V

Camberwell and Peckham UK Polling Report…

…and a sad indictment it is indeed.

Boundary changes: Previously undersized, Camberwell and Peckham gains parts of Faraday and Livesey wards from Southwark North and Bermondsey and South Camberwell and parts of Peckham Rye and The Lane wards from Dulwich and West Norwood.

Profile: Covers Peckham, Peckham Rye, Camberwell and Nunhead. This is one of the most poverty striken and deprived constituencies in the country. It has the highest proportion of afro-carribean residents of any constituency in the country and the highest proportion of social housing of any seat, with almost 6 in 10 homes rented from the council or a housing association.

Only Fools and Horses was never actually filmed in Peckham, but it continues to be the public`s perception of Peckham, and its reputation for desperate crime ridden sink estates was, in the past at least, not inaccurate. This is where Damilola Taylor was murdered in 2000 and, while the worst of the concrete estates (including the North Peckham Estate where Damilola Taylor died) have been demolished in recent years as part of massive regeneration projects, with more planned in coming years, the area continues to suffer from problems of high crime and gang violence.

This is one of Labour`s safest seats in the South of England and, while there is some gentrification in South Peckham, and pockets of Conservative support in the large Georgian houses in places like Camberwell Grove, there is presently no possibility of that dominance being challenged.

How Harriet Harman voted on key issues since 2001

  • Voted very strongly against an investigation into the Iraq war.
  • Voted very strongly for the hunting ban.
  • Voted very strongly for replacing Trident.
  • Voted strongly for equal gay rights.
  • Voted moderately for removing hereditary peers from the House of Lords.
  • Voted very strongly for a wholly elected House of Lords.
  • Voted strongly for introducing student top-up fees.
  • Voted moderately against laws to stop climate change.
  • Voted very strongly for allowing ministers to intervene in inquests.
  • Voted very strongly for introducing ID cards.
  • Voted moderately for a transparent Parliament.
  • Voted very strongly for introducing foundation hospitals.
  • Voted moderately for introducing a smoking ban.
  • Voted a mixture of for and against greater autonomy for schools.
  • Voted strongly for Labour’s anti-terrorism laws.
  • Voted very strongly for the Iraq war.

And the last set of recorded ‘sponsorship or financial or material support’ Harman helpers from 23rd April 2008:

  • Ken Follett, of Hertfordshire (personal donation). (Registered 20 April 2007)
  • Ken Follett, of Hertfordshire (personal donation). (Registered 11 June 2007)
  • Fiona Mctaggart MP (personal donation). (Registered 11 June 2007)
  • Vinod Popat, of West Hamilton (personal donation). (Registered 26 June 2007)
  • Michael V Sternberg, of London (personal donation). (Registered 28 June 2007)
  • Margaret Hodge MP (personal donation). (Registered 17 July 2007)
  • TGWU (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • UCATT (trade union) (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • Vera Baird MP (personal donation). (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • Stefanos Stefanou, of Hatfield (personal donation). (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • David Abrahams, businessman (through Janet Kidd, of Newcastle upon Tyne) (personal donation) (Registered 18 July 2007) (donation subsequently returned)
  • Nicky Gavron, of London (personal donation). (Registered 18 July 2007)
  • Baroness Ashton (personal donation). (Registered 25 July 2007)
  • Anthony Hayes, of Lancashire (personal donation). (Registered 5 September 2007)
  • Muslim Friends of Labour. (Registered 13 September 2007)
  • GMB (Registered 13 November 2007)

Information gleaned from TheyWorkForYou, UK Polling Report and YourNextMP.

Knowledge is power but I could sure do with some ignorance right now.

Vote Labour, get the EU.

Of course, Her Wickedness will be re-elected on the back of her base vote, which are single parents and hard-done by NuBritons.  God damn Labour’s gerrymandering ways.

PR Dave | Hung parliament

17 04 2010

Proving once more that the Tory team are unfit for purpose.  Short of ideas and policies through the paralyzing fear of losing votes, simple soundbites and non-committal promises are dished out like candy.  Tiring of appeasement, Mr Cameron sure is firing both barrels and now trying to scare the electorate into voting Blue.

“A hung parliament would be a bunch of politicians haggling, not deciding. They’d be fighting for their own interests, not fighting for your interests. They wouldn’t be making long-term decisions for the country’s future, they’d be making short-term decisions for their own future.”

Perhaps a coalition government with short-term aims set out by the people would force the Establishment to rethink their positions, that is, if they wish to keep them.  For never have we suffered such a political rash brought on by rotted corruption.  At least in the past the common man and woman had a chance of fleeing for a new life in the colonies.  Today, we are the colonies!

Even Tory Ken Clarke is festering in the brown brigade extolling this pearl of wisdom.

“There would be a risk of another financial crisis if we had a hung Parliament.”

Our markets are ruined anyways, some jobs overvalued, others underpaid, investment converted into dividends, packed up and sent to China, toxic toy for return, the stench is overwhelming of the global money-go-round.

Personally, I want a hung parliament in every sense of the word.  The Bastards that Be have had plenty of time to reflect and repent, a purge of biblical proportions would not satisfy me in the pursuit of Corruptibles.  So Politically, the only representative I want that meets me halfway in my demands is the direct-democracy supporting BNP.

The real danger of a hung Parliament:

All three of them working together.

It took a team of Internationalists to subvert the British Isles, so it is only logical that a team of Nationalists would be the best medicine for our predicament.

And neither Brown, Clegg or Cameron can be described as Nationalists.

‘Flash’ Gordon | Not to be outdone

17 04 2010

Mr Brown must have read about PR Dave’s address to the Jewish contingent and so thought he better announce his own Big World Society plan.  Or course, anyone taught to be sane knows that there is no New World Order conspiracy controlled by secret societies.

That would be silly, as if those with the ability to buy entire parliaments would even dream perverting nation’s governments for personal benefit.

Gordon Brown sets out vision for global society

Gordon Brown set out his vision for a global society during a speech at the Open University headquarters in Milton Keynes as part of his series of election lectures.

By Rebecca Lefort, Telegraph.  Published: 4:56PM BST 17 Apr 2010

The Prime Minister was speaking to academics, international development campaigners and supporters.

He said he had a vision of creating a global institution to help reconstruct countries where civil society was broken; a global environmental organisation to tackle climate change; and a global financial system which serves the people.

He also said he wanted to provide more support to international development agencies. “What people say is impossible and beyond our reach can happen,” he said. Mr Brown used images of World War II, the Holocaust, Apartheid in South Africa, Ethiopia, Rwanda, the Balkans and the Congo to illustrate what he said was a continuing progression of worldwide values towards a more compassionate and ‘global society’.

He spoke of his own experience of visiting a 12-year-old orphan in Africa, saying: “There was simply no hope in her eyes,” and of his pride that the Labour government had helped 40 million children in developing countries access education.

Mr Brown talked about the vision of former American President John F Kennedy whose enthusiasm and determination spurred his country to the moon. Last week Tory leader David Cameron also referenced the iconic JFK during the Conservative’s campaign.

Although the focus was on international development issues Mr Brown also spoke about domestic issues and said the leaders’ debate had established the ‘choices of the election’.

“I believe that your jobs, your NHS, your schools, your policing, these are what are on the ballot paper when it comes to the election a few weeks from now,” he added. He said the Conservatives had made ‘strategic mistakes’ by ‘putting the recovery at risk’ and failing to realise the importance of public services to the electorate.

“It looks very much like the same old Conservative party with new public relations but similar policies to the past,” he said.

Forget about Labour’s benevolence in educating 40,000,000 turd worlders, the use of emotive propaganda that has little to do with Labour or Britain and the blatant orphan prop.  Let me highlight the man’s vision:

‘A global environmental organisation to tackle climate change; and a global financial system which serves the people.’

So much for any pretence of democracy.  If the Establishment Political Media Complex felt the need to deny us a vote on the revamped Lisbon Treaty, our chances of having a say in this lies in the coming election.