EU | The New Law of the Land

12 03 2010

Losing a translator is the least of our worries if the Bastards that Be enact this dastardly agreement.  With the Eunification Project complete, the Commission is now busying itself ensuring their hold over the European peoples with the long arm of the law, us Britons included.

Once they have the power of ‘arrest’ and the legal right to extradite ‘EU citizens’ to wherever the ‘offence’ allegedly took place, it will only be a matter of time before we see ‘fit-ups’ resulting in modern-day gulags appearing in certain ‘out of the way’ lands.

Britons arrested abroad will lose the right to a translator

Bruno Waterfield in Brussels.  Published: 8:00PM GMT 12 Mar 2010

Britons arrested in Europe will not have the right to demand a full translation of the charges they are facing, under proposals supported by the government.

Britain has backed plans to “dilute” the rights of its citizens when extradited or caught up in criminal proceedings in other European countries.

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe has accused Britain, which represents one million European lawyers, is concerned because the right to translation has been limited to only “essential” documents – a “formula which is too vague and open to abuse”.

Under EU legislation, British courts must allow a European Arrest Warrant extradition to take place even if there are concerns about the standards of justice in the country that they are being sent to.

But in a letter, seen by The Daily Telegraph, Britain has joined a group of 13 other governments which are trying to dilute the legislation.

Britain has also supported a loophole that would allow a suspect to give up his rights without a lawyer present and without any written evidence, a move that could easily allow police officers to ignore the translation requirements altogether.

A British government spokesman denied the watered-down proposals fall below EU human rights standards. “It is only a proposal and negotiations are not yet over,” he said.

A new EU-Britain borders agreement that enters into force next month means that the number of people sent to face justice overseas will treble.

Under Schengen Information II rules anyone who has a European Arrest Warrant issued against them will be automatically taken into custody.

The British Establishment have schemed behind closed-doors making deals that sell our not only our sovereignty but our very freedoms.  Freedoms that took centuries to obtain, leading up to the year we gained the vote.  And ever since, the Establishment has been trying to undermine our God-given freedoms.

Nationalism saves Nations.  Internationalism enslaves them.