Wow | White Briton outnumbered by 2066

18 11 2010

So said some soon to be deemed racist from a little university of hate in Oxford according to the Teletubbygraph.  Kudos to a compatriot for the nudge otherwise I would have missed it considering that I have been scanning the opportunity/misery pages for employment most of my online time so have been neglecting my leisure time, wouldn’t want you all thinking you’re fully subsidising my time for mindless twaddle.

White Britons to become minority by 2066

White Britons will be outnumbered by 2066 if the rate of immigration continues, researchers have claimed.

By Laura Roberts 7:19AM GMT 18 Nov 2010

Foreign workers will “change national identity” according to a population expert, unless the flow of immigration is dealt with.

The white British-born community (defined as English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish-born citizens) will fall to less than half of the overall population in just over 50 years.

The warning from Professor David Coleman, from Oxford University, comes ahead of an announcement today by the Migration Advisory Board of its recommendation for the proposed immigration cap for people outside the EU.

Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that if immigration remains at a long-term rate of around 180,000 a year the proportion of the white British-born population will fall from 80 per cent to 59 per cent by 2051.

In that time the white immigrant population will have risen from four to 10 per cent and ethnic minority population from 16 to 31 per cent.

Writing in Prospect magazine, Prof Coleman wrote: “On those assumptions the ‘white British’ population would decline to 45 million by 2051.

“Were the assumptions to hold, the ‘white British’ population of Britain would become the minority after about 2066. It’s a milestone that would be passed much earlier in younger age groups.”

He said this would “represent an enormous change to national identity – cultural, political, economic and religious”.

The Coalition Government has pledged to reduce net immigration and proposed a cap on non-EU immigrants.

Businesses, however, have complained this could hamper their competitiveness to attract the best candidates globally.

However, Prof Coleman went on to say that even if net immigration was reduced to 80,000 a year white Britons would still be outnumbered by 2080.

He said the transition of white Britons to a minority was likely to be “unwelcome” following opposition from the general public to high immigration.

Hate to break the news to my fellow Britons, but vast swaths of English lands are already overwhelmingly occupied by the foreign hordes that it is inevitable.  The light that once was Britain shall forever be shaded and there is nothing gentlemanly we can actually do about it.

Great Britain?  More like Damned Britain – well on Her way to becoming a multiracial, multicultural, sectarian society at the mercy of the demented factions that pose as masses.

Judas had more pride than the souls that have sold us down the river.

Recommendation | And a waffle

27 10 2010

What did you do in the war Daddy? is a take on an old WW2 call-up campaign and a very good one at that.  Also, I cannot recommend the following book enough.  Aldous “the only universe you power over is your own” Huxley, alleged Mason, Satanist, the lot, wonderful dystopian/utopian novel;  Brave New World.

If there is a plan, and there surely is, fail to prepare, prepare to fail an’ all that, then I think the unintended result whatever the original intentions will probably resemble something like this book.  Efficiency is key to survival, it is what separates the species and the individual alike.  How we can overcome nature’s temperament and beasts is due mainly to our ability to communicate and work as a team working from the same gameplan.

Every human being is capable of being a cog, and in the past, great personal sacrifices were made unwillingly but necessarily so others could perhaps enjoy another minute of life.  The social revolution of the late Victorian, Early Edwardian age was true progress.  After the war, every gift given has been a poisoned chalice, from the ‘free at the point of service’ NHS to the ‘free for all’  State Education.  ‘The mass replacement of cheaper cogs to plug up the gaps due to the killing fields in Europe and beyond was regressive.

Some human beings are born leaders, and I don’t mean the big-eared inbred nobility that have avoided the axe, I’m talking about your Horatios and Drakes.  A few become legends, King Arthur and Robin Hood to name but two, and to ensure the ladies don’t feel underrepresented, Britain’s Pagan Saint Boudicca.

Other human beings can be a nuisance but in the most part bearable.  A few have their moment in the sun, Edward Teach and Dick Turpin from our dark past yet we survived their thievery.  Some are despatched by the gallows while some don’t but justice has always been a fickle mistress.

Yet there are those with dark souls and darker hearts (baby-eating Satanists) who just cannot help themselves but be bad.  Many probably began with the most modest of intentions and just saw a hole that needed to be filled.  Then again, perhaps they were responsible for the hole in the first place???

The birth of thinking man spawned the geo-political hydra we see today.  Probably started with a few tribal heads at first yet with the wonders of modern gizmos and gadgets, has grown into the miliary-style ‘help the world‘ brigade we possess today.  Filled with the likes of the United Nations, NATO, European Union, United Kingdom and various extra admin zones, the African Congress, the Islamic one, the <insert cause here> Lobby Groups and the billions of idiots who think blindly that clap their hands in applause cos they’re getting something for nothing.

There’s always a catch though.  Always.

Links | Communist UAF & White Pride

29 08 2010

Two posts I’ll like to promote that was brought to my attention from a compatriot.  The first is in regards to the fascistic tendencies of the leftarded front group for all things multicultural, so long as it ain’t White, the oxymoronic named Unite Against Fascism (so long as it ain’t Islamic or Communist fascism).  The next is in regards to the blatant hypocrisy the Vanguards of the multiCULTural nightmare/dream (depending on perspective).

The Truth about Communism and the Communist UAF by Silly Kuffar from the Wigan Patriot blog, which includes an excellent video of UAF’s lead scumbag Martin Smith showing his true colours (and they’re not red, white and blue).


An Important Message to All White People consists of a video outlining the double standards when it comes to pride from the Bolton Patriot blogsite.

That is all.