Ed West and Johnny Cruddas | A love story

6 12 2010

Miss West and Miss Cruddas share a romantic meal by the Thames at the world-renowned (and cheap compared to the Ritz) Harvey Nichols restaurant atop the London skyline, with fine own brand wines loosens the lips for a tantalising political broadside.  The result of this passionate affair is a quick person-promotion piece purporting to show Labour’s Old Skool MP John Cruddas as the second coming…  yet fails spectacularly.

The man who wants to save Labour’s soul

The Church fell out with Labour under Blair. Catholic MP Jon Cruddas speaks about why the people’s party lost its faith

Considering the above is in the little known Catholic Herald, Mr West sought to promote the article via his Telegraph blog, where after reading the following section, I could punch John on the nose;

“The far-Right party has always warned that Barking and Dagenham would end up with the same demographics as neighbouring Newham or Tower Hamlets.

Funnily enough, when I suggested this would happen to Cruddas, he replied simply: “I agree.” We were talking about the effects of people being driven out of inner London by housing benefits changes, but it’s hard to deny the biggest cause of this change will be Labour’s immigration policy.

Still, at least they won’t have to worry about the BNP in Barking and Dagenham for very long.”

Yeah, sure John and Ed, the benefit changes are to be blamed for the ever-increasing White Flight…  even though White Flight is 30 years older than the not-yet-implemented Benefit Reforms and was a reaction to mass importation of anything and everything alien moving next-door…   some people have their heads shoved so far up their own rear ends, I’m surprised they can’t smell the shite they proclaim.

And the last line from Mr West;  If the borough becomes another Tower Hamlets mini-Islamic Republic, of course he won’t, he’ll be swapped for a Muslim then parachuted into another Labour Donkey safe-zone.

The comment section is well worth the read if just to reassure yourself that you’re not the only one fuming at this fawning attempt.  In fact, I think I spent more time reading well-versed retorts than I did reading Ed’s bullcrapping articles.  And to think I used to look up to you Ed?  Whoring yourself out for a little extra coin…  times must be tough.

Kudos to a fellow patriot for the head’s up.



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