Wow | White Briton outnumbered by 2066

18 11 2010

So said some soon to be deemed racist from a little university of hate in Oxford according to the Teletubbygraph.  Kudos to a compatriot for the nudge otherwise I would have missed it considering that I have been scanning the opportunity/misery pages for employment most of my online time so have been neglecting my leisure time, wouldn’t want you all thinking you’re fully subsidising my time for mindless twaddle.

White Britons to become minority by 2066

White Britons will be outnumbered by 2066 if the rate of immigration continues, researchers have claimed.

By Laura Roberts 7:19AM GMT 18 Nov 2010

Foreign workers will “change national identity” according to a population expert, unless the flow of immigration is dealt with.

The white British-born community (defined as English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish-born citizens) will fall to less than half of the overall population in just over 50 years.

The warning from Professor David Coleman, from Oxford University, comes ahead of an announcement today by the Migration Advisory Board of its recommendation for the proposed immigration cap for people outside the EU.

Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that if immigration remains at a long-term rate of around 180,000 a year the proportion of the white British-born population will fall from 80 per cent to 59 per cent by 2051.

In that time the white immigrant population will have risen from four to 10 per cent and ethnic minority population from 16 to 31 per cent.

Writing in Prospect magazine, Prof Coleman wrote: “On those assumptions the ‘white British’ population would decline to 45 million by 2051.

“Were the assumptions to hold, the ‘white British’ population of Britain would become the minority after about 2066. It’s a milestone that would be passed much earlier in younger age groups.”

He said this would “represent an enormous change to national identity – cultural, political, economic and religious”.

The Coalition Government has pledged to reduce net immigration and proposed a cap on non-EU immigrants.

Businesses, however, have complained this could hamper their competitiveness to attract the best candidates globally.

However, Prof Coleman went on to say that even if net immigration was reduced to 80,000 a year white Britons would still be outnumbered by 2080.

He said the transition of white Britons to a minority was likely to be “unwelcome” following opposition from the general public to high immigration.

Hate to break the news to my fellow Britons, but vast swaths of English lands are already overwhelmingly occupied by the foreign hordes that it is inevitable.  The light that once was Britain shall forever be shaded and there is nothing gentlemanly we can actually do about it.

Great Britain?  More like Damned Britain – well on Her way to becoming a multiracial, multicultural, sectarian society at the mercy of the demented factions that pose as masses.

Judas had more pride than the souls that have sold us down the river.

WTF News | Official: Lenny Henry Scares Kids

24 03 2010

Today the Advertising Standards Authority has confirmed that Auntie Beeb’s comedian Lenny Henry’s “aggressive behaviour” and “menacing tone” was likely to “frighten and distress younger children”.  No mention that he is about as funny as the plague and hurts my ears but at least our children won’t have to suffer from the sight and sounds of Lenny’s antics as the ASA have banned any mention of Lenny until after the watershed.

So we still have some way to go before we are all safe but it is a start…

Lenny Henry hotel advertisement ‘too scary’

An advert starring Lenny Henry and parodying horror film The Shining has been banned during children’s programming on the grounds that it is too scary.

Published: 2:45AM GMT 24 Mar 2010

In other ‘WTF News’, Gordon Brown is asked whether he fancies Peter Mandelson by veteran political pink reporter, Martin Popplewell.  No, really.  Forget about the economy, Europe, War on Terror, what everyone really wanted to know is what Gordon likes.

Gordon Brown is asked about a homosexual relationship with Lord Mandelson

Gordon Brown is asked by a magazine for homosexuals whether he would like a relationship with Lord Mandelson.

By Tim Walker.  Published: 10:04PM GMT 23 Mar 2010

Gordon, Peter and the rest of the Whores in Parliament are not gay, straight or asexual, they are all raging nymphomaniacs who love nothing more than screwing Britain!  Could say they each deserve a private cell with all the other like-minded people in HMP Broadmoor, for they pose a serious danger to every Briton’s sanity.

Days like these and I wished I had a Tomahawk Missile handy.  Nothing says’ “feck off” like two-tonnes of high-explosive.

No-visa, No-fee way into Britain

25 02 2010

Enticing would-be burdens onto an already overcrowded island with State handouts and first-world facilities is one thing, to allow a company of lawyers to actually pander to criminals is a different thing altogether.  Most probably thinking of that cherished legal aid pot more than any humane thoughts of affection.

Procol & Candor is a West London based firm of solicitors, who specialise in Immigration Law. Founded in 2002, Procol & Candor pride themselves on their ‘No Visa No Fee’ policy and their passion for helping people from all walks of life. Whether you’re outside the EEA (European Economic Area) wishing to come and live in the UK, or whether you’re hoping to extend your existing visa in the UK, or perhaps you’re here illegally and wish to regularise your status, contact Procol & Candor now to book your free first consultation. All calls and consultations are confidential and we won’t pass your details on to anyone else.

Illegal immigrants are criminals and the sooner they are dealt with as such, the sooner Britain would stop seeming like Wonderland.  Kudos to a fellow compatriot for highlighting a perfect example that proves Our Laws should not be made by Lawyers. Don’t believe me, have a gander at the Law Society website.

The Law Society represents solicitors in England and Wales. From negotiating with and lobbying the profession’s regulators, government and others, to offering training and advice, we’re here to help, protect and promote solicitors across England and Wales.

In one paragraph explaining that this ‘Club’ lobbies Parliament.  And seeing as the MORE laws made, the MORE business for their members, I doubt they will risk their money-go-round.  Them arguing for less laws would be like turkeys voting for christmas or the modern equivalent, Britons voting Establishment.

Probably one of the places we went wrong as Nationalists.  Us Britons should have started a Lobby Group of our own a long time ago with a dozen Landowners taking our lead.  The Magna Carter was made by the Dukes on behalf of their subjects, not some plastic celebrity or career politician.  Her Majesty has already won so the House of Windsor are no help to us.  For too long our Consitutional Servants have been in power, with many open to the highest bidder.  And unless we have a lobby voicing our concern, splashing the cash and grabbing the headlines, we’ll continue to be at a terrible disadvantage.

Something along the lines of “Our British Taxation Society”, representing all those who have the displeasure of paying taxes.  Surely an honest solicitor and just as honest accountant could help form an organisation.  With such a team we could lawfully siphons some cash from the Public Purse to pursue our goals.  Now you know the reason I said a dozen Landowners, wouldn’t want a ‘charmer’ entrusted with our Kingdoms’ fate and fortune.

Every other ‘Special Interest’ has one, be it the Corporate Gods of Media, Military or Industry, the dreaded Union Mobsters, those ‘kill-urself-save-the-planet’ Eco-Squads or just good old-fashioned Dodgy Characters of dubious background, each able to manipulate the system to their advantage by forming their own Lobbying Groups.  Some even have their claws deep in the Political Parties, one only has to check the donation register to see the wanabe powerbrokers.  This is an idea for minds of greater wisdom and ability than my own to ponder.  That and I’ve got work soon.  Someone has to keep this nation on its feet.

Welcome to Britain, feel free to take the piss

I’ve heard Gordon Brown gets two shits in the post per week.

What I want to know is whose sending the other one?

Twenty-Ten DamNation: WTF?

5 01 2010

£28,000,000 wasted on legal aid for asylum seekers.I guess this is what “enriching Britain I mean, I don’t mind paying the odd £70 cargo ticket to send em back but to finance their case to stay here?  Come on?  Is everything so damn’d crooked?  I don’t care if it works out as £700 per person, that is still £28m being spent on people who shouldn’t even be here.  Britain is not a refugee camp.  The only reason people come here is for the indoor toilets and free healthcare.  It isn’t the weather, damn, I’d emigrate to warmer climes if somewhere had free social.  It isn’t our culture, they do keep their own afterall.  It isn’t to benefit the economy, earning money to send home to build a farm isn’t in the long-term interests of Britain no matter what the feel-good factor.  It isn’t to flee persecution, otherwise the asylum seeker would stop in the neighbouring nation.

It is simply because we’re a first-world nation and our Polichickens let them take the piss.

Take for instance one of NuGov’s Top Cops (God help us) encouraging would-be migrants of the Rights they could enjoy if they can wiggle in.  Sir Hugh Orde, president of the Common Purpose infected Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) expressed the view that Islam4UK has a democratic right to march and sprout “Regime Change” rhetoric through Wootton Bassett.  Let me remind you that Islam4UK wants Sharia Law in the UK, effectively calling for Regime Change.  Last time I looked, that was treason, a hanging offence,  or at least exile if we must be humane.

The alternative is we ‘police’ him and his motley crew at great expense, knowing that the more we leave him, the more encouraged his mad followers will become so this needs to be nipped in the bud.

What I perceive to be happening is that the Bastards that Be want them to flower, spreading more ‘division’ needing more ‘control’ meaning more ‘£££’ to be spent.  And so the political mediocrity economic palaver continues, trampling the many to provide the luxury to the few.  Whoopee-fecking-do!

Do I even need to remind you to vote BNP?

“I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had, during my time here.  It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you aren’t actually mammals.  Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with its surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply, and multiply until every natural resource is consumed.  The only way you can survive is to spread to another area.  There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern.  Do you know what it is?  A virus.  Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet…”