Links | Communist UAF & White Pride

29 08 2010

Two posts I’ll like to promote that was brought to my attention from a compatriot.  The first is in regards to the fascistic tendencies of the leftarded front group for all things multicultural, so long as it ain’t White, the oxymoronic named Unite Against Fascism (so long as it ain’t Islamic or Communist fascism).  The next is in regards to the blatant hypocrisy the Vanguards of the multiCULTural nightmare/dream (depending on perspective).

The Truth about Communism and the Communist UAF by Silly Kuffar from the Wigan Patriot blog, which includes an excellent video of UAF’s lead scumbag Martin Smith showing his true colours (and they’re not red, white and blue).


An Important Message to All White People consists of a video outlining the double standards when it comes to pride from the Bolton Patriot blogsite.

That is all.

In Defence | Social Housing

11 08 2010

Everyone likes to bash the Social Housing provided by the Council, some are against the very idea of it, others don’t like the dampness caused by idiotic neighbours who don’t know that washing machines not only take water in but also dishes it out.  Personally, I grew up as a Council tenant and once, I would have said I was proud and hopeful of carrying on the tradition.

For two reasons.

Firstly, to pay money to the Local Council instead of some private landlord has the benefit of being public knowledge.  At least I can be outraged when I find out that Southwark Council are renting offices on Tooley Street owned by HSBC to the tune of £5m per year.  Haven’t even mentioned the fact the lease is for five years.  £25m for offices.  Now, if I was paying it to some private landlord, how would I know if he was blowing all my cash on coke and whores?  Sure it might not be my business what he does with his money but him having a good time doesn’t keep ‘my’ area nice, does it?

Secondly, it’s cheaper and safer dealing with an accountable Council than it is with a wandering landlord.  If Southwark Council wish to force their way into my home, they need to get a Court to issue a warrant, no easy feat unless Old Bill are involved.  Yet all our private landlord needs to do is wait till we go work and use his/her spare key.

Now why I used to be proud and hopeful.

The pride once felt for the community spirit died when my community died.  Employment worries and the enrichment process took its toll.  Both aided and abetted by a system of alienation supported and enforced by my very own Government.

And how can I, as a White Male Briton (WMB), ever compete with some pregnant African Zulu princess with a sob story full of oppression and despair for a chance at having my own gaff?  I can’t.  Unless I go to drastic lengths like jail or the loonybin, and no Council house would be worth that.  Well, perhaps the one those Somalis got but that isn’t a guarantee.  So that is my lack of hope explained.

Personally, I just think this is a British ‘Government’, which remember, is the Country for the time being, wanting to shake off more of Her responsibilities.  “Passing the buck” is the American term for it.  Now before you try to sink my battleship, it is the duty of a nation’s government to address the needs of Her inhabitants.  Basic needs first and foremost, food, water and shelter.  That is it.

Now of course, with the willy-washing brigade of do-gooders getting involved, flatscreen TVs and iCrap has been thrown into the mix, leaving a stale taste for those who perceives themselves holding the bill.  But to deny the poorest Britons, most where they are not through a lack of trying but a lack of podium positions available, access to affordable and clean housing is exactly the reason for Council Housing.

Hundred odd years ago, Londoners especially, lived in the most squalid conditions known to man.  Chorea, pox and other nasties infested the overcrowded rooms that made a home then.  These conditions shocked many good souls, motivating people like Lord Peabody to throw his weight behind a social housing project, with the simple goal of improving the standard of living of their fellow kin.

Before that and the reason for the shocking housing conditions provided was the great influx into the cities.  Once again, this was down to the Landed Gentry transporting their pleb workers from the mlls and fields in their country estates to their toxic factories into borough council built estates.  More economical to keep the work, thus workforce, in one place.

Jumping back to today, our kin having been sidelined by the British piss-takers along with those needier NuBritons who wash up on our shores, the resentment against subsidised housing has probably grown sufficiently enough that soon all Britons, even the newer ones will suffer.  Of course with more and more machines and more and more cheap turd worlders, there is less and less need ungrateful natives to man the posts.

Alas, once the Government wipes Her hands clean of housing, do you honestly think that the ‘private sector’ will give a hoot about ‘affordable housing’, ‘community’ or even continuing local improvements?  More bloody likely we have a return to Oliver Twist!

Still pessimistic, still got a toothache, still hard grafting at work… etc etc

DeMOCKracy | The GTC

2 06 2010

For those who don’t know, the soon-to-be extinct GTC stands for General Teaching Council, which sadly/gladly is being resigned to the dustbin by the new ConDem Coalition.  The reasons given are short and swift apart from a long rant about the failure of the organisation to nail Mr Adam Walker to the cross.

“…this government wants to trust professionals – not busybody and patronise them.

“But when professionals do dishonour the vocation of teaching, action needs to be taken.

“And when the GTCE was recently asked to rule on a BNP teacher who had posted poisonous filth on an extremist website they concluded that his description of immigrants as animals wasn’t racist so he couldn’t be struck off.

“We need new proposals to ensure that extremism has no place in our classrooms and the bodies that have failed to protect us in the past cannot be the answer in the future.”

For those that need reminding, why not visit the BBC and see a nice biased conclusion of events and possibly the hidden reason for the GTC’s coming demise.  With such a slanted worded introduction and a classic ending shows that the Beeb just cannot help themselves.  Absolutely loved how Auntie Beeb made a dash for the anti-democratic protestors at the end of the clip.

Conditioning the nation 100% dandruff-proof.  Only problem is the amount of bullcrap that accompanies it.

Afghanistan | 13th Century

24 05 2010

Dr Liam Fox, Condem Coalition Defence Secretary:  “We are not in Afghanistan for the sake of the education policy in a broken 13th-century country. We are there so the people of Britain and our global interests are not threatened.

Afghan sources in reply to above comments, unnamed of course but this is the Times:  “His view appears to be that Afghanistan has not changed since the 13th century and it implies that Afghanistan is a tribal and medieval society.

“Despite the sacrifices of British soldiers and the massive support of the British Government we do not feel that there is a mutual respect. His remarks show a lack of trust.”

The source added: “We see Britain as still a colonial, orientalist and racist country that they should have this view. Dr Fox really believes what he said, and he is not alone. London and Kabul must move on or things will be more difficult.

I’ll leave it as that so you can make up your own mind.

BNP | McCarthy style witch-hunts

22 05 2010

I was going to report that binmen in Rotherhite had suspected the letters’ “B/P” written on the top of recycling bins meant the resident was a BNP supporter and reported this ‘orrible offence to their supervisor.  Said super has a chinwag with the occupier of the property finding out that the markings were innocent reminders of the recycling order.

And even after being told the above, the super still offers to swap the ‘offending‘ boxes to avoid further confusion which the occupier rightly refuses and categorically states that although he is not a supporter of the party, even if he were, what business is it to the council?

But alas, Simon Darby beat me to it so will instead bring you the tale of Gary Marsden I’Anson, a victim of a witch-hunt McCarthy would be proud of.  First the background with the help of an HR website, HeadOffice (23/04/2010):

A former employee of West Yorkshire Police who writes controversial right-wing songs in his spare time has brought a claim for unfair dismissal against the force.

Gary Marsden I’Anson was sacked from his job as a police imaging officer in February 2009 over alleged links with the British National Party (BNP) and for using work time to produce far-right DVDs, the Yorkshire Evening Post reports.

Mr I’Anson is a singer-songwriter who performs in front of a Union Jack and has published lyrics expressing right-wing views.

However, he has denied claims his material is racist and also told the tribunal he never used police time to work on his promotional CDs and DVDs.

The 48-year-old said: “I did not steal one minute of police time because I am not a thief.

“I have been discriminated against because I have celebrated my culture and heritage. The police didn’t like it full stop.”

David Jones, representing the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, said profits from a website run by Mr I’Anson were used to fund BNP activities.

What the above fails to mention is that Mr I’Anson was arrested for the alleged offence of being involved with the BNP.  In any other country this would be classed as political persecution would it not?

Excluding people from society because of their religious, cultural or political beliefs is immoral is it not?  Or is this an acceptable price to pay for Liberty?  Only being allowed to join the Inner Party if you are a supporter of the Centralist Establishment Parties, otherwise it is a life as a prole that beckons.

Leeds racism row singer loses unfair dismissal claim against police

Yorkshire Evening Post.  Published Date: 21 May 2010

A racism row singer fired from his day job with West Yorkshire Police has lost his claim for unfair dismissal.

Gary Marsden I’Anson, of Morley, was arrested and sacked over his alleged association with the British National Party and for using work time to compile right-wing CDs and DVDs for his rock band Anglo Saxon.

The police imaging officer of 23 years claimed West Yorkshire Police unfairly dismissed and discriminated against him.

But an employment tribunal in Leeds has ruled against Mr I’Anson.

Deputy Chief Constable David Crompton said: “This case was significantly aggravated by the fact that force computers were being used in order to generate material which was clearly supportive of the BNP and which had content that was unquestionably contrary to the aims and values of the force.”

Now jobless Mr I’Anson, 48, said: “It’s a sad day for freedom of speech, artistic expression, liberty, democracy and human rights. It is a good day for political correctness.”

Mr I’Anson denies any political links to the BNP and says he is not racist but an ‘anti-terrorist patriot.’

He said police were “talking nonsense” over claims he is associated with the BNP.

In 2007 Mr I’Anson was arrested on suspicion of possession of written material with intent to incite racial hatred. He denied any wrongdoing and no charges were brought.

After being suspended on full pay he was eventually sacked in February 2009, after a two-year investigation.

Listen hear Mr Crompton, the aims and values of the Police Force are simple, it is to deter crime and be incorruptible.  It is not to be the Government’s political enforcer.  You are paid to uphold the law, not waste two years perverting it.  Two years for Christ’s sake!?

Where were you when our Politicians were busying themselves signing away our sovereignty?  Where were you when our Thin Blue Line executed an innocent man in Stockwell?  Where were you when our grannies and our kids were being robbed, assaulted and killed?

I tell you where, you were investigating a political motivated catch-all ‘hate’ crime for two bloody years!

God.  Mad.  Funeral Pyres.

Blighted | Law = Ass

19 05 2010

The lunatics are now literally running the asylum.  In the fear of upsetting the accused, Judges are being reprimanded for the pettiest of remarks that sadly, due to the insistence of some groups to play up to their stereotypes, is the general perception among the majority of Britons.

Take for example the blatant misuse of our resources to house and feed those migrants who come here under the most dubious of circumstances.  Although for every piss-taker living the life of Riley at Blighty’s expense there might be ten thousand taxpayer Samaritans of the same ethnicity, sexuality or other ‘super special need’, it isn’t those that end up splashed across our newspapers.

Hence another man of the law being hauled over the coals for the perceived offence of causing offence.

Judge criticised for ‘immigrants exploiting benefits’ comment

By Daily Mail Reporter.  Last updated at 8:53 PM on 18th May 2010

A Crown Court judge has been disciplined for saying that hundreds of thousands of immigrants come to Britain to get benefits.

Judge Ian Trigger was given an official rebuke over remarks about the UK’s ‘completely lax immigration policy’, which he made when jailing an illegal immigrant drug dealer for two years.

It was one of the last decisions by Labour former justice secretary Jack Straw, who until last week policed judicial behaviour with the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge.

They said Judge Trigger made ‘an inappropriate judicial intervention in the political process’. His criticism of immigration policy was ‘wholly unrelated’ to the case of the Jamaican drug dealer he was sentencing last July.

Lucien McClearley came to Britain as a tourist in 2001 and claimed asylum when his visa ran out.

The defendant was arrested in October 2002 when the visa ran out but he claimed asylum and was released while it was being processed.

This claim was rejected in 2004, but he stayed in Britain without any interference from the authorities until February 2009, when police stopped a car he was driving and smelt cannabis.

McClearley admitted taking a vehicle without consent, possessing cannabis and cocaine, possessing a class B drug with intent and two counts of possessing false identity documents.

McClearley, who was 31 at the time, was jailed for two years on July 28, 2009.

Sentencing him at the time at Liverpool Crown Court, Judge Trigger said: ‘Your case illustrates all too clearly the completely lax immigration policy that exists and has existed over recent years.

‘People like you, and there are literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people like you, come to these shores to avail themselves of the generous welfare benefits that exist here.

‘In the past 10 years the national debt of this country has risen to extraordinary heights, largely because central government has wasted billions of pounds. Much of that has been wasted on welfare payments.

‘For every £1 that the decent citizen, who is hard-working, pays in taxes, nearly 10 per cent goes on servicing that national debt.

‘That is twice the amount it was in 1997 when this Government came to power.’

The controversial comments sparked an investigation which resulted in today’s criticism.

Judge Trigger has ‘received formal advice’ from Lord Judge, in effect a slap on the wrist.

A spokesman for the judiciary said: ‘His Honour Judge Trigger has received formal advice from the Lord Chief Justice following an investigation into comments he made in open court during the sentencing of Lucien McClearley.

‘The investigation found, and the Lord Chief Justice agreed, that Judge Trigger’s comments were wholly unrelated to any of the issues which arose for consideration in his sentencing decision, and represented an inappropriate judicial intervention in the political process.’

Instead of tackling the root cause of these stereotypes, all the Establishment seem to be interested in doing is changing our perception to these social groups, and failing that, chastise those who would make it public record that not everyone is happy about the Multicultural Dream imposed upon us.

The truth will set you free.

We hae been lied to for so long and if the above is correct, every lie we let the Establishment get away with is another shackle tied to our sovereign liberties.

The Establishment | Told ya so

18 05 2010

The only reason the ‘orrible British National Party was kept out of the running was due to the Establishment colluding and conniving, pooling all resources into a well-oiled machine simply to keep the Nationalists out.

The Wicked Witch of Peckham, Harriet Harperson, on her first speech in Parliament as acting Labour Leader of the ‘Official’ Opposition confirms the unity of the Establishment:

“We all have our differences in this House but all of us are united in being very, very, pleased and relieved that there is nowhere on these green benches a member of the British National Party.”

Not bothered about losing the election, less fussed about the ConDem Coalition, just once again, implying that the elected Parliamentarians only job is to keep the Nationalists at bay.

Put simply, the State have openly encouraged and directed outright hatred towards anyone who opposed their social engineering agenda to such an extent, that the Lie has become Big enough to be believed.

Twenty million deluded turkeys voted for this shitefest.  Twenty poxy million!

With a stat like that, how can any sane Englishman, Welshman, Scotsman, Irishman, in fact, anyone on this planet with half a brain cell have hope in the future?

20,000,000 plus voted for thieves, cheats, liars, murderers, fraudsters, perverts and pimps.

BNP | More nails for Mr Wayne Brown

16 05 2010

The Mail are busying themselves in demonizing Wayne Brown for ‘racially motivated’ comments regarding immigration – well d’uh, people from other countries are different racially but leaving that glaringly obvious point aside – rather than actually voting for the BNP.  Probably due to the fact that it is not ILLEGAL to vote BNP, in fact, it is protected and enshrined in the Cherie’s ‘orrible money-spinning Human Rights Act.

So it wasn’t enough to imply that Mr Brown had simply expressed his voting choice, it needed to be highlighted that he did so, according to the sensationalist Mail, in a racist manner:

“Having returned to the dressing room after training, where a discussion was taking place between a group of players about the election results, Brown first told a stunned, racially mixed group of players that he had voted for the BNP.

He was met with a volley of protest. But rather than defusing the situation, the player, born in Barking where BNP leader Nick Griffin was wiped out in the election by Labour’s Margaret Hodge, and the party lost all its council seats, launched into an abuse attack on against ethnic minorities whom he claimed were ‘killing this country’.”

Wow!  It was not what he said but the way he said it.

This Public Execution of Wayne demonstrating his Human Rights is to serve as a warning to others who dare oppose the Globalists’ Multicultural Big Society that there are worst things in life than death.  More

See this as evidence that we do not live in a free and democratic nation but one where the morals and duties have been cultivated by those with the most political and economical might to produce certain conditions for certain solutions.  And if the NuBritons believe they will inherit the spoils, they are more deluded than our own foolish kin who voted Establishment.

There are only two classes, the Ruling Class and the underclass.  You pay taxes, you’re part of the underclass.  Even footballers.